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University of Notre Dame Opening Campus to Students in Fall With Reconfigured Schedule

University of Notre Dame Opening Campus to Students in Fall With Reconfigured Schedule

“By far the most complex challenge before us is the return of our students to campus for the resumption of classes in the fall semester”

They’re starting early and eliminating fall break. Not a bad idea.

Campus Reform reports:

Notre Dame brings students back to campus, but there’s a catch

The University of Notre Dame has configured a plan for returning to campus for the fall 2020 semester that it believes will mitigate certain risks associated with campus life amid the coronavirus pandemic, but the schedule looks much different than normal. The school announced Monday that in an effort to limit travel to and from campus during the school year, Notre Dame’s new school schedule will have students arrive two weeks earlier than normal, on Aug. 10.

In addition to the early start date, Notre Dame will also do away with its regular fall break in October, allowing the semester to come to a complete close before its normal Thanksgiving break. This allows students to complete the term without increasing the risk of spreading the virus by traveling home and back.

“By far the most complex challenge before us is the return of our students to campus for the resumption of classes in the fall semester,” wrote University President Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C in a letter to students. “Bringing our students back is in effect assembling a small city of people from many parts of the nation and the world, who may bring with them pathogens to which they have been exposed. We recognize the challenge, but we believe it is one we can meet.”


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notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | May 20, 2020 at 1:33 pm

ND is totally deluded.

“complex challenge”? Apparently they have a far different definition of “complex” than I do.

OK. My SWAG is that they want to get a jump on things in case the semester is cut short, because the students will have passed that 2 week period where tuition and fees aren’t refunded, before the other schools are in session and trigger the Fall spike of “the sniffles.”