Germany: Mobs Chant ‘Allahu Akbar,’ Attack Police in Stuttgart

Migrant mobs turned the German city of Stuttgart into a “war zone” as they attacked police and went on a looting spree on Sunday, German media reports. Rioters injured nineteen police officers as they yelled “Allahu Akbar” and pelted stones and smashed police vehicles.

“The mob chanted Allahu Akbar,” German newspaper Bild Zeitung reported on Sunday. “A trail of destruction runs through the inner city Stuttgart. 500 rioters turned the city into a battlefield — out of pure lust for violence,” the daily added.

“These are incredible events that have left me stunned, and that I’ve never experienced in all my 46 years of police service,” Stuttgart police chief Frank Lutz admitted.

Stuttgart, home to Mercedes Benz, was in a “civil war-like situation,” German daily Die Welt commented.

“Footage showed people wearing hoods and masks rushing in and out of broken store fronts,” UK newspaper Daily Mail reported, “Clothing shops, a jewellers and a phone shop were among those targeted.”

Germany’s state-run DW News reported the details of the attack on police and property:

Videos that circulated on social media showed rioters hurling cobble stones and other objects at police vehicles. In one video, a man runs at a police officer kneeling on the ground and kicks him in his side, knocking the officer down as others could be heard cheering him on. Nineteen officers were wounded in the violence.The clashes spilled over into the shopping district, where rioters smashed storefronts. Several shops were looted, including a jewelry store, mobile phone shop, and sporting goods shop.

“It appears that mainly the migrant youth were at the forefront of the rampage,” Hans-Jürgen Kirstein, the head of the Baden-Württemberg state unit of the German police union (GdP) said.

Despite mobs yelling “Allahu Akbar,” the infamous Muslim war cry, local authorities are silent about the nature of the rampage. “We can rule out left-wing political or any political motivation for these acts of violence,” Stuttgart police chief Frank Lutz concluded.

“A 40-men team has been set up at the Stuttgart police headquarters. The state crimes office will support the investigation,” German weekly Der Spiegel reported. Given German authorities’ track record on migrant crime, not much can be expected from this 40-men investigation team.

It is worth noting that most of the perpetrators of the 2015 News Year’s Eve mass sexual assaults have walked free. As I wrote in a May 2017 article for the Gatestone Institute: “Despite hundreds of testimonies by victims, countless reliable eyewitnesses and endless surveillance footage, the Interior Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia state, where Cologne is located, admitted that “most of the cases will remain unsolved.”

Unsurprisingly, the Liberal media came to the rioters’ defense. British newspaper The Guardian described the Allahu Akbar-screaming mobs as “partygoers.”

Germany’s state-owned DW News talked of “youth rage” behind the rampage. “[M]any of the young people involved in the clashes, particularly people of color, feel they’re too often regarded as suspects by police.” the DW News explained, quoting one of Stuttgart’s ‘partying youths,’ an eyewitness named Yussef.

“How did things get so out of hand?” the state-run broadcaster wondered aloud, unable to join the dots between Chancellor Angela Merkel open borders policy and Allahu Akbar-howling gangs.


[Cover image via YouTube] [Excerpts from German news coverage translated by the author]


Tags: Germany