Purdue President Mitch Daniels Says Not Opening Campus in Fall ‘Unacceptable’
“Forty-five thousand young people — the biggest student population we’ve ever had — are telling us they want to be here this fall”

Daniels is taking a very common sense approach to this situation.
FOX News reports:
Purdue University president says not reopening in the fall would be ‘unacceptable’
Mitch Daniels, the former Republican governor of Indiana and current president of Purdue University, wrote in a Washington Post op-ed Tuesday morning that failing to reopen the university for students this fall would be “an unacceptable breach of duty,” citing statistics on how the coronavirus mostly affects older people and not the 18-22-year-old cohort that attends colleges like his.
Daniels has previously made clear that he intends to open the Indiana school for students in August with a number of measures to reduce the density of the population and protect those in vulnerable groups.
His plea in the pages of the Post comes as an increasing number of voices – largely from the right side of the political spectrum – are calling for as close to a resumption of business-as-usual as possible, as soon as possible, warning against the economic and human costs of keeping people locked down in their homes in order to stem the spread of the virus.
“Forty-five thousand young people — the biggest student population we’ve ever had — are telling us they want to be here this fall,” Daniels wrote. “To tell them, ‘Sorry, we are too incompetent or too fearful to figure out how to protect your elders, so you have to disrupt your education,’ would be a gross disservice to them and a default of our responsibility.”

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Through various connections, I have met and corresponded with Mitch a few times, and I know one of his Sr.VP’s pretty well. They definitely understand the science and the risks AND they want to deliver maximum value for the tuition they are charging (which thru their innovation is one of the best $values/education-delivered in the country!). Imo, it puts them in a great position to lead on this.
Hoping that my son’s college, also in the Midwest (and discussed on this website many times) follows Purdue’s lead and opens as well.