Biden Breaks With Congressional Dems, Refuses Calls to “Defund the Police”
Biden will have a hard time getting his base riled up with his refusal to cater to reactive politics.

Monday, Biden’s campaign announced he does not support defunding the police, a move which pits him on the opposite side of the issue from Congressional Democrats.
From The Hill:
Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden‘s campaign said on Monday that the former vice president does not support calls to defund the police amid growing calls to do so by activists across the country.
“As his criminal justice proposal made clear months ago, Vice President Biden does not believe that police should be defunded,” Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates told reporters.
“He hears and shares the deep grief and frustration of those calling out for change, and is driven to ensure that justice is done and that we put a stop to this terrible pain,” Bates added. “Biden supports the urgent need for reform — including funding for public schools, summer programs, and mental health and substance abuse treatment separate from funding for policing — so that officers can focus on the job of policing.”
The Biden campaign said that Biden does support the funding of community policing programs that work to improve relations between police and communities, as well as diversifying police departments. He also backs the use of police body cameras.
Democrats in both the House and Senate are working to find support for the Justice in Policing Act, currently being sponsored in the Senate by Sens Booker and Harris. Harris is vying for Biden’s VP spot. Politico has more details:
A sweeping new police reform bill being drafted by House and Senate Democrats would ban chokeholds, limit “qualified immunity” for police officers, create a national misconduct registry, end the use of no-knock warrants in drug cases and make lynching a federal crime among other dramatic changes, according to an outline being circulated on Capitol Hill.
With the CBC taking the lead on drafting legislation, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House leaders have vowed to have a police reform bill on the floor by the end of June, while Senate Democrats are demanding action in the upper chamber. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has said his party will try to work with Democrats on the legislation, but President Donald Trump’s hard line on the issue might make it difficult for Republican lawmakers to sign on to the initiative.
The new Democratic proposal, which will be unveiled early next week, is the most dramatic effort to rewrite federal laws on policing in decades. Yet the bill’s backers say the changes are desperately needed to address the decades-old mistreatment of black and minority communities at the hands of police.
The most controversial proposals would revise federal statutes on when police officers can be charged with use of excessive force, and whether they can be sued for such behavior.

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He only did this because he is afraid of losing the female suburbanites
All planned 24/7
McCarthy you jackass…
I wonder if Joe knows enough not to take a knee,
“Where’s Doctor Jill?”
He already did! Duh! There is video proof!
Just saw a picture of Biden meeting Floyd’s six-year old daughter.
My bet is that the media will downplay his position on the police big time.
What his “base” (what the h_ll that is) doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
Let see how it plays out.
Joe really was in a no-win situation. Of course, his entire campaign is a no-win situation. But yes, he can anger his radical base or he can turn off all the moderate suburbanites. My guess is that he figures the former will come back in November.
I thought he called for defunding the police back in January.
Splitting that party right in half down its asscrack…and all of their own doing.
A game of good cop / bad cop?
Biden supports destroying America gradually and incrementally, while his party’s fanatics want it burned down completely, and right now.
Good old moderate Joe. He’s a dog-faced pony soldier if ever I saw one.
Trump’ “Joe, will you sign comprehensive defunding of police enforcement if a Democrat-controlled Congress passes the bill?”
Asked whether he supports de-funding the police, Biden replied: “C’mon man!”
Asked to elaborate, Biden replied: “On what?”
He then screamed, “Where’s my spoon?” and chased an imaginary waiter holding a bowl of oatmeal.
ah, but you are unclear on WHO is holding the bowl of oatmeal. That matters.
It was Corn Pop
I trust that the President now has enough ammunition to begin his campaign in earnest.
And in the rest of the country as well (couldn’t help myself after reading what I wrote.)
Some of these proposals are good and should be done anyway, should have been done long ago, and the rest are at worst useless and don’t seem worth opposing. What else is in that bill? What unreasonable things are they hiding and their MSM allies not reporting? There’s got to be something.
Frankly, I am GLAD there is pushback against the no-knock warrants. I – and many liberty-minded people have thought these were a terrible thing back when I first heard of them. But only the black community has the clout to put up a stink and make it stick. And I support them in this and other issues. Get rid of policing for tax-evasion crimes (like selling a loose cigarette), etc. Get rid of civil forfeiture. I think that there will be a broad base of support for these types of things. But that cuts into the control the Dems have over their cities.
Selling loosies isn’t a tax evasion issue. They’re banned by federal regulation, even with tax paid, on the dubious theory that if the kind of people who buy them can’t, then they won’t smoke. There used to actually be a legal brand of loosies, that sold them in individual containers with tax stamps and everything. This regulation shut that down.
You have to pass the bill to find out what is in it.
The provision about lynching seems rather weird. I wasn’t aware that lynching has suddenly become a pressing national issue. The proposal to abolish lynching seems as anachronistic as a Federal law that bans someone from carrying wire cutters in their pocket (a leftover law from the free-range days in Texas). Sort of makes me wonder if it is a head-fake to invoke the politically-useful images of lynching from about a century ago while concealing the really dirty stuff Democrat actually want.
Yes, that’s one of the provisions I characterized as “useless”.
“The most controversial proposals would revise federal statutes on when police officers can be charged with use of excessive force, and whether they can be sued for such behavior.”
That is the grenade right there. If those provisions go too far you won’t have to defund the police, every one will quit if they think they could face a federal rap for doing their job.
The second part of that sentence probably refers to qualified immunity, which should be heavily pruned back. It’s a travesty. No legislature ever voted on it. The courts just made it up. Policemen like everyone else should be responsible for their own actions; and like everyone else they should be protected from harassment by frivolous litigation.
“Monday, Biden’s campaign announced he does not support defunding the police, a move which pits him on the opposite side of the issue from Congressional Democrats.”
I don’t believe that for one microsecond. Of course Biden will work to “defund” the police (read: turn them into an American version of the Stasi)! Fighting “racism” and overturning the Bill of Rights is Job #1 for the Khmer Rouge wannabes who will be running his administration.
I almost never look at facebook, except when I have to because someone insists on communicating with me by Facebook Messenger, or by setting up a video call on Facebook, etc. So I happened to look today, and one of my “progressive” friends cited an article by some professor explaining that “defunding” doesn’t really mean defunding, and “abolition” doesn’t really mean abolition, so we should all calm down. I’m not going to argue with him (I hate facebook, and when we see each other face to face there are much more pleasant ways to spend our time than having political arguments) but it seems to me that if you don’t mean defunding and abolition then you shouldn’t use those words. Because simple-minded people like me will take you at your word.
I, for one, would love to have a conversation about who funds the police, how much, how it’s provisioned n delivered, and for what. Let’s talk about that.
Meanwhile “defund” is just a patronage shift power grab..
Cities “defund” the police, while SanFranNan federalizes them, and who’s in charge now?
Cities shift funds to other “community” support activities, n a whole new raft of clients are beholden ever after to Her/Hizzhonor.
For me the big thing is it’s way too often the “Biden Campaign” says. Trump, for better or worse, can go toe to toe for an hour with a 90% hostile press corps. Joe, on the other hand, fumbles and bumbles his way through 5-7 minute segments on MSNBC with the host pitching softballs.
I think the big question is can all these lunatic leftists, leftist media, campaign staffers etc. etc, drag a befuddled Biden across the finish line?
It will not be long before Biden changes his position on this matter. All the energy in the party is behind defund the police or disband the police. That is where all the money will come from.
Biden has no core values or principles. He is a creature of the Swamp and will do or say anything to get elected.
Since blacks find the U.S. so awful, why not offer a fully paid for returning to Africa?
Cartoonist Michael Ramirez has a great toon out today. It’s a privilege chit you can fill out and give to the police to voluntarily waive all future calls and rights to police protection. I wholeheartedly recommend it for everyone calling for defunding and/or dismantling local police departments. It’s quicker and let’s our boys and girls in blue know who will kneel with or against them.
Headline misleading- don’t see anything in House Bill to defund police.
actually a smart move, probably by his handlers. most people, even most moderate democrats, don’t actually want to eliminate the police. only a vocal fringe think that’s actually a good idea.
this makes biden look better than he actually is.