Ralph Northam Orders Virginians to Wear Masks Days After Being Spotted Near Others at Beach Without One
“Virginians over the age of 10 will be required to have a face covering when using public transportation and visiting salons, barbershops, and retail stores.”
Virginia’s Democrat Governor Ralph Northam has now ordered all Virginians to wear face masks in public. Just two days ago, the governor was spotted at a beach, not wearing a mask or practicing social distancing.
Doesn’t this send a rather mixed message?
David Hogberg of the Washington Examiner has the story on the new order:
Ralph Northam orders Virginians to wear masks in public
Gov. Ralph Northam on Tuesday ordered Virginia residents to wear masks in indoor public areas to combat the coronavirus.
Virginians over the age of 10 will be required to have a face covering when using public transportation and visiting salons, barbershops, and retail stores. Masks also must be worn in restaurants, except when eating.
The announcement, which Northam strongly hinted at last week, comes as he faces criticism for not wearing a mask at the oceanfront of Virginia Beach over the Memorial Day weekend.
Caitlin McFall of FOX News reported on the beach incident over the weekend:
Virginia Gov. Northam criticized after not wearing mask or social distancing on beach
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam faced criticism on social media after appearing in Virginia Beach Saturday without a face mask and not practicing social distancing measures around members of the public.
Northam reportedly visited the beach with Mayor Bobby Dye on the second day of the beach’s reopening, according to local news outlet 13News Now. Virginia Beach’s reopening is considered a test to see if people can safely follow social distancing rules before other beaches in Virginia reopen.
But Northam, who previously served as an Army doctor, came under fire when images of him surfaced on social media not wearing a face mask and apparently in close contact with other community members.
See the photos in the tweets below:
Here’s Gov. Ralph Northam social distancing with a mask on at the beach today… you know… like he tells everyone else to do. pic.twitter.com/8IUEGYH0GI
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) May 23, 2020
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) May 24, 2020
Virginia Gov Northam on the Virginia Beach boardwalk; no mask, no social distancing ? pic.twitter.com/TURhdUD0zl
— A (@johnwelIs) May 23, 2020
It’s too dangerous for you to keep your small business open but your governor can spend a nice weekend at the beach getting photo ops with the press pic.twitter.com/jopZNna76e
— A (@johnwelIs) May 23, 2020
Do as Ralph says, not as Ralph does.
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to the full extent allowed by law.
He should be wearing his KKKovering.
I prefer my V for Vendetta Guy Fawkes mask.
The man is partial to covering his face. I wonder what color his mask will be?
If anyone needs a Face Diaper….
Gov. Klu Klux Klan does…..
“Subjects, Hear well. Thou shall doest as I sayeth, not as I doeth.”
Yous, capiche, peons?
Over 91% of all COVID-19 deaths in Virginia have occurred in people 60 years of age or older – but EVERYONE needs to wear a face mask.
Stupidity rises as Virginia falls.
Protect people in nursing homes. Protect people in assisted living facilities. Protect people with associated co-morbidities (morbid obesity). Everyone else should go about their business.
I wonder how that black guy standing behind him feels about being used so brazenly as THE token black face in a photo-op?
Diversity? Perhaps.
I can see the thought bubble over his head. “Yadda yadda blah blah blargle blargle…”
Masks are for the little people. What do you think Northam is? A peasant?
Gov Blackface: Did you see the data out this week suggesting wearing a mask is more dangerous than previously thought?? Especially when worn for 8 straight hours.
Are you kidding me? Governor Blackface is of the party of “Science,” so naturally he’s going to ignore science that is inconvenient for him.
Does Governor Ralph “Coonman” Northam always have a black person in the photo to make people forget his old nickname and that he wore blackface?
And what about Justin Fairfax, Northam’s lieutenant governor who was, as they say, “credibly accused” of rape? Is he going to be Gropey Joe’s running mate?
If wearing masks is so effing important why hasn’t that order been in place already?
Why wasn’t it in place while everything was shutdown? Why wasn’t it in place as things began re-opening?
Why in place now? Ultimately because it means the people must continue obeying him. He can’t possibly let people have freedom without chaining them in some way to his rule – so, he takes off the leg shackles and requires a mask.
Sic semper tyrannis.
He can go to hell. Today, preferably.
Gov. Northam and NC Gov. Cooper as well. Tell the feckless cowards to go to hell. We consent to be governed, we will not be ruled.
It isn’t a mixed message at all. It is a very clear message. We The People are subjects, not citizens and will do as our rulers dictate. They are themselves above us, and will do as they please.
The Karens are going to love this.
Oh, the irony. Several trimesters after Northam is unmasked, he is ordering people… persons to wear masks. Luke, I am your governor.
Don’t forget the goggles. The eyes are a window to contagion.
I wonder if this isn’t paving the way for the public beatings that will be coming in November, when the left unleashes the brown shirts following a Trump landslide reelection?
There has to be an easy way to identify those members of society who are not members of the herd. Masks are the new Party membership button for the fascist Progressives. The herd must be uniform and members must submit to this uniformity. And, rebels and those outside the herd have to be punished. And, being maskless, in public, allows members of the Progressive herd to attack bare-faced individuals, especially in large herd enclaves, such as the blue cities. Wearing masks is akin to wearing gang colors.
This is all being engineered to spark violence over the summer and further disrupt the society and economy. Certain factions of the Progressive Establishment have been pushing this nation toward a violent civil war since November of 2016. They unleashed their brown shirts [Antifa, BLM and similar groups] early and when that did not spark the reaction that they wanted, while becoming a political liability, these groups were muzzled. They ginned up unwarranted charges of racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia against nonbelievers. They are actively pursuing a class warfare agenda. If Trump wins in November, all of these activities will be stepped up, again. If he loses, especially if there is evidence of rampant vote fraud [which there is likely to be] this might just spark the reaction, from the rest of America, which the Progressives are now attempting to provoke. They love it when a plan comes together.
There may be a good campaign ad in the making: So far, dem governors of Virginia, Illinois, Michigan, and New Mexico, and or their families, breaking their own shutdown rules. Maybe others.
kids under 10 are exempt – because:
A) kids have been shown to be relatively immune? or
B) Kids wont keep the mask on? or
c) the odds of transmitting the virus at the beach is nearly zero?
I know several in VA who will be adding lively wording to their masks (which they will likely hang on their rear view mirrors- that was the gov’s excuse – he left it in the car).
And no one in Virginia finds the conduct of this man disturbing?
Many of us find it disturbing. But elections last 4 years and there was no will in the feckless VA GOP to remove him from office.
The science is settled. Ten people together is fine, but as soon as the eleventh joins them, they are all at high risk.
As I was leaving my last doctor’s appt, I happened to look in the employee break room on the way out. The entire staff was sitting in there without a single mask in sight. Of course, it’s hard to drink coffee through a mask.
At a Virginia Aldi today there was a new line for people to queue in .
There was obvious confusion with several shoppers not knowing where to go .
I told several it was communist training for the future breadlines .
Several did not understand and one woman shot me laser eyes.
In the democrats’ world, rules are only for the peasants.
He’s got armed guards, too.
Just like the snipers on roofs at the ralley where nothing happened.
Apparently, being afraid of your own citizens (baselessly) isn’t enough to drive this guy to good governance. Or even sane personal behavior.
wHitler ordered the same thing. I’m ignoring it and not wearing a mask inside anywhere.
Today at the grocery store I didn’t see one other person NOT wearing a mask and one guy took out his phone and I think he called the cops on me. If so, they never showed and they had enough time to get to the store and give me a ticket.
Michigan is scared s*itless about this wuhan flu and I’m guessing they’ll vote wHitler in for another term. Bunch of chickens*its really.
Surprisingly at the Walmart near me those people who get taunted with the People of Walmart pix are maybe half and half on wearing them. Maybe even a little less than half wearing them. Kudos to them.
Remembering that I live in the Oh So Very Blue Northern Virginia, I was grocery shopping during the old fart time at Walmart and almost laughed out loud when I realized that the guy with a gun was the one WITHOUT a mask.