Education Department Issues New Regulations Protecting Due Process on Campus
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Education Department Issues New Regulations Protecting Due Process on Campus

Education Department Issues New Regulations Protecting Due Process on Campus

“The regulations guarantee critical due process protections that Americans recognize as essential to securing justice”

The Department of Education has issued new guidelines on Title IX which are designed to end disastrous practices like kangaroo courts on campus.

In recent years, people have watched in horror as the lives of many young people have been ruined by nothing more than an accusation.

This is big. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education reports:

BREAKING: Education Dept. issues new Title IX regs with crucial campus due process protections, adopts Supreme Court sexual harassment definition

Advocates for free speech and due process on campus won one of their biggest-ever victories today with the finalization of long-awaited new Department of Education Title IX regulations.

The regulations guarantee critical due process protections that Americans recognize as essential to securing justice, but that have for too long been denied to students accused of sexual misconduct on college campuses. The regulations also include important protections for student free speech rights.

“For nearly a decade, FIRE led the charge to introduce fairness to campus proceedings, first nearly alone, then with a growing number of allies,” said FIRE Executive Director Robert Shibley. “Today, we won an important victory. But our work is not over. We will continue to fight to ensure that students are afforded the rights now guaranteed to them when they return to campus this fall.”

Among the procedural protections guaranteed by the new regulations are:

  • An express presumption of innocence;
  • live hearings with cross-examination conducted by an advisor of choice, who may be an attorney;
  • sufficient time and information — including access to evidence — to prepare for interviews and a hearing;
  • impartial investigators and decision-makers;
  • a requirement that all relevant evidence receive an objective evaluation.

As Vice President, Joe Biden was instrumental in advancing the Title IX policies of the Obama administration. Yet, even though he now stands accused of sexual assault, and is being defended by some Democrats, he is denouncing the policy changes being introduced.

Biden writes at Medium:

Statement by Vice President Joe Biden on the Trump Administration Rule to Undermine Title IX and Campus Safety

Survivors deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, and when they step forward they should be heard, not silenced. Today, Betsy DeVos and Donald Trump published a rule that flies in the face of that belief and guarantees that college campuses will be less safe for our nation’s young people.

Simply put: this new rule gives colleges a green light to ignore sexual violence and strip survivors of their rights. It lets colleges off the hook for protecting students, by permitting them to choose to investigate only more extreme acts of violence and harassment and requiring them to investigate in a way that dissuades survivors from coming forward.

This rule fundamentally disregards student’s civil rights under Title IX, which has helped pave the way for millions of women to access education.

Laura Meckler of the Washington Post notes, without a hint of irony, that women’s rights groups and Democrats are angry about these changes:

In publishing the proposal in November 2018, DeVos said the new rules would restore balance in a system that, in her view, had been skewed in favor of the accusers. She said her approach would provide clarity and fairness for victims and those accused of wrongdoing.

The proposal came under intense fire from women’s rights groups and Democrats, who said it would allow assailants and schools to escape responsibility and make college campuses less safe for women.

In other words, women’s rights groups and Democrats, who are willing to give Joe Biden the benefit of the doubt, don’t want the same presumption of innocence to apply to college students.


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Civil rights? How quaint. People… persons are losing their Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, politically congruent religion and its relativistic cousin “ethics”.

same people all for vigilante courts against citizen law vigilantes.

The correct term is man haters….

rights for the accused?

what kind of wimpy ass bleeding heart BS is that?


TX-rifraph | May 7, 2020 at 6:42 pm

“women’s rights groups and Democrats” — both leftist frauds. They provide the evidence themselves.

    McGehee in reply to TX-rifraph. | May 7, 2020 at 6:46 pm

    I read the quoted phrase and finished it with “…go out in the midday sun.”

    I rather think Noel Coward would approve.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | May 7, 2020 at 6:56 pm


New Documents Show Obama Involved In The Flynn Takedown

Sally Yates in on the treason fron the start also.

Weazil Zippers

“In publishing the proposal in November 2018, DeVos said the new rules would restore balance in a system that, in her view, had been skewed in favor of the accusers.”

True, mostly. It is a system that is in *fact* skewed heavily in the direction of *female* accusers. A male accuser will and has gotten no attention at all, and in fact will be taken as some sort of ploy to cover for their obviously malicious deeds, thereby earning them supposedly deserved retribution.

Albigensian | May 7, 2020 at 7:59 pm

Yes, but, to a Title IX administrator, and more than a few feminist activists, “women’s rights” means “we care about the rights of women and girls, the rights of others are not our concern; it’s not our problem.”

Which, when they are in positions of authority, effectively translates into “only women have rights; others need not apply.”

Which they will be blind to, as their ideology will tell them that women can’t be sexist (because of the fantasy that they lack institutional power).

Antifundamentalist | May 7, 2020 at 8:21 pm

The full statement is “innocent until proven guilty according to law.” So, until and unless arrest, prosecution and conviction happens…these are still kangaroo courts and rights are still being violated.

Thursday May 7 has been a very good day for the country and 2020, hopefully a watershed year. Here, today, the Betsy DeVos guidelines return the rule of law to the city state world of academia and the DoJ release of the memo freeing General Flynn and perhaps marking the beginning of the end in the conspiracy to bring down President Trump both on the same day. Thousands of college and university administrators can be expected to howl and fight back ferociously as their jobs and very livelihoods are at stake, but at least the battle is joined. On the other hand, the rope has been pulled that lowered the curtain on almost the entire band of conspirators behind the Russia Trump conspiracy fraud. There will be a fight to the death here also, but perhaps at long last some indictments, a jail term or two, and the entire house of cards will fall. The final piece may be Judicial Watch’s continuing pressure on the Hillary Clinton travesty.

2020? Boris Johnson elected (and survives a nasty bout with the Wuhan flu-there, said it!), and Brexit happens. Benjamin Netyanhu survives in Israel, though the fight’s not over there, either, and the West Bank/disputed territories impasse may be broken. Oberlin college loses, another fight remains there too, but largely a mop-up action by all appearances. Trade negotiations and new agreements go far in disclosing the duplicity and dishonesty of the Chinese and at as yet to be determined untold tremendous cost, the Wuhan flu puts China’s true nature on display for the entire world to see. And amazingly, with all this happening right in front of them, the mainstream media refuses to acknowledge any of it, making bigger fools of themselves day after day after day. Oh, and in the not-so-trivial trivial personalities file we find Jussie Smollett and Kim Fox. Duh.

It has been a watershed year, but it is not over. With all that remains to be done, perhaps the biggest challenge, bigger even than working out the flu induced problems, is the task of preventing Democrats from corruption – stealing the election on November 3rd….2020.

    Owego in reply to Owego. | May 8, 2020 at 3:12 am

    Meant to say the twelve months ending Thursday, May 7, 2020. Middle of the night, extemporaneous musings….. zzzz

The nicest thing DeVos could do for the taxpayers is to move the Dept of Education from DC to Minot ND. Why should all these high paying gov jobs be clustered in one area? Lot of the present employees would probably quit but maybe that’s not so bad.

    Rand in reply to JimWoo. | May 8, 2020 at 9:43 pm

    The best place to move the Department of Education is the dustbin of history. Alas, that’s about as likely as moving it to Minot ND.