Audit Finds Public University Admitted Thousands of Unqualified Students
“nearly 8,300 students admitted in the fall semesters 2017-2019 did not meet its academic criteria”

They also gave away millions in bad scholarships. Not good.
The College Fix reports:
Public university admitted thousands of unqualified students, gave $2 million in bad scholarships, audit finds
If your high school grades or standardized test scores are holding you back from going to a four-year university, consider Texas Southern University.
An external audit commissioned by the historically black university’s Board of Regents found that half of the nearly 8,300 students admitted in the fall semesters 2017-2019 did not meet its academic criteria.
More than a tenth of them received improper scholarships totaling $2.1 million, according to the Houston Chronicle, which obtained the audit by Berkeley Research Group.
The audit of admissions, financial aid and administration practices revealed “higher numbers of students who fall short of academic criteria” – minimum 2.5 GPA and either combined SAT score of 900 (after March 2016) or ACT composite score of 17 -“than previously reported,” and admitting them had negative consequences:
Around 63 percent of students in the fall 2017 cohort and around 49 percent in fall 2018 were no longer enrolled at TSU in fall 2019, according to the report. TSU’s fall 2017 cohort, of which 56 percent did not meet academic criteria, saw the highest number of withdrawals within the students’ first semester. …
Students were still given an average of around $30,000 in financial aid in 2018, $28,800 in 2018, and more than $21,100 in 2019.
The taxpayer-funded institution has long suffered low graduation rates and its law school had its own fraudulent admissions scandal that came to light earlier this year.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Two million in scholarships, but they probably got back far more than that in loan-financed tuition and housing. They need to fund their outrageous salaries and benefits, so I see this as an easily foreseeable consequence of easy Federal student loan money. Attract a bunch of students regardless of qualifications, load them up with debt they can’t discharge in bankruptcy, and throw them away when they inevitably fail out of school.
This is happening across the nation with hundreds of public colleges.
Isn’t it also USC that dropped all entrance requirements a couple of months at the start of the Lockup
USC announces free tuition for families making under $80,000 a year – NBC
I saw this at my university, and it was a major factor in my decision to take early retirement last year. As enrollment dropped significantly in the last decade, so did the university’s standards. Our freshman retention rate last year was a dismal 62%. More than half of the freshmen each year have to take remedial Math 099. In my final years of teaching, I saw a noticeable decline in the quality of my students. The university was obviously admitting many kids were not college-ready but, hey, at least the university got some money out of them for a semester or two.
Same where I live.
The county/city entire school system got rated F by an independent evaluation last year.
However the city college has been giving free college to virtually all HS graduates even though a great many are functionally illerate.
It takes lots of Federal and State taxes to keep up their empire building of a dozen or so campuses and extension sites.
This happens at HBCUs a lot. They are catering to a smaller fraction of the population by design (and almost no HBCUs are competitive in big athletics, so they lose a good bit that way). This forces them to take risky enrollees that simply would not make the cut in an “up” year if they want to keep their tuition money flowing.
Plus, many schools heavily recruit black students to keep from getting villified as “not diverse enough” by the SJW head counters. Most of the minorities that can even stay afloat at a better school will be heavily recruited and enticed to go there instead.
Who knew that affirmative action, forced diversity, and voluntary segregation would have unintended consequences? This guy!
I suppose they have to do it, but freshmen are a gold mine. I was at Enormous State University over fifty years ago. The required classes involved massive lectures–two hundred and up-followed by thrice-weekly smaller groups (“labs”) taught by, presumably, grad students.
So, two hundred students of whose tuition one third went to this class provide how much margin?