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Arizona State Revokes Journalism Dean Job Offer Over Tweet About ‘Good Police Officers’

Arizona State Revokes Journalism Dean Job Offer Over Tweet About ‘Good Police Officers’

“students complained of past microaggressions and other insensitive comments”

Academia is dominated by the far left, we all knew this, but now it is crystal clear how bad the situation really is.

The College Fix reports:

After tweet supporting ‘good police officers,’ Arizona State revokes journalism dean offer

Arizona State University has rescinded a job offer to the new dean of its journalism school after students complained of past microaggressions and other insensitive comments.

Sonya Forte Duhé, who was set to take over as dean of the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication and CEO of Arizona PBS, has had the offer revoked after nearly two dozen past students complained that she frequently encouraged them to, among other things, dress appropriately, wear makeup while on air, and speak with a more standard journalistic voice.

The complaining students found these actions to be “racist” and “homophobic.”

Duhé, a communications professor at Loyola University New Orleans, received further condemnation last Tuesday after she tweeted a photo of black and white hands intertwined with the message “For the family of George Floyd, the good police officers who keep us safe, my students, faculty and staff. Praying for peace on this #BlackOutTuesday.”

She has since deleted the tweet.

A letter signed by Cronkite faculty members urging Duhé’s ouster said the tweet showed “poor judgment and a lack of understanding of what it means to be the dean of the Cronkite School,” given that journalists have been attacked by police during the protests following Floyd’s death.

The letter said hiring Duhé would harm the journalism school’s reputation and fundraising. It was signed by the Cronkite chapters of the Asian American Journalists Association, the National Association of Black Journalists, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists and the Native American Journalists Association.


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I wonder if they have adopted the “Palestinian” approach formally, Never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Sounds like the professor might have helped their image with the public.

“To be a television journalist you should dress professionally, present a neat, tidy appearance and speak clearly in proper English”


It’s impossible to parody the left…they ARE a parody.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to Sailorcurt. | June 11, 2020 at 7:27 am

    One of my very favorite newscasters met every one of those standards easily. His name was Dennis Richmond or Richman. Quite the handsome man as well. Oh, and… he was black.

“Dress appropriately, wear makeup while on air, and speak with a more standard journalistic voice.” Good grief. I taught broadcast journalism for 30 years at the university level, and this is basic stuff.
Even the most liberal professors taught these concepts. Why? It’s what’s expected in the TV industry, and you need to adhere to these guidelines if you want to get a job. Our department had detailed guidelines for things like the types of makeup that work best, the “neutral” clothing colors that look good on air, and proper grooming of hair including facial hair. On-air talent had to remove any nose rings, facial piercings or jewelry that would be considered distracting. We also had courses specifically focused on proper broadcast speaking style based on industry standards. You won’t get a job in TV news if you don’t have the proper look and sound.

    OldProf2 in reply to RestLess. | June 10, 2020 at 5:34 pm

    Exactly right. This school is declaring that virtue signaling is more important than preparing students for jobs in the real world.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to RestLess. | June 11, 2020 at 7:29 am

    …and proper grooming of hair including facial hair.

    I wonder… do I meet the standards? ;-{)}}}

Based on the concerns expressed in the faculty letter with the endorsement of the polyethnosaturated (thus, more genuine than some vanilla-white privileged) student association, I guess the almost dean should feel lucky she wasn’t met with some on-campus “muscle” too — like what was deemed in good order toward a videography student 5 years ago by a regular Lefty, now-former journalism prof at (even higher-ranked) Mizzou.

In their constant aim and effort to promulgate misery, the New-Power-Now feeling of today’s Left knows no bounds of unreasoning arbitrariness and self-defeating capriciousness.

Especially indecency, and, to be sure, a critical lack of ethically relevant sense-awareness: they’re exactly whom they themselves claim to oppose, the very reason, they say, they exist.

They are like the “complete perversion of the law,” when, in Bastiat’s view, the law, in exceeding its function, defeats itself by its own doing, acting in “direct opposition to its own purpose”.

The world they think is made better just because they’re in it, let alone what they say or do, isn’t. Their narcissism pollutes it vilely to no end.

Nature cannot tolerate such concentrated, unopposed negative pressure. Beware the whirlwind, it warns. A countervailing force is in the offing.

The Russian mind knows this character well; such a person thinking and behaving in this manner is an idiot. Given power, a no more dangerous creature lives, threatening us all.

I knew the President Of Arizona State Univ “back in the day” when he was a Grad student. Seems like Mike Crowe has deleted all reference of his time at Southern Illinois University and the Coal Research Center from his resume. Why is that? Is he ashamed? Hmmm.