FDA Approves Emergency Use of Remdesivir to Treat Wuhan Coronavirus Patients
Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Wednesday that a study found that “1,063 patients tested with Remdesivir took 11 days to recover versus 15 days for others.”

FDA issued an emergency use authorization to allow doctors to use Remdesivir to treat patients suffering from the Wuhan coronavirus.
Remdesivir, an experimental antiviral drug from Gilead Science, showed promise against the coronavirus in a clinical study.
Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Wednesday that a study found that “1,063 patients tested with Remdesivir took 11 days to recover versus 15 days for others.”
From the FDA:
“FDA’s emergency authorization of remdesivir, two days after the National Institutes of Health’s clinical trial showed promising results, is a significant step forward in battling COVID-19 and another example of the Trump Administration moving as quickly as possible to use science to save lives,” said HHS Secretary Alex Azar. “NIH, FDA, and scientists across America and around the world have worked tirelessly with patients to get us this new potential treatment for COVID-19. The seamless cooperation between government and private industry under the President’s all-of-America approach to COVID-19 is getting treatment options to patients in record time.”
The emergency use authorization allows for remdesivir to be distributed in the U.S. and administered intravenously by health care providers, as appropriate, to treat suspected or laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 in adults and children hospitalized with severe disease. Severe disease is defined as patients with low blood oxygen levels or needing oxygen therapy or more intensive breathing support such as a mechanical ventilator.
“From day one, the FDA has been committed to expediting the development and availability of potential COVID-19 treatments. Today’s action is an important step in our efforts to collaborate with innovators and researchers to provide sick patients timely access to new therapies where appropriate, while at the same time supporting research to further evaluate whether they are safe and effective,” said FDA Commissioner Stephen M. Hahn, M.D. “There’s tremendous interest among all parties to identify and arm ourselves with medicines to combat COVID-19, and through our Coronavirus Treatment Acceleration Program, the FDA is working around-the-clock and using every tool at our disposal to speed these efforts.”

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I am still going for the $30 ticket instead of the 1000 ticket.
What a crooked CDC headed up by Dr. Hillary Fauci we have!!!!!
Let the lawsuits start right now.
This shameless touting of Remdesivir is rotten baloney. All mention of hydroxychloroquine is being suppressed in order to pave the way for Remdesivir, a drug of high expense and little value, shilled by a company that actually pays off the government agencies! In order to assist this corrupt enterprise, Fox News has evidently thrown hydroxychloroquine down the Memory Hole; unless I missed something, it seems that no one at Fox is still talking about it all – good or bad – a dramatic disappearance of what was once a major topic. If so, I’ll bet the brass throttled it by having their lawyers lie and tell the hosts that any positive talk about hydroxychloroquine could expose the network to liability, thereby giving a defensible cover in order to throttle the hosts. Note that nothing negative is being said about hydroxychloroquine: it seems to have just disappeared. Fauci, Scarf Lady and a probably misled Trump are all in on this con job. As they say, follow the money.
Patients treated with “placevo” ?????!!!
No thanks I will take this combo, steroids and HCQ
Definitely talking to my Dr about it. He was a no go on it about two months ago, now I will go armed with facts not WHO, FDA bs
Thanks for that link, excellent review.
I said this somewhere else a couple of days ago:
I understand that 4 days can feel like an eternity to somebody who is suffering, but I don’t see how 15 days vs. 11 days can be considered such a breakthrough.
Remdesivir was already tried for Ebola, and was discarded as not effective. I wonder why the preference.
How does the Remdesivir treatment compare to the HCQ + Azithromycin treatment, or any other for that matter?
Are we choosing winners and losers?
“I wonder why the preference.”
A rhetorical question I’m sure. Remdesivir is a still viable patent…
Why? Because Trump didn’t promote it
Yes, THEY are choosing, you aren’t given a choice
I think this is big Pharma lobbying efforts pushing this.
A sugar pill was only slightly less effective than Remdesivir? Yet Fauci is gushing over it? And don’t forget that the Chinese are tied up with Remdesivir so are looking to make a profit from it’s use.
This study is being touted as a “real” study, but is it really? Why not a study using HCQ/Azithromycin along side the Remdesivir and the placebo to see what results from that? Seems that might be a little to conclusive for which real medication method works better, if either does.
I wonder how many leftist congress critters bought up stock for the coming wave of Remdesivir sales.
“…but is it really?”
Don’t make me laugh. I’d bet big $$$ that this study is faulty.
How are the Chinese “tied up” with it, and how can they make a profit? Gilead has the patent. The Chinese are now trying to get out of having to pay for using it in China, and since they own the courts there it’s likely they’ll get away with it, but that doesn’t affect anyone else in the world.
notice they did not use hydro quinine in another group
I do not trust that guy for nothing.
i wonder how much stock in the parent company his wife owns?
pushing the expensive drug over the cheap one we KNOW w&rks in a few days…
something smells here.
i wonder what the side effect profile is like on this stuff?
I suspect the Hydroxychloroquine studies will be discontinued. So,we will never know. Curious how a fully randomized double blinds study for Remdisavir was completed quickly. Especially interesting that we could establish its safety compared to a decades old FDA drug. Something doesn’t add up.
Where Fauci is involved, it never does! He’s the guy who in March said to take a cruise, and in April that it was OK to have sex with a stranger found on the Tinder website, but that it was much too dangerous to get a haircut
I thought currently used anti-virals were another insane fantasy polluting the brain of Orange Man Bad?
Now do UV treatments n sanatizing lavage? Maybe nebulizers or gaseous delivery?
While we’re at it, what about the other drug … either the docs reporting their “anecdotal” results are lying, or that one looks more promising than Rem-whatever. Let’s do a controlled study?
“Emergency” … anybody who is sick onto death is having an emergency. Why can’t we get anything that might help to people who are in extremis?
The FDA is confused: their job isn’t to keep treatments from getting to people, it’s *to get treatments to people safely.*
— Their operations measure isn’t how much they’ve said “no”, it’s how much they’ve said “yes” safely.
— Their success measure is more life, health, adventure *becuase of* interventions delivered out to the population (that’s us(.