Georgetown Law School Sues U.S. for Not Providing Coronavirus Funds to Illegal Immigrant Families

Do the folks at Georgetown have any idea how this appears to millions of Americans? Maybe they just don’t care.

Campus Reform reports:

Georgetown sues US for not giving money to illegal immigrant familiesA Georgetown University Law School advocacy group filed a lawsuit alongside Villanova Law Professor Leslie Book against the United States over COVID-19 relief funding for children of illegal immigrants.The Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection said in a press release that the complaint challenged the “intentional and discriminatory exclusion of U.S. citizen children” from receiving emergency assistance “based solely on the fact that one or both of their parents are undocumented immigrants.”According to the complaint, individual relief payments made under the CARES Act are only available to those who pay taxes using a social security number. However, because illegal immigrants do not have social security numbers and instead use individual taxpayer-identification numbers, the complaint argues that “U.S. citizen children of undocumented immigrants do not receive the $500 economic impact payments specifically intended for children.”However, Center for Immigration Studies Resident Fellow in Law and Policy Andrew Arthur argues that the complaint is misguided and that efforts should be directed at the legislative branch. In his opinion, Congress likely decided to limit individual payments to those with social security numbers in order to limit fraud. Making payments eligible to those without social security numbers “would be an invitation for fraud,” he explained.Arthur also highlighted the fact that this matter was addressed during the congressional debates, as noted in the original complaint.

Tags: College Insurrection, Wuhan Coronavirus