Oberlin College loses appeal in suit by expelled male student, case reinstated
Oberlin College’s “100 percent responsibility rate—in cases where most if not all the respondents were male—supports an inference regarding bias in the hearings themselves”

It has been a while since we wrote about the case of John Doe No. 1 against Oberlin College. (Because there now is a second John Doe case against Oberlin College, we are now referring to this case as John Doe No. 1.)
To refresh your memory, John Doe No. 1’s case involved whether a female student gave “consent” as defined by Oberlin College to what on the surface was a consensual sexual encounter, as I wrote in December 2017, Lawsuit: Oberlin College sexual assault hearing process rigged, 100% conviction rate.
John Doe No. 1 had his case dismissed in the federal district court on legal grounds, despite the judge finding there was reason to doubt the result, as I wrote in April 2019, Male student lawsuit against Oberlin College dismissed despite possibly flawed sexual assault disciplinary decision. The appeal was argued in December 2019, Cautious optimism for expelled Oberlin College male student after appellate argument.
The 6th Circuit just issued its Opinion (pdf.), reversing the dismissal and reinstating the case. In so doing, the court excoriated Obelin College’s alleged misconduct (which the court had to accept as true at this procedural stage).
Prof. K.C. Johnson has an extensive Twitter thread on the opinion:
Just in: In powerful opinion from Judge Kethledge, CA6 sides w/acc'd student in @oberlincollege case, reverses district court's granting of Oberlin MTD. Judge Gilman (as expected after oral argument) dissented. pic.twitter.com/NMIWmb28KL
— KC Johnson (@kcjohnson9) June 29, 2020
Concluding passage from Kethledge: at MTD stage, "one could regard this as nearly a test case regarding the College’s willingness ever to acquit a respondent sent to one of its hearing panels during the 2015-16 academic year." Acc'd student "amply" stated TIX claim. pic.twitter.com/nJIwH6A0G8
— KC Johnson (@kcjohnson9) June 29, 2020
Here are some excerpts:
Any number of federal constitutional and statutory provisions reflect the proposition that, in this country, we determine guilt or innocence individually—rather than collectively, based on one’s identification with some demographic group. That principle has not always been perfectly realized in our Nation’s history, but as judges it is one that we take an oath to enforce. Here, the relevant statute is Title IX of the Higher Education Act of 1965, which bars universities that receive federal funds from discriminating against students based on their sex. John Doe argues that his complaint in this case adequately stated a claim that Oberlin College did precisely that when it determined his responsibility on a sexual-assault allegation. We agree, and reverse the district court’s decision to the contrary.
* * *
On October 6, 2016—about 240 days after Roe’s complaint—the hearing panel issued a decision in which it found Doe responsible for sexual misconduct because “the preponderance of the evidence established that effective consent was not maintained for the entire sexual encounter that occurred on February 28, 2016.” Consent was absent, the panel found, because Roe was incapacitated, as the Policy defined it, from the moment she told Doe that she was “not sober.” The panel cited no other behavior supporting a finding either that Roe was incapacitated as defined by the Policy or that Doe would have had any reason to think she was. Nor did the panel mention the contradiction cited by Nolan, between what Roe told him (and several friends) and what she told the hearing panel, as to whether Doe had “asked” for oral sex. As a sanction, the panel recommended the most severe one: expulsion. The College accepted that recommendation and ordered Doe expelled.
* * *
Here, everyone agrees that Doe pled facts casting doubt on the accuracy of his proceeding’s outcome. The question, then, is whether he pled facts plausibly suggesting that outcome was caused by sex bias.
As an initial matter, Oberlin argues that, to show a “particularized causal connection” between the flawed outcome and sex bias, Doe must identify some bias unique to his own proceeding. But that argument misreads our precedents. We have never held that, to be “particularized” in this sense, the causal bias must be unique to the plaintiff’s own case. To the contrary, for example, we have held that “patterns of decision-making” in the university’s cases can show the requisite connection between outcome and sex. Doe v. Miami Univ., 882 F.3d 579, 593 (6th Cir. 2018) (emphasis added). Otherwise, a university that categorically discriminates against men or women in sexual-assault proceedings could escape liability in erroneous-outcome cases. What Doe must show here, rather, is simply that he alleged facts supporting an inference of sex bias in his particular proceeding.
For any number of reasons, we hold that he did….
* * *
Doe’s complaint also cites Oberlin’s “Spring 2016 Campus Climate Report,” which stated that—during the very academic year in which Doe’s “responsibility” was determined— “every single case” that went to a hearing panel resulted in a decision that the accused was “responsible” (i.e., guilty) on at least one charge. That statistic likewise supports Doe’s claim. See Miami Univ., 882 F.3d at 593. Oberlin responds that only 10 percent of sexual-assault complaints were resolved through a formal hearing that year. But Doe reads that same Report to mean that, in 80 percent of the cases, the complainant herself chose not to pursue the matter formally. In still other cases, the responding party had graduated or otherwise left the College. And in any event the 100 percent responsibility rate—in cases where most if not all the respondents were male—supports an inference regarding bias in the hearings themselves.
But Doe’s strongest evidence is perhaps the merits of the decision itself in his case. True, the first element of an erroneous-outcome claim—whether the facts of the case “cast some articulable doubt on the accuracy of the disciplinary proceeding’s outcome[,]” Baum, 903 F.3d at 585—already takes into account the proceeding’s outcome to some extent. But when the degree of doubt passes from “articulable” to grave, the merits of the decision itself, as a matter of common sense, can support an inference of sex bias. Cf. Doe v. Purdue Univ., 928 F.3d 652, 669 (7th Cir. 2019) (reasoning that a “perplexing” basis of decision can support an inference of sex bias). And on the merits here the panel’s decision was arguably inexplicable. Per the terms of Oberlin’s Policy, intoxication does not negate consent—only “incapacitation” does. The Policy rather precisely defines that term. And the record here provided no apparent basis for a finding that Roe “lack[ed] conscious knowledge of the nature of the act” of oral sex, or that she was “asleep, unconscious, or otherwise unaware that sexual activity [was] occurring[,]” or that she “no longer underst[ood] who [she was] with or what [she was] doing.” Nor was there any apparent reason for Doe to perceive that Roe was in such a state. To the contrary, Roe was conscious and aware enough to engage in a coherent exchange of texts, to make small talk, and to reason that, “[w]e were no longer clothed and I felt that if anything was to continue happening, I wanted a condom.” Thus, on this record and making all inferences in Doe’s favor at this stage of the litigation—one could regard this as nearly a test case regarding the College’s willingness ever to acquit a respondent sent to one of its hearing panels during the 2015-16 academic year. Doe has amply stated a claim for sex discrimination in violation of Title IX.

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Hooray for a common sense outcome!
Oberlin will probably appeal and Roberts will rule in a fashion that allows Oberlin to win.
The idea that Roberts is being extorted is becoming rather mainstream: today, Rush Limbaugh opined on it.
If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck…it must be a duck.
I made this assumption when Roberts ruled that ObamaCare was constitutional on LI’s comment section and I was taken to task for daring to say so.
If Roberts is being extorted, I think it has something to do with the adoption of his two children, who were born in Ireland. It is my understanding that adopting Irish children is extremely difficult for foreigners and some chicanery could have occurred during the process.
I am not a lawyer, but Roberts’ decisions over the last 5-6 years seem to run against the grain of his judicial rulings before Obama called him and his associate justices out during the SOTU some years ago.
I’m not a lawyer. Just an honest guy, or as honest as I know how to be. I don’t see a federal issue here. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this an issue for state courts?
Wait! It is a federal issue. Serves me right for not reading the post carefully enough.
The last good thing to come out of Oberlin was Michelle Malkin.
How could SCOTUS justify even hearing an appeal? The only issue left is whether jury verdicts can be appealed on political grounds regardless of the facts presented in the case. I doubt this even gets past the lower courts of appeal. But then I am not a lawyer.
My first thought: “Anyone who chooses to suffer going to that hideous outpost of collectivist indoctrination deserves what they get.”
After thinking about it, I have come to the conclusion that “Anyone who chooses to suffer going to that hideous outpost of collectivist indoctrination deserves what they get.”
My first thought: “Anyone who chooses to suffer going to that hideous outpost of collectivist indoctrination deserves what they get.”
After thinking about it, I have come to the conclusion that “Anyone who chooses to suffer going to that hideous outpost of collectivist indoctrination deserves what they get.”
Why is it that only the female can make and sustain a claim of diminished capacity due to impairment … The men are drunk as well if I’m not mistaken
Because they are young and vulnerable and unable to make decisions on their own and need guidance and protection? And, yes, they get to vote.
And wind up as Antifa harridans.. Single White Woke Females…. (add soccer moms) …some old “Sir” dude in Parliament warned that such “womyn” would cause disproportionate havoc if given the vote. It’s painful to be on the correct side of history.
As for soccer… I’ve seen so many teenage girls with blown out knees from soccer. ALL professional soccer players have some degree of brain injury.
I have wondered for a long time how many people end up dumb one blow at a time. Do jocks start out dumb, or is it induced?
Is it reasonable to allow minors to be placed in harm’s way for a sport?
on the other hand, how did all millenials become so dumb without ever playing any organized sports at all?
This is for Tom Servo: because so many parents abdicated their responsibility as parents; they left it up to the schools to each their children everything from manners to The Facts of Life.
Could be the best news we’re gonna get, today!
Cause leftists never actually believe the ideas/principles they say they believe.
The question I’ve asked several Title 9 administrators is, “If two college students go out and voluntarily get drunk, and then voluntarily fall into bed together, why is it always the male student’s fault that it happened?”
If we posit that the male student is the one who bears the responsibility to end the encounter, then we must accept the viewpoint that the female is somehow a child, or weaker in some respect. Otherwise, if she is treated as an adult, then she is equally to blame for the encounter.
I have never gotten anything close to a logical answer from any administrator. Their answers have always involved demeaning stereotypes of male college students. In general, Title 9 administrators are heavily prejudiced against male students.
All these cases belong in a regular criminal court with investigations under oath by police and determination of a crime.
The presumption that Title IX only benefits women has been the mainstay of the elite for far too long.
I have talked with my two sons pointing out that in higher education, they will be more and more the exception, not the rule, given present trends. Women now dominate the student population above their representation in the general population.
Oberlin is no exception. Males represent 42.5% of the undergraduate population. This coupled with the venomous anti-male atmosphere makes college a humiliating experience for men.
With Women’s studies and diversity becoming du rigor, the lofty goal of Title IX is all but lost. And, now with the recent case before the Supreme Court where sex no longer is defined, Title IX will be trashed before its very words have the chance to rectify the double standard.
Given the calculus of the elite running colleges, this will be appealed to the Supreme Court which will then find there is no such distinction as biological sex in the first place throwing out this magnificent decision by the 6th Circuit.
The ultimate end is the lack of capacity found in some of nine jurists to reason beyond their ludicrous politics.
I pray that I am wrong.
Happy for Mr. Doe. I confess, when my eye first glanced at the beginning of the headline, I thought it pertained to the Gibson’s Bakery case, and, my heart leapt in joy.
Oberlin finds itself on the wrong side of the law, repeatedly. This is what arrogant “woke” narcissism breeds.
Oberlin finds itself on the wrong side of the law, repeatedly.
Their longterm goal is to change the law to make our existence a felony.
I would like to think that justice is closing in on Oberlin College.
Every male who has ever been abused by a college kangaroo court should sue. Bankrupt the SJW factories.
I’ve a question: Why are colleges adjudicating rape accusations? Why are the colleges not reporting such incidents to local law enforcement for proper investigation? OK, yes, I realize it’s because 99% of the time the police will find zero evidence of rape, but why is it happening in the first place?
Rape, like murder, is a serious crime. Should colleges adjudicate accusations of murder also?
It’s because the college has an independent need to know whether the charge is true, and the standard of proof the college needs is different from that needed by the police. The college is not interested in whether it can prove the accusation to a jury beyond reasonable doubt; if the accusation is probably true then it has a duty not to let the rapist remain on campus. If it knowingly lets him stay and he rapes someone else, it will be responsible. So it has to make its own determination.
One point which has always bothered me in the Gibsons case is the insistence in any settlement offers put forward by the college that Raimondo be removed from all mention in the suit. Why would the college make that such a sticking point, unless, they knew that coming down the pike was the possibility of something even bigger which would involve her, and they wanted her slate clean before they went to court again? IIRC, as Dean of Students, she presided over these title IX (insert pejorative term of choice) and as such will likely be called to the carpet again in the next trial. One can only hope that she testifies as skillfully again, not. Some time back I speculated that the potential Title IX litigation might equal or exceed the cost of the Gibsons debacle, and if multiple suits are brought by males expelled without due process, or if a class-action is cobbled together with 10, 20, 30 members, hoo-boy, at millions each for lost wages, reputation, etc, it could put way more of dent into the college. And the best part, even more discovery, perhaps even some which goes back and sticks to Starvin Marvin, who appointed her. I guess it could go either way with local law firms, who will either be lining up down Professor St, or maintaining extreme social distancing
Regardless, this suit will be the start of an even more rapid decline in men applying to Oberlin. Who would send their son to a college where sexual assault is defined as “we will let you know when it is brought to our attention?”
All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.
George Orwell, 1984
Pardon me, that quote is from Animal Farm.
I’m rereading both books to refresh my memory from my teen years. I thought then that they were a little scary. Now, over a half century later and in the light of recent events, they’re downright frightening.
What’s perfectly clear is the hate, bias and illegality Oberlin College indulges itself in on a regular basis. Oberlin College, like all poisoned Leftnut “universities” must be put out of business by the people they’ve injured. Bankrupt Oberlin Now!
There goes another $30 million. Raimondo is going to break Oberlin before she is done.