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On 2nd anniversary of Singapore Summit, North Korea plans to build up military

On 2nd anniversary of Singapore Summit, North Korea plans to build up military

North Korea also plans to cut communication lines with the South.

Two years ago, President Donald Trump met with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un in Singapore, with a hope to better relations and the goal of denuclearizing the Korean peninsula.

However, the rogue nation has decided to commemorate the anniversary with an announcement that it plans to build up its military.

In a statement carried by the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), Foreign Minister Ri Son-gon said the North would never again gift U.S. President Trump with high-profile meetings and concessions he could boast of as foreign policy achievements unless it “receives something substantial.”

Ri said the North would instead build up its military force “to counter U.S. threats.”

The statement comes after Pyongyang began ratcheting up its rhetoric and measures against both Seoul and Washington. This week, it severed all official cross-border communication lines with the South, and threatened to disrupt the U.S. presidential election in November if Washington did not stay out of inter-Korean affairs.

“The question is whether there will be a need to keep holding hands shaken in Singapore, as we see that there is nothing of factual improvement to be made in the DPRK-U.S. relations simply by maintaining personal relations between our supreme leadership and the U.S. President,” Ri said. “Never again will we provide the U.S. chief executive with another package to be used for achievements without receiving any returns.

There are additional disturbing signs that North Korea is isolating itself even further. North Korean officials say they will sever all communications with South Korea after days of angry rhetoric over leaflets being sent across its border by defectors.

Pyongyang will cut communication lines at the inter-Korean liaison office at the border city of Kaesong, as well as military and presidential hotlines at noon local time on Tuesday, the report by Korean Central News Agency said.

“We have reached a conclusion that there is no need to sit face to face with the [S]outh Korean authorities and there is no issue to discuss with them, as they have only aroused our dismay,” the report said.

North Korean officials have repeatedly expressed outrage in recent days over information leaflets floated on balloons by defectors in South Korea.

These developments may point to worsening conditions in North Korea, which may stem party from COVID-19. While North Korea declares itself essentially coronavirus-free, signs indicate that its food supply has been impacted.

The North Korean government of Kim Jong Un has not officially confirmed any cases of coronavirus. However, in late January, North Korea closed its border with China, essentially ending trade between the two countries.

U.N. Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in North Korea Tomas Ojea Quintana says the action has exacerbated the food crisis and deepened economic hardships facing North Koreans.

He says an increasing number of families eat only twice a day and some are starving. Even soldiers, he says, reportedly are suffering from food shortages. But he expresses particular concern about thousands of people in secretive political prison camps. He says many reportedly are dying because of hard work and lack of food, contagious diseases and overcrowding.


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Assume anything Kim does is China attempting to gain leverage in one direction or the other.

Perhaps if we ignore Hong Kong, they’ll make Kim come back to the bargaining table, for example.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to clintack. | June 14, 2020 at 2:21 pm

    Hong Kong is worth saving, North Korea is not. How about working over North Korea, a disposable country, as a way of sending China a message about Hong Kong?


China runs North Korea, not anyone else.

SpaceInvader | June 13, 2020 at 6:12 pm

I don’t know what to do. If I was in charge, I would have nuked North Korea years ago when they first developed a nuke and threatened to do a first strike against the US.

    You get at North Korea through China.

    It’s an interesting thought: China may have pulled the rug out from Fat Boy because he got too chummy with PDJT.

    China is the enemy. But it has infiltrated and bought much of our country.

    There is but one way out: untangle China’s tentacles from our nation.

    But to untangle China’s tentacles, we have to first reveal the traitors and seditionists inside America and punish them to the maximum extent of the law.

    To reveal the traitors and seditionaists inside America, we need a top law enforcement officer willing to do so.

    In Sessions, we had a rat: he proved to be a China tool.

    In Barr, we have a slow-walker, who is proving to be as big a China tool as Sessions.

    In our political party, we have too many Sessions and Barrs.

    Until we clean house in our political party, we’re stuck with China’s tentacles around our necks.

    Sometimes you can’t excise a disease, and the patient will die.

    The GOP is too diseased. We need to let it die and form a new political party. It happens time to time. Remember the Whigs, replaced by the Republican Party of Linclon?

This is what scares me, it’s only a soft coup till the military shows up and they are NOT out there supporting President Trump…

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