Portland State Under Investigation for Allegedly Banning Whites From ‘Feminists of Color’ Event

Try to imagine the left’s reaction if a conservative campus event featuring someone like Ben Shapiro banned certain people based on race.

The College Fix reports:

Department of Education investigating Portland State for banning whites from ‘feminist’ gatheringPortland State University will have to explain to federal regulators why it allows a weekly gathering that excludes whites to meet in a university-funded, university-managed space.The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights confirmed it was investigating the taxpayer-funded university for its patronage of the “Feminist of Color Collective,” as well as for hosting women-only periods at the campus recreational facility.In an April 29 letter to University of Michigan-Flint economist Mark Perry, who filed the complaint, OCR’s Seattle office said it was opening an investigation of Perry’s claim that the Feminist of Color Collective only allows “people of color.”The group appears to have changed its name from “Feminists,” plural, since PSU Prof. Peter Boghossian first called attention to the ongoing no-whites meetings last fall. Boghossian also noted the group’s meetings as advertised may violate PSU’s own “prohibited discrimination and harassment” policy – a possibility the administration refused to acknowledge when The Fix asked.The Feminist of Color Collective continues to meet weekly in the Women’s Resource Center. Perry’s allegation “raises a possible violation of Title VI,” the Seattle office wrote, referring to the section of the Civil Rights Act banning discrimination “on the ground of race, color, or national origin” in federally funded programs.

Tags: College Insurrection, Oregon