The social justice warrior crowd can find a problem with anything, can’t they?
The College Fix reports:
U. Virginia under fire for new athletic logo: ‘disregards’ injustice of slaveryThe University of Virginia athletics department is facing controversy over the look of one of its new logos.It seems the “V-sabre” design is insensitive to the university’s history of slavery as “the grip of the sabres […] mimics the design of the serpentine walls” found on campus.According to The Cavalier Daily, those walls originally were built to hide working slaves and to “muffle the sounds of their daily life.”UVA students and professors aren’t happy with the logo, claiming it “disregards history” and “uses it for promotional branding.”Student Lauren Cochran said the walls “contribute to the historically non-inclusive environment” and are “a physical symbol of injustice.” She finds it “repugnant” that the V-sabre design got approved.“I felt as if they were attempting to ‘glorify’ past University wrongdoings,” she said. “For many, this wall evokes stringent feelings of emotional distress and pain.”Media Studies Professor Meredith Clark ripped the logo on Twitter, writing “Every single day, Black students, staff, faculty, and community members walk by those walls, the bricks with our enslaved ancestors’ fingerprints in them, and the statutes of Mr. Jefferson, and try to reconcile who we are with who (or what ?) he thought us to be.”