University of Delaware Implements Hiring Freeze, Facing $65 Million Budget Gap

The school isn’t stopping there. They are cutting and slashing spending in multiple ways.

WDEL News reports:

University of Delaware, facing $65M budget gap, implements hiring freezeThe University of Delaware is anticipating a $65 million hit to its budget due to the coronavirus pandemic.In a letter to the university community, dated April 27, 2020, president Dr. Dennis Assanis, said that revenue gap can be reduced to $50 million through cost-mitigation strategies and $6 million in CARES Act stimulus funding the university will receive.The university implemented a hiring freeze, effective April 14, on all current and future academic and non-academic searches. This includes adjunct faculty, who won’t yet know, if they have a teaching job in the fall.It’s also implemented a suspension on all discretionary funding.”This includes food/meals, events, memberships, hiring of outside consultants, contracts, and purchase of equipment,” said Assanis in the letter.Additionally, all campus projects under construction will continue, while other capital projects will be re-evaluated and potentially deferred. Maintenance spending will also be reduced to a level only aimed at maintaining current operations.”No new capital projects will be approved,” Assanis said in the letter.Exceptions will be made for projects funding largely through external monies, including the “FinTech” building on the STAR Campus.The university has also asked all departments to realign staff.

Tags: College Insurrection, Delaware, Wuhan Coronavirus