Dreyer’s Changing the Name of Eskimo Pies, Altering Marketing Scheme
“This move is part of a larger review to ensure our company and brands reflect our people values.”
Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream has decided to change the name and marketing scheme of its Eskimo Pies:
“We are committed to being a part of the solution on racial equality, and recognize the term is derogatory,” the company’s head of marketing said in a statement.
“This move is part of a larger review to ensure our company and brands reflect our people values,” the company added.
Along with the name change, the company will alter the treat’s marketing scheme, which traditionally featured a young boy dressed as an Eskimo in a snowy environment.
The term Eskimo is considered derogatory. However, it seems most in Alaska have accepted it:
Although the name “Eskimo” is commonly used in Alaska to refer to all Inuit and Yupik people of the world, this name is considered derogatory in many other places because it was given by non-Inuit people and was said to mean “eater of raw meat.”
Linguists now believe that “Eskimo” is derived from an Ojibwa word meaning “to net snowshoes.” However, the people of Canada and Greenland prefer other names. “Inuit,” meaning “people,” is used in most of Canada, and the language is called “Inuktitut” in eastern Canada although other local designations are used also. The Inuit people of Greenland refer to themselves as “Greenlanders” or “Kalaallit” in their language, which they call “Greenlandic” or “Kalaallisut.”
Most Alaskans continue to accept the name “Eskimo,” particularly because “Inuit” refers only to the Inupiat of northern Alaska, the Inuit of Canada, and the Kalaallit of Greenland, and it is not a word in the Yupik languages of Alaska and Siberia.
Many companies have changed their brands since the death of George Floyd: Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben’s, and Cream of Wheat.
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to the full extent allowed by law.
All sports endorsements by black people must end: we must destroy the stereotype.
So they can them after their addled corporate management…
The Idjit Pie.
Got it.
The firm is going to rename them Antifa-Pies.
Mikel Crump
White Anarchist don’t actually care about the Black Community. They only use the Black Community as a crutch to destroy property and buildings.
The worst part is that they destroy black owned businesses & homes in predominantly black communities with almost zero consequences.
Here is an Antifa-Racist terrorist such as Mikel is talking about.
Note it is a narcissistic white female.
roberto pedone
The woman with the “I Can’t Breathe” shit was detained/arrested in #Tulsa
We are rapidly turning into a country of total idiots.
Some, select, Black Lives Matter. #AllLivesMatterNot
Eskimo (n.)
1580s, from Danish Eskimo or Middle French Esquimaux (plural), both probably from an Algonquian word, such as Abenaki askimo (plural askimoak), Ojibwa ashkimeq, traditionally said to mean literally “eaters of raw meat,” from Proto-Algonquian *ask- “raw” + *-imo “eat.” Research from 1980s in linguistics of the region suggests this derivation, though widely credited there, might be inaccurate or incomplete, and the word might mean “snowshoe-netter.” See also Innuit. Of language, from 1819. As an adjective by 1744. Eskimo pie “chocolate-coated ice cream bar” introduced 1922 and was initially a craze that drove up the price of cocoa beans on the New York market 50 percent in three months [F.L. Allen, “Only Yesterday,” 1931].
— etymonline.com
I suggst ‘TURNED”
Ah, to hell with them. Nice to get some bargains this week including butter without any agenda for $1.99/lb versus some brand from Minnesota that was $3.99 and didn’t even have a nice logo.
Klondike bars go on sale pretty often in this area. Mmmm, good. Ogg like Klondike!
Polar bears are white. Polar bears are also Cartesian bears but with different coordinates.
Polar bears actually have black skin and transparent fur. The white coloration comes from specular highlighting as light reflects off each individual hair at a tangent.
Like how naturally blonde hair is actually brown, but gets a yellow sheen from the combination of hard reflectivity and sebum (skin oil) coating.
In other words . . . white.
For use at home, I’m paying more for butter than I used. Locally produced Amish butter in a big roll.
Had some people tell me it tasted better than stick butter. I figured, WTH, I can afford to give it a try.
It tastes better.
It is insane, who associates Eskimo Pies with racism?
heh heh that typo actually works REALLY well here 🙂
do-godpers LOL
Racist Leftists do.
They project their own racism onto everything.
To some people there’s a racial aspect to everything
Next they should ban all chocolate products, after all it is brown, and therefore racist. All vanilla items need to go too, it’s white supremacy dog whistle items.
Cola? Brown, ban it. Beer too, as it is brown or yellow. That is just plain racist.
Watermelon? Hey, it’s red, so it is against Native Americans, gotta ban that too.
This is the kind of insanity we are seeing these days.
The Bride’s car is gray so she’s safe, but mine is red. Is it insulting to Native Americans? Since my car’s interior is mostly black, is it insulting to African Americans?
While I’m on the subject of cars, is black motor oil good? Am I maintaining a stereotype with black tires?
This is really stupid, but it helps write the jokes.
When phasing out “Golden Nugget Service” Alaska Airlines created tail art which had four versions: gold miner, totems, onion domes of the Russian Orthodox Church (try that today) and .. and .. the Eskimo. Guess which on stayed and is emblematic of Alaska..The Land of the Midnight Sun. Now Alaska has woke Native empowerment with the name change of Barrow to Utqiagvik (don’t even try phonetics on that one).
But “Eskimo Pie”… what next ..no more Klondike Bar for fear of lesbian complaints? This is stupid virtual signalling. It’s a cute name.
The 1972 Native Claims Settlement Act put any inequality to rest in Alaska. I’ll stick with Klondike bars are let Dreyers melt from climate change.
And by the way..”Squaws Along the Yukon Are Good Enough for Me.” There…
Would assume Utqiagvik is pronounced Idjit, or some such….
Best Buy is probably scrambling to rename the Geek Squad.
I very much doubt that Best Buy can attract or hold onto real geeks.
Was diversity a motive for the original affirmation? That said, sequester and forget the Eskimos, too. #HateLovesAbortion
It’s all nuts and I will call people what ever the hell I want
It’s all nuts and I will call my ice cream whatever the hell I want to!
Tonight, I think I’ll call my ice cream “Morris”, named after a deceased uncle of mine.
Nuts? Eskimo Pies have nuts in them?!
Now is not the time to be literal.
I find it interesting that to avoid offending a very small portion of the population they always offend the larger population as a whole. Just how many woke “First Nation” types in Canada and Greenland will rush to the store for the new non-indigenous ice cream bar?
Yes, muktuk is as close as the bone and stone culture to this. By the way… while we are at it… there is a real “Eskimo Ice Cream” recipe…. mix berries and sugar with Krisco and bon apetit. I kid you not.
CNN reports Biden is now frantically looking for an Eskimo running mate.
Her name, “Elizabeth Warren”
Biden called her up and she said she would look Inuit.
White supremacists must be over the moon with the removal of all non-White/European marketing. Must be laughing their —- off.
Actually, I’ve read just earlier today the end result will be a dearth of positive black images in commercial use.
Do you know anyone who ever had negative thoughts about Aunt Jemima? Or Uncle Ben? (BTW- does anyone actually know what “converted rice” is?) Or the cute little Eskimo kid on Eskimo pies? Or the late lamented Land of Lakes Indian? I don’t.
Some of the “role” models on Wheaties, OTOH… But I don’t eat them anyway.
You know, “pie” can be a derogatory reference to women.
Remember the “American Pie” series of films?
So is Eskimo Pie a sexual reference?
“I don’t know but I’ve been told,
Eskimo … you can fill in the rest.”
I tell you. Take all of the offensive stuff out of entertainment, branding, and you eventually get to Netflix “Space Force.” I think that is part of the reason that I lean towards UK TV these days. It still has a bit of raw honesty.
The next thing you know, women will complain “Wonder Bread” demeans woman looking to get money from men. Or “Whore” demeans sex workers. Or “crazy broad” demeans all borderline/malignant narcissist women.
F–k ’em. We have to make our stand, or we’re dead.
WE really like the UK series Time Team.
I always thought an eskimo pie was a sandwich with soft chocolate cookies on the outside and ice cream in the middle. Now I hear it’s just an ice cream bar dipped in chocolate. Oh, well.
That sounds like Klondike bar. Oh wait, dike??? That one’s gotta go as well.
Let’s just go back to the days of wvite people in ads and logos. Make the
colored peoplepeople of color happy.Then they will complain that there is no diversity. You cannot win.
“Many companies have changed their brands since the death of George Floyd: Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben’s, and Cream of Wheat.”
As to Aunt Jemima this was reported by Syracuse news of Larnell Evans Sr., the great-grandson of a Syracuse woman who played Aunt Jemima for nearly 20 years, “This is an injustice for me and my family. This is part of my history, sir,” Evans said Thursday. “The racism they talk about, using images from slavery, that comes from the other side — white people. This company profits off images of our slavery. And their answer is to erase my great-grandmother’s history. A black female… It hurts.” Evans, a 66-year-old Marine Corps veteran living in North Carolina, “This woman served all those people, and it was after slavery. She worked as Aunt Jemima. That was her job,” Evans said. “How do you think I feel as a black man sitting here telling you about my family history they’re trying to erase?”
Evans’ great-grandmother, Anna Short Harrington, portrayed Aunt Jemima from 1935 to 1954 after being discovered by Quaker Oats Company representatives while cooking pancakes at the 1935 New York State Fair. She was hired as an actress to dress up like Aunt Jemima and travel North America, serving pancakes and promoting the brand. Harrington, who cooked for many fraternity houses at Syracuse University and is buried in Syracuse, was the third “Aunt Jemima.”
Well, there goes Dreyer’s off of my shopping list.
How many states are names after Native Americans? Maybe we should just say State No. 1, State No. 2, and down the line. Same with all the cities and towns.
No. We shouldn’t.
Surprised you took that literally.
Without referring to a list, I’d guess at least two-thirds of the states have names derived from American Indian words.
Absurdity increases.
Idaho is named after a fake Indian word.
Idaho? No, Udaho.
Not just states, but counties, cities, towns, rivers, mountains
I went to Aubbeenaubbee School in Aubbeenaubbee Township in Indiana on the Tippecanoe River (named from a Miami Indian term)
We rented a place to one of Chief Aubbeenaubbee’s direct descendants
The school is long gone, but maybe I should go back and burn the whole town of Leiters Ford
The descendants great great great(?) grandmother was married to John Leiter, who founded the tiny town
His name was Max Leiter. Always did his gardening in his boxer shorts, complete with racing stripe
How about the Anderson Indians? Their gym was the Wig Wam! Before a game, the mascot would come out with a tomahawk and do a war dance. Anderson won a lot of games in that gym.
We were the Aubbeenaubbee Braves
Inuit Pies just doesn’t have the same ring.
Remember the “Frito Bandito”?
Or the Taco Bell chihuahua?
That was OK because Mexicans still lived in Mexico.
Juan Valdez
I’ve moved on from this. Right now, I’m trying to decide whether to be more outraged by the religious bigotry of the Quaker Oats mascot, or the horrific insensitivity of Cheetos and Frosted Flakes to people allergic to cats.
Will “Go-Go Gomez” be purged?
After Speedy Gonzalez takse one in the neck
I remember a TV series of black children doing stupid and funny kid stuff. What they were doing was no different than what all kids do. I was looking for it a week ago so that my grandchildren could see it, and could not find it.
Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids?
Probably got disappeared after his #MeToo lynching. 🙁
I always thought of Mushmouth when I saw Elijiah
I guess “Hymie town” and “black bastard” are out as well. But I would not count on “Hymie town” being barred yet – too many legacy members of black lives matters characters have use for the expression.
In the face of the gigantic amounts of virtue signaling, the world of generic ice cream novelties is calling.
It’s about time. Between Bomb Pops glorifying violence and Push Ups shaming people who can’t do push-ups, ice cream has long been a tool of repression.
The joke was that “push up” referred to a certain item of womens’ underwear. Darn. I guess we can’t joke about that, either.
I’ve always been offended by “Chef Boyardi”. Reeks of Italian.
Maybe it’s time to just stop labeling things entirely. We’ll just point and hope it’s what we think it is. Labeling anything is just too risky. In fact, language itself grates. Words are too “tinny”. Why don’t we ALL just shut up!
Dreyer’s is saying to Big Brother “We must have committed a thought crime.” They hope to be spared Napoleon’s dogs or the guillotine. A false hope.
BTW, I have never had a negative image of Eskimos. Why does Dreyer’s? Now, every time I see “Dreyer’s,” I will think “Racist company” who is trying to hide behind bland product names.
I also never had any negative views of Eskimos. Your post made me curious. I grew up in Flint, watched it being destroyed by blacks, neighborhood by neighborhood until nearly the whole city became a ghetto, just varying in degree. Over the past 60 years the best schools in the country became the worst schools. Actually, they should no longer be considered schools.
In any event, Eskimos IQ is 6 points higher than American blacks and they have a high crime rate. A few sources are cited below.
“The violent crime rates in Inuit Nunangat were even higher—nine times higher—than the rates in the rest of Canada. The gap was particularly significant for the rates of sexual assault and common assault, both of which were 12 times higher.
The non-violent crime rates were six times higher in Inuit Nunangat. Rates of mischief and disturbing the peace 1 were also significantly higher than in the rest of Canada.
Crime rates in Inuit Nunangat were also high compared with other communities of the territories. In fact, the rates of sexual assault and assaults (both common and major) were twice as high. Only theft and robbery rates were lower in Inuit Nunangat.”
“Lynn’s review found that on average they did have larger brains than any other race. However, the median IQ of Arctic peoples according to Lynn’s data is 91. This is within the normal range but clearly not ‘superior’. Arctic people have been found to have unusually strong visual memory that exceeds that of Europeans.”
So now do we name everything according to reverse wording like the military has done for so long? Somehow, referring to this as “Dessert, ice cream, vanilla, chocolate coated, stick mounted, one each” doesn’t have the same ring as Eskimo Pie.
So how does “Indigenous North American Native Ice Cream Pie” sound? Sort of rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?
When I visited Alaska, the indigenous people of places like Juneau preferred terms like Tiklit, which was specific to their tribe over Inuit.
Alaska’s native population is more diverse than Lower 48. Both Eskimo and Indian ancestral backgrounds a!omg with maritime and land oriented cultures. So did “diversity” bring about tolerance? Nope. Gee what a shocker.
By the way, Thomas Jefferson liked ice cream. That’s a good reason to ban ice cream. Is preferring vanilla racist? Do we get Neapolitan as the only version?
no,neopolitan is problematic because it doesn’t have the correct proportion of white, brown and red. More colors need to be added
half brown, half rainbow
NO vanilla
You forgot that neapolitan invokes the concept of a melting pot, which is now also considered racist.
Seems history means nothing. when I was a kid these were my granddads favorite. Unlike the corporation, he wasn’t big on taking a knee to social pressure.
Look at the Eskimo Pie picture. It is mostly white with the chocolate playing only a minor role in serving the white center. The product is inherently racist and a dog whistle!
There! Is that how this nonsense works?
It’s like Eskimo Pies are Oreos or something.
And now I’ll never buy or eat one again.
With all this woke name changing, when are they going to change Cracker Barrel? That offends my shade of pallor.
Ugh /s
Only if crackers start burning down their stores and beating or killing their staff.
It won’t be long before all products will be required to abandon all distinctive packaging, leaving the markets looking like the “generic” products of the early 80s. [For you seniority deprived folks, there was a time that stores offered generics in plain packages, some yellow (oh the horror!) and of course, white. All just bore the title of the product: “beer”, “Soup”, “corn flakes”, etc. It was supposedly less expensive and made by the name-brand companies.]
Why have we let ourselves be led around by the nose like this? Why does no one who has the capacity to say “bite me! The logo stays. If you don’t like it buy the other guy’s” get to the top of an organization?
Those generic labels were black and white. The new generic label will need to be all one color – words and background. But no white will be allowed anywhere. It will work as well as leftist thinking does.
I remember the supermarket aisles of “No Name” products. But that was done to attempt to combat inflation, not because people were offended.
Everyone is afraid of the mob.
I would like to think that executives in these corporations can see how absurd and destructive this nonsense is and are coordinating with each other for strategies for standing up to the mob. But we will see.
Since POC in the US are ‘oppressed’, any depiction of a POC that is smiling or cheerful supports white supremacy. Only angry looks or sullen scowls are appropriate.
So America’s Karens are creating a future in which non-whites will walk down the aisles of supermarkets and never see a face on a label that “looks like them.”
I can remember when that kind of thing was said to make them feel alienated.
It’s that Future Time Orientation that tends to be lacking in some demographics
#1 : Wreck things
#2 : Hmmmm… never thought about that
I’m having trouble keeping up. I’ve been lectured repeatedly that there isn’t enough “people of color” in all aspects of daily life to include so called faces that look like and now we’re removing the same “people of color” from the public eye? Has there been a huge outcry from the Eskimo community that we haven’t heard about?
They do realize that some Eskimos club baby seals, right?
““Inuit,” meaning “people,””
A dirty little secret is that most “indigenous” tribes’ names for themselves translate to “people” or “human beings”, in contradistinction to other tribes that might be considered less than human. The Ojibwa called the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota tribes “Sioux” which means “little snakes”.
So, sorta like La Raza? that group of wonderfully inclusive people?