Wuhan Virus Watch: All the catastrophic predictions about reopening Georgia, Florida, and Texas were spectacularly wrong
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Wuhan Virus Watch: All the catastrophic predictions about reopening Georgia, Florida, and Texas were spectacularly wrong

Wuhan Virus Watch: All the catastrophic predictions about reopening Georgia, Florida, and Texas were spectacularly wrong

Las Vegas Strip tentatively set to reopen June 4. Research shows nearly half of accounts tweeting about coronavirus are bots. A majority of the population may have ‘some degree’ of preexisting immunity to COVID-19. Coronavirus pandemic could be over in the U.S. by November 11.


Today’s update will begin with a summation of the predictions about a coronavirus catastrophe following the economic reopening of Georgia, Florida, and Texas: They were spectacularly wrong!

Three large Southern states that moved aggressively to reopen amid the coronavirus crisis have seen new cases and deaths largely hold steady since then — despite several controversies over some of their data.

In Georgia, where Gov. Brian Kemp bucked the White House and local officials to lift a stay-at-home order on April 24, the state reported 862 cases on Thursday, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

That was less than the 946 new cases counted on Wednesday, but helped spur a slight rise in a seven-day rolling average that’s been basically trending downward since the start of the Peach State’s reopening.

…Florida — which was among the last states to impose a coronavirus lockdown, on April 2 — hit a record 1,413 new cases on April 16, followed by a record 83 deaths on April 28, according to the Tallahassee Reports website.

Since the state began reopening on May 4, its seven-day average of new cases is essentially flat, according to a chart published by the New York Times.

…In Texas, there were 945 new cases on Thursday, for a total 52,268, according to the Texas Tribune.

The seven-day average of new cases rose fairly steadily from around 1,000 on May 1, when Gov. Greg Abbott began lifting the lockdown he ordered March 19, but began dipping on Sunday and is now around 1,250, according to a chart prepared by the Tribune.

Las Vegas Strip tentatively set to reopen June 4

Viva Las Vegas!

Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak (D) said the Las Vegas Strip could tentatively reopen on June 4, a potentially major economic boost to the city amid shutdowns due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Sisolak started the first phase of Nevada’s reopening earlier this month and said a second phase could commence if data on the outbreak continues to be positive. He will hold a briefing next week to provide Nevadans with an update on the pandemic.

“If Nevada’s COVID-19 data continues to reflect positive or consistent trends through the Memorial Day Weekend, the Governor will announce a Phase 2 reopening date at the Tuesday press conference, along with business reopening and statewide continuing operation guidelines,” his office said.

Research shows nearly half of accounts tweeting about coronavirus are bots

Further research is needed to determine if the bots are Russian or Chinese.

Nearly half of the Twitter accounts spreading messages on the social media platform about the coronavirus pandemic are likely bots, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University said Wednesday.

Researchers culled through more than 200 million tweets discussing the virus since January and found that about 45% were sent by accounts that behave more like computerized robots than humans.

It is too early to say conclusively which individuals or groups are behind the bot accounts, but researchers said the tweets appeared aimed at sowing division in America.

“We do know that it looks like it’s a propaganda machine, and it definitely matches the Russian and Chinese playbooks, but it would take a tremendous amount of resources to substantiate that,” said Kathleen Carley, a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University who is conducting a study into bot-generated coronavirus activity on Twitter that has yet to be published.

A majority of the population may have ‘some degree’ of preexisting immunity to COVID-19

Research is now indicating that up to 60% of people may already have some built-in resistance to coronavirus infection.

A new study from scientists in the United States suggests that a significant majority of the population may already have some level of immunity to the coronavirus, a possible explanation for why so many individuals seem to experience few to no symptoms from the disease.

The study, written by researchers in California, New York and North Carolina and soon to be published in the journal Cell, discovered that certain types of cells in blood samples taken from donors in 2015-2018—well before COVID-19 arose—were reactive against the COVID-19 virus. In other words, those blood samples were at least partially immune from the coronavirus even though they had never been exposed to it.

“CD4+ T cell responses were detected in 40-60% of unexposed individuals. This may be reflective of some degree of crossreactive, preexisting immunity to SARS- CoV-2 in some, but not all, individuals,” the researchers state in the paper.

Coronavirus pandemic could be over in the U.S. by November 11

A new scientific model predicts the virus will continue its steady decline with no second wave.

The coronavirus pandemic in the United States could be over as early as mid-November, new modeling has shown.

Researchers at Singapore University of Technology and Design have created a complex model predicting the exact date the pandemic will end in the US, UK, and other countries around the world.

According to the data, the US is on track to be coronavirus-free by November 11, while the UK could see an earlier end date of September 30.

The model predicts the trajectory of the spread of the virus over time while tracking the actual number of new confirmed cases per day in a given country.


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Wait for it… as sure as the day is long, the vile Dhimmi-crats will soon brazenly and effortlessly shift from blaming POTUS for an allegedly lax and inadequate response to the Communist Chinese Wuhan virus, to blaming him for OVERREACTING to the virus, and, wreaking economic havoc.

Why, it’s almost as though the response to the chinaFlu was never about reducing the spread…

Lessee, the chicoms and their partners, the rabid democrats in America, have set up a takeover of Hong Kong and Taiwan – now in progress. They have murdered thousands of Social Security and mediscare recipients getting rid of a huge debt. They have inflicted a catastrophic blow to the worlds greatest economic system.

They have enabled an authoritarian regime here in the USA that rivals the chicomms in china.

They think they will win elections now as a result of enabling more crooked methods.

Will the Americans rise up?

Open question.

2smartforlibs | May 24, 2020 at 10:48 am

How is it the experts can be so wrong consistently yet we can’t even question their numbers? How many pundits start with I have great respect for Doc Fauci but…..

Beto tweeted:

“Dangerous, dumb, and weak.”

Cruz responded:

“Is this the new Dem slogan?”

Yeah, baby!

Everything here is interesting but not (IMO) unexpected. Manipulation by bots, possible limited herd immunity preexisting, governors who know their states allowing their economies to gradually reopen. Glad to see it.

Are there fewer northern snowbirds going back to their closed-down states? It would be revealing to scan the license plates of northbound traffic on I-65, I-75, I-85, and I-95 to get an idea.

    buckeyeminuteman in reply to DSHornet. | May 24, 2020 at 1:49 pm

    Much aunt and uncle go to Titusville every year from November through April. They’re still there, divided to stay put as there is much more to do down there now.

amatuerwrangler | May 24, 2020 at 11:05 am

If you stop and think about it, the numbers are bogus. Unless I’ve missed some radical breakthrough, test results do not time-stamp Wuhan Virus. You know, tell us when the tested person contracted it. At the beginning of all this, the only people tested were those ill enough to go to the hospital. A large number of those were tested and found to be ill from something else. As the availability of testing increased, more cases were reported, as would be expected. Are these the “new cases”? What is not divulged is what percentage of those tested exhibited the disease. And did the testing tell us of mere exposure with no disease symptoms, or actual disease?

These experts and their models have been wrong too many times, in many situations besides this one. It would be interesting to see if the actual numbers we are seeing now are any different from the spread of the disease on the Diamond Princess.

    The amount of detail is dependent on the state, as well as their willingness to be open about the info.

    For example, my state (OK) reports the number of new confirmed cases and reported deaths every day. But, the number of positive tests is greater than the number of cases, indicating that if a positive person is retested and still registers as positive, the state does not double-count the case. The state does not appear to be reporting “suspected” cases, though they do note the hospitalized cases by confirmed or awaiting results.

    The death info is reported as new within the last 24 hours and those who died earlier in the week.

    The graph of daily cases is actually based on date of first symptoms or date of test if asymptomatic. The graph shows active cases, deaths, recovered cases. “Recovered” is defined as those people who are not in the hospital or dead and who are 14 days past first symptoms or test date.

    You can easily access data of cases, death, recovered by county, city, zipcode. If you access the weekly epidemiology report, you can also see the number of antibody tests taken & the positive response (3.7% so far). Those are not included in the case count (so far).

    Moral of the comment – check the data that your state is producing and question it. I did and got a fast response to the question.

Watch DEATHS only. The number of cases will go up. But 70% of all deaths are from Congregate Living Centers. Opening or closing will have Zero impact on those numbers.

Love Texas and Abbott. However the level of testing at least in northeast Harris county has been pathetic. Expect case count to rise for many weeks, assuming they finally get their act together. In the meantime just watch the death count. It shows we need to continue moving forward with the reopening. Quickly.

We had a good friend commit suicide. Decades long friendship. We were unaware he suffered from depression and his life seemed to be going great.. Family believes the isolation from COVID was responsible. Sure, it is not the COVID alone, but one contact, one phone call, one trip to look forward to can be the difference between life and death.

I personally have heard 3 stories from friends regarding their family members, and how lucky!! they were that previously unknown medical conditions were diagnosed in the month before COVID. Not surprising when you realize every day across America doctors discover as-yet unknown conditions requiring immediate care.

    Paul in reply to elle. | May 24, 2020 at 2:54 pm

    I’m sorry for your loss. Suicide can be so devastating for those left behind. I had an older half-sister who killed herself. I was a young boy at the time and really don’t remember her that much, but I’ll never forget the effect it had on my Mom for the rest of her life.

    “…every day across America doctors discover as-yet unknown conditions…”

    Yes, we will see a wave of unnecessary deaths starting next spring. Those will be the inevitable, unintended consequences of allowing “The Best Men” and their models to rule us by diktat.

    I wonder what the men who stormed Normandy Beach would think of us cowering in our homes like this.

      elle in reply to Paul. | May 24, 2020 at 8:23 pm

      Thank you Paul. As happens, you can’t help but wish you had let them know how much they mean to you and wish they would still be around to grow old with.

      You are spot on. It is always amazing to me how the “caring”, “enlightened” are more than happy to look past all the havoc and tragedy caused by the shutdown. They seem ONLY able to find it in their hearts to care about those who have COVID. The depressed and bankrupt … hey, they just need to man up and take one for the team..

      elle in reply to Paul. | May 24, 2020 at 8:33 pm

      Paul, I also meant to say how sorry I am for the tragedy in your family. I’m sure it was difficult for you to see your mother’s sorrow.

I can’t remember so many “experts” being so wrong about nearly everything for so long, and so many people are willing to go along with their tripe.

There will always be a crowd that justifies rules by saying:”if it saves one life”. Never mind the losses caused by the decision. A strong leader will make bold, and possibly risky decisions to advance a common good.

I have one caution. I believe the next month is very important to practice good sanitation and distancing. Why? Because all of the people who believed themselves to be at risk and never left home will begin to venture out. The very reason they completely isolated themselves is the reason they will be more likely to contact COVID. I think we WILL see a spike in new cases and deaths for this reason.

    cktheman in reply to elle. | May 24, 2020 at 1:26 pm

    Virtually everyone has already been exposed directly or indirectly via trip to the “essential” businesses.

      elle in reply to cktheman. | May 24, 2020 at 7:47 pm

      That is not true. I alone know of several people.. One, an elderly woman whose dau does all shopping. Dau cleans off everything brought into home, including groceries and mail. She wears a mask around her and sanitizes everything. The older woman can’t wait to get back out. She has not left her home since beginning of March.

      I know another that has had food delivered into her garage where she leaves it untouched for hours, then sprays it with hydrogen peroxide and allows most items to sit for 2 days before touching. She has not left the house. I could go on.

      I Think opening up Is necessary and good, but I’m not wrong here. It is logical what I’m saying. The immunocompromised who stayed home will be venturing out, It is a given that the numbers will go up
      Because this is the population of people most likely to catch COVID.

Hence Farquaad Fauci’s slow walk back. The CDC and NIH is a dangerous bed of incompetents…and why do we have two agencies that do the same thing anyway?

    healthguyfsu in reply to puhiawa. | May 24, 2020 at 1:26 pm

    NIH is primarily focused on chronic and mostly non-infectious diseases (heart disease, cancer, addiction and mental health,lung disease, digestive disease, kidney disease, etc.)

    CDC is much more infection-centric.

      rabidfox in reply to healthguyfsu. | May 24, 2020 at 5:57 pm

      If only that were true. The CDC has been getting their fingers into a lot of things that have nothing to do with communicable diseases like obesity or gun deaths.

iconotastic | May 24, 2020 at 1:04 pm

“… found that about 45% were sent by accounts that behave more like computerized robots than humans.”

To be fair, this is how the most ideological Democrats/leftists behave on social media too. It is difficult to tell a bot from a fully indoctrinated and angry Karen.

Random observations regarding covid

1. New cases – this is not very helpful data. It isn’t tethered to any baseline number. The number of new cases via testing is a simple function of expanded testing capacity.

2. Covid hospitalization is a better indicator because we do have an accurate historical baseline to view changes day over day, week over week, month over month.

3. Deaths for those hospitalized. Also a better indicator for same reasons as 2. Also reflects the changes in treatment protocols; less immediate ventilator use vs original protocol.

Finally regarding some folks getting cabin fever and not being able to cope, some resorting to suicide.

My wife and I, both retired active duty, discussed this yesterday. Most recent veterans and very likely previous cohorts of veterans have experience with this sort of thing.

Almost every veteran has experienced some form or degree of:

‘So some guy, who for some reason is in charge, is telling me I have to stay here, for an indeterminate amount of time, waiting for some indeterminate thing to occur, over which I have no control, so just sit down and make the best of it.’

That indeterminate time could be hours or days or weeks. That is a fact of military service.

Having a prior experience of this kind is very helpful with the lockdown. I can see where those who are facing that for the first time are understandably anxious. Especially if their business or job and income is cut off as well.

Something that I find very interesting about this article is that there is now a predicted end to the pandemic, in the northern hemisphere, on November 11. This a corona virus. Such a virus reacts to seasonal changes much like influenza. Higher temperatures and humidity levels tend to suppress the transmission of the virus. So, we should see a reduction in cases during the summer and an increase in the winter. Yet, this “model” predicts that the virus will disappear in the winter. Incredible. It would happen right after the Democrats defeat Trump for President, too. Incredible.

The COVID virus situation was nothng more than a terrorist terror campaign waged against the world populace through the news media. And, it is still going on. The media reports NO good news concerning the virus. The numbers can nit be believed. The top health official in NJ publicly admitted that every death, which shows an exposure to COVID-19 on testing is classified as a death due to COVID. Widely used medications, which may actually work in treating the virus are claimed to be ineffective and the populous has been discouraged from using them. According to the media, politicians and medical experts, the only thing that works are draconian measures which destroy the world economy. This is all a SCAM.

southern commenter | May 24, 2020 at 5:56 pm

“can nit?”

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | May 24, 2020 at 11:04 pm


NY Times List The Name Of Murdered Man In List Of Deaths From Wuhan Coronavirus


That Nov 11 date seems suspiciously tailored to justify keeping restrictions in place until after the US presidential election. If I were a Democrat operative paying for that report I couldn’t get a more useful conclusion.

Here in Florida the Governor is lifting the lockdowns, while local governments, at least according to signs posted by businesses like Publix, are adding mask mandates because stores that didn’t have them now do. I see restaurants claiming their dining rooms are now open, while posting signs requiring you have a mask on to enter. If I can take the mask off to eat, what was the point of the mask to enter? I’m not playing dumb games like that, I can wait to dine out.

Republicans understand science about as well as Democrats understand guns.

    Milhouse in reply to cgray451. | May 25, 2020 at 1:03 pm

    Um, no. The Democrats are the anti-science as well as the anti-gun party. Guns are science, after all.

    Milhouse in reply to cgray451. | May 25, 2020 at 1:23 pm

    The Democrats are the home of superstitious fear of anything “unnatural”. They’re the home of opposition to vaccinations, GMOs, fracking, nuclear power (or nuclear anything), pesticides, “chemicals” in general, dams, pretty much any kind of progress at all, anything that will make humans more prosperous and more free. The Democrats are the home of pagan nature-worshipers, believers in astrology and every kind of newage (rhymes with sewage) nonsense, indeed believers in anything and everything that isn’t traditional religion. Also the home of deniers that biology can determine sex, intelligence, and when a person’s life starts and ends.

    The whole “Republicans are anti-science” idea comes down to two things: Republicans tend to be skeptical of the unproven theory du jour on why the sky is about to fall and Kill Us All!!!™; and to either believe or be tolerant of those who believe that while science can explain how the world came about without resorting to a Creator, that’s not necessarily what actually happened. As the fellow said, “was you there, bud?”.

The first wave was wildly exaggerated, a second wave is possible but they are much smaller than the initial wave. Hopefully democrat governors, this second time around, will not insist on putting more infected people in assisted living facilities.

    Vince Vonheeder in reply to dunce1239. | May 26, 2020 at 10:40 pm

    One would think so. but like the securities prospectuses point out: Past performance does not necessarily predict future results. Or something like that. I would also consider that those on the left tend to cling to whatever motivates them regardless of how many time they fail. After all, it might work next time!