Duke University to Require Anti-Bias Training for Everyone

This new initiative is part of an ‘anti-racism’ campaign which will apparently be spread throughout everything, even academics.

The College Fix reports:

Duke to incorporate ‘anti-racism’ throughout curriculum, require anti-bias training for everyoneDuke University has a new defining principle: “anti-racism.”In a Wednesday evening email to the community, President Vincent Price (not to be confused with The Master of Horror) previewed the private university’s response to the upcoming Juneteenth holiday that commemorates the practical freeing of the slaves in Texas.Price announced a staggering reorganization of the university’s academic and administrative programs around “eliminating the systems of racism and inequality that have shaped the lived experiences of too many members of the Duke community.”Not only will it “significantly and measurably expand the diversity of our faculty, staff, and students, with particular focus on Black, Indigenous and people of color” (an ethnic triad Price used four times), but Duke will “incorporate anti-racism into our curricula and programs across the university.”Every Duke student, at every level, will learn about “the nature of structural racism and inequity, with special focus on our own regional and institutional legacies.”The university will “assess and remediate systemic biases in the design of our curricula” and “fully mobilize and expand Duke’s research capacity to address and help overturn racism and reduce racial disparities and inequities in policing, justice, health, housing, education, labor, and other domains of life,” Price declared.

Tags: College Insurrection, North Carolina