University of Utah Online Town Hall Event Bashes Trump And Capitalism

The event was promoted by the school’s Division of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Are you starting to see the bigger picture?

Campus Reform reportsreports:

U. Utah promotes capitalism-bashing event labeling Trump ‘awful, racist, disgusting’The University of Utah Division of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion promoted an online town hall presentation on its website, which asserted that America’s history of “capitalist warfare” is responsible for racism toward Asian Americans during the coronavirus pandemic.Sponsoring organizations of the Townhall on Anti-Asian Racism: Race, Struggle, and Solidarity in the Time of a Global Pandemic included 18 Million Rising, Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO, Asian Solidarity Collective, Can’t Stop! Won’t Stop! Consulting, and the University of Connecticut Asian and Asian American Studies Institute.Professor Jason Oliver Chang of the University of Connecticut Asian and Asian American Studies Institute spoke about the “Yellow Peril” and the history of racism toward Asians, as it relates to “confronting the pathogen racism of the COVID-19 pandemic.”“Yellow Peril is a core feature of U.S. history rooted in imperialism and exploitation and capitalist warfare. Yellow peril is a racial polemic which shapes a narrative of war and the enemy within,” Chang said in the presentation.“White supremacists, supported by the GOP and the Trump Administration have interpreted this disease as a foreign attack. Congress has already considered motions to seeking retribution from China for the disease. The racist response to the COVID-19 pandemic is making it worse,” he continued.

Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, Capitalism, College Insurrection, Utah, Wuhan Coronavirus