Democrats Increasingly Anxious Over Joe Biden’s Basement Campaign
“concerns among a growing chorus of Democrats that are anxious for his team to scale up ahead of the general election fight with President Donald Trump”

In addition to the growing controversy over the allegations from Tara Reade, the Joe Biden campaign is facing increasing scrutiny from Democrats over the awful optics from his basement approach.
Concerns over Coronavirus have relegated Biden to campaigning from his home, but his team’s technical broadcasting skills aren’t making the cut.
John Verhovek and Molly Nagle report at ABC News:
Joe Biden to scale up campaign as Democratic anxiety grows ahead of general election fight with Trump
Former Vice President Joe Biden has approved a series of new hires that will significantly expand his presidential campaign and could begin to quell concerns among a growing chorus of Democrats that are anxious for his team to scale up ahead of the general election fight with President Donald Trump.
The staffing includes new senior advisers with a focus on the virtual side of campaigning, all coming from former competitors-turned-endorsers’ campaigns.
Caitlin Mitchell, the former chief managing officer of Warren for President, is joining the campaign as a senior adviser for digital, and will advise on digital strategy and help the campaign as they quickly scale up their in-house teams, according to a Biden campaign aide…
The hires come as the the former vice president’s team has been faced with a steadily increasing drumbeat of criticism in recent weeks from anxious Democrats that the candidate and his campaign are not implementing both the organizational and strategic changes they say are needed to unseat a well-funded and seemingly omnipresent incumbent on a political battlefield upended by a global pandemic.
The optics have been truly terrible:
This has to be the fakest stunt Joe Biden could have possibly pulled during his NowThis News live stream.
Biden then even struggled to take off the mask.
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) May 8, 2020
Capping off a disastrous, glitchy virtual rally, a confused Joe Biden asks, “They introduce me? Am I on?”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 7, 2020
Tom Tapp writes at Deadline:
Joe Biden’s Virtual Campaign Rally Plagued By Glitches; Vice President Asks, ‘Am I On?’
Joe Biden is seen walking in from a sun-filled terrace, aviators on. For a second, it could be a high-budget campaign spot.
Then a seemingly confused Biden asks an aide, “They introduce me?” To the same off-camera staffer: “Am I on?”
Biden’s subsequent speech is plagued by streaming issues.
What was billed as a virtual campaign rally in Tampa turned into a glitch-filled example of how not to do a Web event.
DJ Jack Henriquez played tunes and bopped his head. The problem was, viewers were held captive watching Henriquez do just that for a total of 4 minutes.
This could explain why Obama is seemingly projecting himself into the campaign on certain issues. It’s as if Obama knows Biden can’t handle this on his own.
Obama staged a call, then handed the tape to Isikoff, who pretends it was a private chat. Isikoff acts as if he’s a reporter, not the palace stenographer. He took dictation from Fusion GPS regarding Steele & Carter Page. He’s taking dictation now.
— Mike (@Doranimated) May 9, 2020
From the Isikoff piece at Yahoo News:
Exclusive: Obama says in private call that ‘rule of law is at risk’ in Michael Flynn case
Former President Barack Obama, talking privately to ex-members of his administration, said Friday that the “rule of law is at risk” in the wake of what he called an unprecedented move by the Justice Department to drop charges against former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn.
In the same chat, a tape of which was obtained by Yahoo News, Obama also lashed out at the Trump administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic as “an absolute chaotic disaster.”
“The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn,” Obama said in a web talk with members of the Obama Alumni Association.
“And the fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free. That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk. And when you start moving in those directions, it can accelerate pretty quickly as we’ve seen in other places.”
Obama isn’t waiting for Biden to comment on this situation, he’s just stepping in to make sure it gets said.
That’s rather telling, isn’t it?
Featured image via YouTube.

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The GOP had this issue with Dole, McCain, and Romney.
And if it weren’t for Trump and those meddling (conservative) kids, the GOPe would have gotten away with nominating another loser too!
(with apologies to Scooby Doo)
Let me just remind people that Michael Isikoff is the “journalist” responsible for falsely reporting American troops in Afghanistan flushed a Koran down a toilet. The story caused riots across the Middle East, and somewhere around 50 people died in those riots. Remember this the next time his name pops up……American Military hater and liar.
Biden is hiring someone from the Warren campaign to help him form digital strategy? But Warren’s digital outreach was thoroughly incompetent!
This is not the Biden campaign trying to save itself. This is the world of left-wing campaign advisers getting themselves a piece of the action before the inevitable collapse.
Spot on!
Why does Biden need digital assistance? I’ve heard that he’s been pretty good at doing digital stuff since at least 1993.
HIs brain and his digits are not on the same frequency any more.
Is Uncle Joe gonna “grab me a beer?”
Only if the beer is underaged
Maybe they could find a look alike. I’m sure his wife wouldn’t mind an upgrade.
Bob Dole and Joe Biden together on a ED commercial. “When all you have left is fingers”.
My take is that she’s as desperate to get into the WH as he; Number One Observatory Circle not good enough for her. She’d get to be First Lady and all that comes with it. She might even take up Jackie’s pill box hats.
Leftists routinely refer to her as Dr. Jill Biden, implying that she’s a medical doctor. But that’s all part of a rather large deception. She’s not a real doctor. Her pretentious claim to that title is based on an EdD (even flimsier than a non-STEM PhD) in “educational leadership” (gag). This is nothing less than a variant of Stolen Valor (ask Don Shipley about that and phony SEALs). Glammed-Up Jill is claiming a status to which she’s not entitled. Real doctors = MDs, dentists, holders of PhDs in the hard sciences. Not real doctors = anyone with an EdD or a PhD in any soft studies programs (especially all those “studies” programs (gag-gag = womyns, black, gay, gender, education)) are exercises in bullshiitte-ology. Word-processing programs have enabled turgid writers to become even more turgid.
*Glammed-Up Jill is an accurate descriptor; she’s all show, no substance. Like Joe. Because of her former looks (God-given, not the result of her efforts) she tried her hand at modeling (deep, meaningful stuff, if you peons don’t understand important things), indicating that style and looks are all-important to her. This would explain why Joe has become all-Hollywood (the hair plugs, the chi-chi clothing, the teeth, the Botox, the aviator sunglasses, the Amani shirts with two undone buttons).
**If ya can’t dazzle ‘em with brilliance, then baffle ‘em with bull-shiite
***And if ya really wanna feast on the turgid, get yourself a copy of “The Things That Matter In Life: The Collected Words of Dr. Jill Biden” (there’s that Dr Jill Biden undeserved title again). Amazingly, some publisher actually put money in such drivel. But it doesn’t end there. This air-head has now (2019) written an autobiography, Where the Light Enters: Building a Family, Discovering Myself. Does the self-adulation of these people ever end?
Didn’t she do a great job building Hunter Biden’s character?
I get the feeling that, if Jill is kept out of the WH by Gropin Joe’s wandering digits, he’s going to be spending a whole lot more time in the basement than he had planned
Should be:
If Biden is removed, or drops out before the Democratic National Convention does Bernie automatically become the Democratic party nominee?
Once Biden is nominated as the candidate at the Democratic National Convention, does that mean the DNC can then put in anyone they want, therefore avoiding Bernie?
Too good not to pass on…..
Anonymous says:May 6, 2020 at 11:35 PM
The #MeToo Democrats —–>>
I believe Joe Biden!
“Me Too!” said Nancy Pelosi. “Me Too!” said Stacy Abrams. “Me Too!” said Kamala Harris. #Me Too!! Said every single other liberal woman who is a big flaming hypocrite counting on the stupidity of the American people to actually believe thier #MeToo Movement was ever about “women”….sorry….it was NEVER about women….not ever… is…and always was about one thing: political power.
“Me too,” said Barak Obama as he reached his hand into the closet to take out his blue dress. Stroking it tenderly he mumbled to himself, “Thank goodness it doesn’t have a smidgen of corruption on it.”
LOL Very good and funny.
Greg Gutfeld said it best yesterday. Biden does not have any supporters. He just has people who are voting for him.
It will be hard to generate turn out or enthusiasm with Biden. Bring on the absentee ballots and cheating.
As to Joe Biden’s basement campaign – I wish him the best as long as he stays in the basement where he belongs. Basement campaign is good because:
1. It keeps him out of trouble
2. It keeps him mostly out of sight
3. And out of mind, which is good since his his mind is deteriorating
4. And it provides him a place to store the extra votes which will be “found” on election day
Yup. Bring Joe out onto the campaign trail and the “basement campaign” will increasingly be seen as a high-water mark…
5. And keeping him in the basement prevents him from invading the personal space of any more females. With his mental faculties apparently on the decline, who knows what he thinks having a “digital campaign” might mean?
The DNC is trying to hide Biden’s mental infirmities as hard as they did with FDR’s. And I don’t mean just the polio.
Huh. Interesting observation on Obama. It suggests an alternative strategy for the Dems, though.
President Obama could go on the campaign trail to stump for Obama-Term-3: Joe Biden.
If they come up with a good enough coronavirus-related excuse, it might even be effective. He definitely has much higher enthusiasm numbers among Democratic voters than Biden does.
Interesting thought, but at some point you have to bring the candidate out from behind the curtain (or out of the basement). The debates, for example, represent a moment in which the public sees you for what you are. I suppose Joe could skip the debates but I can’t imagine the excuse he’d give that Trump wouldn’t eat right up.
Obama would be quite the interesting surrogate, but in the end Joe has to make appearances and string coherent sentences together.
Send in Toto!
That’s right! It doesn’t matter who Biden picks for his running mate is. If Biden is the top of the ticket, he will have to debate Trump himself, not someone else.
Maybe. But I wouldn’t be surprised to see some extreme debate shenanigans.
Trump won’t just have to debate Biden, he’ll have to get into a mud wrestling match with the “neutral moderators” while Biden gets to look presidential just by being above it all.
It worked for Obama.
Meanwhile a Trump supporter went out and had his boat wrapped in a Trump label to say eff you to an HOA.
That’s quite a disparity in enthusiasm.
Here in Wa, and I mean commie Olympia Wa… I’ve seen ZERO Biden stickers. There’s still plenty of Bernie stickers though.
“The Obama Alumni Association?”
Is this a joke?
This group of sycophant, self-reverential narcissists from the has its own official, self-aggrandizing private society?
Hey, I came up with that one 10 years ago when I sent an email to the Oberlin Alumni Magazine suggesting the name change. They actually published it, bless their little hearts. If reddit were around then it would have been a good submission for /r/whoosh. Spring issue, 2010, still there.
Is that a mask he is wearing or that denture net he usually wears when at home?
She lost to him even in Masschusetts where she is the senior senator. So why would he hire anybody from her losing campaign? To increase his chances of losing? Another symptom of TDS is evident here and I thought the Dems got advice from Google on digital stuff. Why don’t they take it?
Uh uh, dude, Flynn wasn’t charged with perjury. Check your teleprompter.
Uh uh, dude, Flynn wasn’t charged with perjury. Check your teleprompter.