Chinese scramble to cover for ambassador’s remarks about its coronavirus vaccine test status
New evidence shows Chinese scientists knew virus was lethal and ‘clearly contagious’ before officials informed WHO.

The UK Daily Mail is reporting that the Chinese ambassador to London has been ‘censored’ by his own embassy, after he claimed his country had produced a vaccine that was poised for distribution among a large population.
Liu Xiaoming stunned a meeting of British business figures by saying China was ‘advanced in terms of research on a vaccine’.
He added: ‘We are at the fourth phase of the process. We want to make this available to the world.’
Representatives from international drugs companies who were participating in the ‘webinar’ were astonished by the comments.
Phase four of a vaccine trial means it is ready to be rolled out to the wider population.
More succinctly, phase IV of vaccine development happens after the vaccine has been licensed and introduced into use. Also called post-marketing surveillance, and this particular stage aims to detect rare adverse effects as well as to assess long term efficacy.
After several inquiries about the ambassador’s initial remarks, the transcripts of the interview were altered.
Beijing is sensitive to suggestions that it might be further ahead than Western countries in the search for a vaccine because it deliberately delayed telling the world the full extent of the virus’s spread in Wuhan at the end of 2019.
But when this newspaper approached the Chinese embassy about the ambassador’s remarks – in English, and clearly audible on a recording heard by The Mail on Sunday – the diplomats sent us a link to their own transcript, which had altered his words to ‘second phase’….
Phase two of a vaccine trial is when it is still being tested on humans.
The ambassador’s claims are being met with some concerns that China will attempt to use the vaccine as “leverage” against other countries.
… Tory MP Tobias Ellwood warned the Chinese Communist Party could use the vaccine as a “leverage”.
He tweeted: “I predicted this. China will leverage vaccine rollout to further its global political influence.”
Whether the vaccine’s status is Phase Two or Phase Four, it is clear China is racing to beat the United States at vaccine development. Reports indicate the nation will begin human testing in September, even if clinical trials have not been completed.
China may deploy coronavirus vaccines as early as September to at-risk groups even if clinical trials have yet to be completed.
In the latest sign it is ramping up competition with the US to produce a global cure, health officials are drafting guidelines for administering vaccines under testing to priority groups, such as medical personnel.
China has five vaccines in phase II human trials – more than any other country. Vaccines can take years to develop, though authorities are keen to pull ahead as global competition heats up to find a solution for a disease devastating the world, infecting 6.6 million people and killing nearly 400,000.
The Daily Mail is also reporting that there is fresh evidence that China covered-up news about how lethal and contagious the coronavirus was early in the outbreak’s history.
Samples taken from sick patients and analysed by at least five laboratories had confirmed the existence of a lethal new coronavirus before China told global health authorities about an infectious disease that it claimed was unidentified.
The reports obtained by The Mail on Sunday reveal that one team even found the virus was ‘clearly contagious’ while others had unravelled its genetic composition – vital for developing diagnostic tests and vaccines.
Yet it took a further ten days for officials to admit there was a novel coronavirus and three weeks before Beijing confirmed on January 20 that it was spread by humans.
‘China knew the new virus was prevalent last December but failed to inform the public or share with the international community,’ said Lianchao Han, a pro-democracy activist. ‘Its irresponsibility has probably worsened this pandemic.’
The revelations are contained in a long investigation by Caixin, an independent media group.

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I have no desire to take a Communist China-manufactured “vaccine”. The cure may be worse than the disease.
I have no desire to take a Communist China-manufactured “vaccine”. The cure may be worse than the disease.
They don’t need cover.
The only threat they faced was from the US, and it’s been neutered by george soros.
You’ve got to give the man credit. All his years of hard work and careful funding did to America from within that no power could do outside its shores.
Now kill him, and everyone associated with him. Now kill him, and everyone associated with him.
So, you are advocating the extermination of the Jew and all his associates. Notably, there is always a Jew at the bottom of every right-wing conspiracy theory.
Right, a “Jew” who supports BDS and is doing everything he can to undermine Israel lol. But I bet you’re a big supporter of the party of Al Sharpton, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.
“So, you are advocating the extermination of the Jew and all his associates. Notably, there is always a Jew at the bottom of every right-wing conspiracy theory….”
What rock did you crawl back from under?
Btw, do you refer to obama as “the black”? Is there a “black” at the bottom of every left-wing conspiracy?
Sick guy. And a typical leftist.
In any event, soros is about as “Jewish” as Hitler. To us around here, anyway. For the sedition he has committed, and the treason he has suborned, he deserves to be executed upon conviction, as does everyone working with him at his level.
He deserves the “Rosenberg” treatment.
But then, Barr-Boehner is hogging the AG position in our government. But he might mutter something about soros, in between other mutterings. Then go back to sleep.
Soros is a traitor to the US and an enemy of mankind. Are you saying that if we advocate killing traitors, and this particular traitor is from a Jewish background, we are against Jews? You need to work on your Venn diagram theories. Your problems go way beyond reason.
While I obviously disagree with killing him, the fact that he was born to a Jewish mother is completely irrelevant to anyone who attacks him. Nobody cares who his mother was. Nobody cares what his ethnicity is. People oppose him because he is a force for bad in this world. Because the causes he funds are destructive and deliberately aim to undermine civilization. It would make no difference if he were WASP, Chinese, or Hottentot.
Milhouse: Nobody cares what his ethnicity is.
Sure, it’s just a coincident that there’s a Jew at the bottom of the conspiracy and that he wants to exterminate the Jew and everyone associated with him.
@The trolls that are Zachriel, Milhouse has explained this very well. Your insipid, sophomoric screed is . . . um, insipid and sophomoric. I am reminded of the Obama years when any dissent was RAAACIST, but here’s the thing, I didn’t like Obama’s ideas when they were shilled by white women like Hillary Clinton (full disclosure: I’m a white woman), and I didn’t like his appeasement lunacy when Jimmy Carter did it to massive fail (much to our country’s advantage since we ended up with President Reagan).
If you ever want to make any headway in your trolling conservative sites learn this one, simple rule: we don’t think in terms of identity politics. Never have, never will. Bad people come in all races, sexes, ethnic identities, gender identities, and etc. We support people of any race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, etc. who share our worldview. It’s not hard . . . unless you are too stupid to think for yourself (and we all know that is pretty much you, right?
I’m sorry for you, all of you Zach trolls spouting crap no one here will ever believe, but hey, at least you’re making your $15/hour plus the generous healthcare benefits your side trumpets, right? That’s something. My guess, though, you are a series of interns, working the regressive ideology for nothing, with no health benefits at all. Because you care about the cause. How cute is that? Viva la revolution! Any revolution is bound to treat you as you have allowed yourself to be treated. On the bright side, you are the most ineffective propagandist to ever hit social media, so, you probably won’t be targeted for the first few cullings of radicals the new order will fear . . . and must eliminate. But your number will come up … way before any of ours. Read a freaking book!
The guy who stated the best time of his life was with his Uncle who was stealing property of jews during WWII?
That guy?
Fuzzy Slippers: If you ever want to make any headway in your trolling conservative sites learn this one, simple rule: we don’t think in terms of identity politics.
That is certainly not true of everyone on the political right, e.g. white nationalists.
In any case, the commenter above talked about exterminating a Jew who is supposedly at the bottom of a conspiracy — and everyone associated with him. It’s just a coincidence.
Fuzzy Slippers: $15/hour
Our comments are our own, and freely given. You’re welcome.
Case in point.
RedEchos: The guy who stated the best time of his life was with his Uncle who was stealing property of jews during WWII?
Who in their right mind would trust anything of this nature coming from China these days?
Joe Biden, BHO, RINOs… If we really knew how deep China has penetrated all levels of power and control….shudder. Taking the USA down several notches has been seen as good for the world.
Anyone bought-off by the ChiComms (feinstein, the democrat party in general, hollywood, our universities, le bron james, our media, etc.).
And if they weren’t bought off by the ChiComms to commit treason, they’re narcissitic losers who want to fit-in with the “bought-off” crowd.
Fauci the Clown must be conferring with Xi at this very moment.
< Fvck China >
We should have nothing to do with them. We should not depend on them for anything. They can not be trusted. Why our younger generations have embraced the enemy, let them into our houses, is insane.
The problem is, they bought-off too many people and institutions in our country.
We are now a franchise of the ChiComms.
They just proved that to us via Fauci the Clown, and via every college student in the nation out rioting.
Just call dianne feinstein and ask her:
Then call bill clinton, who started the entire treason:
Well then, why don’t we take a page from the Chinese playbook and when they release the vaccine simply steal samples, make sure they are safe and effective, and then give US pharmaceutical companies immunity from prosecution and let them produce the vaccine in huge quantities and flood the market with a vaccine at a cheaper price. And fuck the howls of outrage from the ChiCom government.
Is it true that CCP members are closely related to snakes?
I give them credit. The snakes are inside our country: the ones who have been bought-off.
That is actually a very good idea.
I like your way of thinking, if they have produced something of value, steal it!
Should be necessary.
Why should we have to pay for the cure to a problem that has the CCP fingerprints all over it ?
Yet it took a further ten days for officials to admit there was a novel coronavirus and three weeks before Beijing confirmed on January 20 that it was spread by humans.
Sounds like the Chinese missed a PR opportunity. If they’d been the ones to discover and announce it, their identifying label would stick; they could call it whatever they wanted. Then they wouldn’t have to bribe news agencies to pretend to be outraged by the “racism” of the obvious names like Chinese virus.
A rushed vaccine to a global pandemic is how the zombie apocalypse begins! Beware the zombie apocalypse!
“Honestly, this – all of this – only scratches the surface. For the long and the short of just how weak and, to be blunt, doomed China is, I refer you my new book, Disunited Nations. Chapters 2 through 4 break down what makes for successful powers, global and otherwise…and how China fails on a historically unprecedented scale on each and every measure.”
Peter Zeihan has China’s number,
China has no freedom movement. It has no ability to survive outside its communist rulers. (Try feeding 1.6 BILLION people on the fly.)
China is a fascist country. It will remain one for a very, very long time, if not forever. It has no delicate balance. To repress an uprising, it merely has to cut-off food, like Stalin did in USSR, and killed 6 MILLION of his own people. There’ll be no press conferences, where some previously hack reporter is suddenly confronting Xi. (Xi’s’ ‘press conferences’ are akin to obama’s media-diaper press conferences.)
The US, on the other hand, is a delicate republic. It relies on unity and honesty and integrity of both voters and leaders of government and institutions. As we’ve seen, that integrity is COMPELTELY gone (FBI, colleges, obama, hollywood, news media, tech companies censorship, democrat corruption, judges like Enema Sullivan etc.). The integrity of voters is nearly gone: there was a ‘genius’ in the American voter that corrected just about anything. Well, that’s about gone because of the complete corruption of a current generation into infantile zombies, who so willingly buy into the craziest of propaganda to maintain their narcissic denial.
China will be just fine. They can always go back to Maoism and murder another 100 million of their population giving them crap.
The US will soon become unreconginzable. I think it’s best to split the nation and at least maintain a way of life we want, and not become subjugated to the insane – who will becomme genocidal maniacs if they ever get the power of a dictator.
Just ask obama’s science “czar” John Holdren, who once speculated that about 25,000,000 Americans must be killed to fully effect the kind of ‘hope and change’ obama was bringing.
Or ask obama former adviser anita dunn, who stated Mao is her “political hero”.
— And biden just hired the psychopath!!
If Trump backs down, he’ll lose the election. If biden wins, we will be again governed by psychopaths, only this time their fascism won’t be disgused. And they’ll be gunning for us: the soft way, through another lois lerner/IRS scam, throgh another FBI/Wray scam, or the hard way: antifa and black lives matters street thugs.
And remember: obamacare law provides for a private police force for the president:
Btw: anyone heard from McConnell, or is he and his wife still in a bunker, couning the money they earned by selling-out to the Chi-Comms?
The worldometers curve predicts the pandemic will be over in a month or two.
The vaccine will still be useful for the at risk population.
Which would you rather: be enslaved and not have the flu, or be free and have the flu?
Oh, come on. The Ambassador doesn’t know the difference between phase 4 versus phase 2.