Biden on MSNBC: No, I Will Not Allow U. Delaware Archives To Be Searched For Documents Regarding Tara Reade
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Biden on MSNBC: No, I Will Not Allow U. Delaware Archives To Be Searched For Documents Regarding Tara Reade

Biden on MSNBC: No, I Will Not Allow U. Delaware Archives To Be Searched For Documents Regarding Tara Reade

He also said that he doesn’t want them released because the material “could be taken out of context” and used as “fodder in a campaign.”

On Morning Joe, presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden refused to allow the University of Delaware to release his Senate personnel records or even perform a name search of Tara Reade.

Tara Reade Name Search

Mika: “Are you certain there was nothing about Tara Reade in those records?”

Biden: “I am absolutely certain.”

Mika: “If so, why not approve a search of her name in those records?”

Biden: *crickets*

Biden also insisted that if Reade filed a complaint it would be in the National Archives. Earlier this morning, he said he wants the National Archives to release his records, but it is closed due to the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak.

Campaign Fodder

He also said that he doesn’t want them released because the material “could be taken out of context” and used as “fodder in a campaign.”

But I thought he was all about transparency?

Biden said the records contain “speeches I’ve made, positions I’ve taken, interviews,” which “could be taken out of context.” He mentioned the time he “met with Putin.”

#BelieveAllWomen Double Standard

Mika hammered Biden over the double standard we have witnessed since The Intercept published Reade’s accusations in March.

She even replayed his comments when Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh faced sexual assault allegations during his nomination.

He said: “For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real.”

Now he says:

OH REALLY?! Because Reade told people about the alleged sexual assault. She said she told other staffers and filed a complaint.

Christine Blasey Ford told absolutely no one until Trump nominated Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court.


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You know someone is at the end of his rope and has run out of options when they appear on MSLSD to make an important declaration. You can always count on Mika and Joe when even Jake won’t touch it.

I have nothing to hide, these allegations are false, lies!!!, but you can’t go investigating anything because it could show there might be something to this sexual harassment I did.

2smartforlibs | May 1, 2020 at 9:06 am

Interestingly, Kavanaugh didn’t have a choice when you attacked him.

“The idea that [Biden’s Senate records] would be made public while I was running for public office, they could be taken out of context … they could be fodder.”

Like Democrats demanding Trump’s tax returns?

    Yes, exactly like that. And a bad excuse for exactly the same reason.

      ConradCA in reply to Milhouse. | May 1, 2020 at 3:52 pm

      Demanding tax returns is an invasion of privacy. The IRS verifies that they are correct so the Dems would only use them to make up lies about Trump. Biden’s Senate records would convict Biden if they show he abused Tara Read.

How does he explain the Larry King interview with Tara’s mother, if these claims are false?

    Milhouse in reply to herm2416. | May 1, 2020 at 11:46 am

    That’s easy to explain. She was lying then and she’s lying now. Also the story she told her mother then is not the same one she’s telling now — even she admits that. So even if something did happen then — and we don’t know that — it may not have been anything as serious as what she’s claiming now.

    If this were anyone else I would be defending him and upholding his presumption of innocence. I don’t think someone should be destroyed merely because someone is making accusations. But he set the standards by which he should now be judged. As far as I’m concerned he is morally estopped from defending himself, because he wouldn’t let anyone else in his situation do so. He’s made his bed and now must lie in it.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to herm2416. | May 1, 2020 at 3:32 pm

    Easy, she is psychotic.

amatuerwrangler | May 1, 2020 at 10:11 am

Bottom line: The accusation is true.

And there may be evidence of other “indiscretions” in there, too. The hypocrisy is the frosting on the cake.

PDJT should offer up the exchange of tax returns for an unfettered examination of the papers at U of Delaware.

    Milhouse in reply to amatuerwrangler. | May 1, 2020 at 11:49 am

    We don’t know and will probably never know whether the accusation is true. Just because we don’t like him doesn’t make it true. As a question of objective fact it’s completely open, and therefore the ordinary standards of decency would demand that we presume it not to be true. What makes this case different is that when it was other men being accused he rejected those ordinary standards of decency, so he shouldn’t be allowed to appeal to them now.

      amatuerwrangler in reply to Milhouse. | May 1, 2020 at 1:51 pm

      If there is no documentation supporting the claimed by Reade then the innocent Biden would open the records. The refusal of Biden to allow that tells us what we need to know. Remember this is the court of public opinion which has no exclusionary rule.

      I’ve been up close with these things in a past life, although not in a political arena. When the suspect says “No, I didn’t do it” and follows up with “No, I won’t tell you where I was last Tuesday or who I might have been with”, then we know what we need to know. The next steps are intended to secure admissible evidence to complete the prosecution.

        Milhouse in reply to amatuerwrangler. | May 1, 2020 at 3:46 pm

        There may be documentation showing that she made an allegation then. That would not mean it was true. But it would be devastating for him if it were discovered now.

I’m completely innocent of any wrong doing whatsoever but if I let you see the evidence you might get the impression I’m not innocent. Therefore I will hide the evidence of my innocence. Trust me! Would I lie?

Thanks for the explanation Joe.

    Milhouse in reply to irv. | May 1, 2020 at 11:50 am

    That’s actually a reasonable position to take. But until it was him in the crosshairs he demanded that we believe all women, and that accused men should be presumed guilty and have to prove their innocence beyond reasonable doubt. So it’s up to him now to do that.

Liar is as guilty as hell. Can’t wait to hear from all the others that he has hit-on, abused and violated.

History repeats itself:
“Ahh did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”

Meanwhile, the equivalent of the blue dress is safely ensconced in his senate records and he refuses to allow a search.

— Joe Biden

Hopefully all the demented Democraps kept their p*ssy hats now that they actually have a real event to wear them at -> DNC convention to crown Joe as their King. | May 1, 2020 at 11:51 am

currently biden is a citizen of the U.S. he’s not an elected official. he’s not been appointed to any position. he’s not even secured the dem nomination yet.
given this, why does he have any influence over anything? he should no more or no less ‘pull’ than anyone else. so how can he demand the
Univ. of delaware do anything? | May 1, 2020 at 11:51 am

currently biden is a citizen of the U.S. he’s not an elected official. he’s not been appointed to any position. he’s not even secured the dem nomination yet.
given this, why does he have any influence over anything? he should no more or no less ‘pull’ than anyone else. so how can he demand the
Univ. of delaware do anything?

Slightly off topic but critical to the Democrat efforts to continue and improve their theft of elections:

judgeroybean | May 1, 2020 at 12:30 pm

Two observations; If Mika is treating Biden like a republican, Mika is in on the Biden take down. And, Biden not allowing his records to be investigated reminds me of the seditious gay Kenyan commie not allowing anyone to see his college records. Columbia U anyone?

    Milhouse in reply to judgeroybean. | May 1, 2020 at 1:28 pm

    Name one president who ever allowed anyone to look at his college records.

      CorkyAgain in reply to Milhouse. | May 1, 2020 at 5:04 pm

      I seem to remember GWB’s college records being scrutinized pretty thoroughly.

      But maybe it’s my memory failing (unlike Joe, I’ll admit it.)

        Milhouse in reply to CorkyAgain. | May 3, 2020 at 1:58 am

        He released nothing before the 2000 election. Someone at Yale illegally leaked his records to the New Yorker.

        In 2004, amid the TANG hoax (Ra<sup>th</sup>ergate), he released all his National Guard records, which included his undergraduate transcript; however his grades were blacked out, even though they had already been public knowledge for 5 years thanks to the leak.

MannSplainer | May 1, 2020 at 12:32 pm

Sleepy Dementia Joe for Prison 2020

Well, surprise, Joe’s not very good at this stuff. He can’t even lie convincingly—not exactly the guy we want dealing with the Russians and Chinese.

The “taken out of context” line is what torpedoes him this time. We’ve seen him squirming like this on previous occasions; it means that he did it pretty much as accused but where he’s from it’s just called “being friendly” so it’s all, ummmm, OK, sort of. Somebody seems to have impressed on him that he can’t get away with that drivel again.

Frank Hammond | May 1, 2020 at 2:47 pm

Clueless Joe looked really bad this morning – more confused

wasn’t it back in the 90’s that trump said he COULD (not DID) grab a woman by the genitals and they would let him?
cannot remember the date of that interview but if so in 2016 would have been 20+ years ago. correct me on date if I am wrong please.

I feel like MSNBC was intentionally misleading with the text-bar at the bottom of the screen.


From that, I expect to hear some answers from him.

But instead of answers, I get a bunch of weasel-wording about how he’s not going to allow the allegation to be investigated or addressed.

If he were a Republican, that wouldn’t fly on any MSM station in the country. No, not even Fox News. The reporters would push for answers, and rightfully so.

But there’s a ‘D’ after his name, so it’s a perfectly acceptable “explanation”.

Albigensian | May 1, 2020 at 4:33 pm

“In the end, in every case, the truth is what matters. In this case, the truth is the claims are false.” — Biden

BUT, but, Mr Biden: it’s not as if anyone here has a God’s-eye view and therefore can devine The Truth. Here on Earth we rely on evidence. Which you’re obviously trying to cover up.

What your statement (and behavior) appear to be saying is, “I know what happened and if I say it’s nothing then it’s nothing. Because I know, and you don’t.”

But, Mr Biden, we don’t trust you. Nor should we have to. We want to see the evidence.

And, umm, if your campaign had access to this evidence, we’ll want to know if they could have altered or destroyed any of it.

Yeah quid pro slo hoe joe, no one can look until your handlers have finished going through them all.

Joe Biden: “I don’t know why she’s saying this. I don’t know why after 27 years, this gets raised.”

Kind of sounds like an admission, doesn’t it?