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U. Washington Diversity Administrator Suggests Coronavirus May Have Originated in U.S.

U. Washington Diversity Administrator Suggests Coronavirus May Have Originated in U.S.

“We don’t know where this virus originated”

public domain, CDC image

The remarks were made on a panel about hate, xenophobia, and COVID-19.

The College Fix reports:

University official says COVID-19 may have originated in the United States

An official at the University of Washington suggested Wednesday that the coronavirus may have originated in the United States, a highly disputed theory that has been advanced by officials within the Chinese government.

Rickey Hall, vice president for minority affairs and diversity at the University of Washington, made the comments during a Zoom panel discussion hosted by PEN America, a free expression nonprofit.

“We don’t know where this virus originated,” Hall said. “It could have originated in the United States.”

The panel “Hate, Xenophobia, and COVID-19: How Should Higher Ed Respond?” featured several officials from different institutions of higher education.

Hall was one of two diversity officers on the panel, the other being Mariam Lam, UC Riverside’s associate vice chancellor and chief diversity officer.

Additionally, CU Boulder professor of ethnic studies Jennifer Ho and Emory University’s Assistant Vice President of Counseling and Psychological Services Wanda Collins were featured in the discussion as well.


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And it could have been delivered by Santa Claus. Saying something could have happened without giving probabilities is just fear mongering.


Yup, a Rickey Hall, who is University Diversity Officer, who has a Bachelor’s in American Studies and a Master’s in Education is more than qualified to tell us about the origin of the Corona virus.And to indicate that he is becoming even more qualified to talk to us about viruses, he is completing a doctorate in Education in “organizational leadership.”

    JimWoo in reply to PostLiberal. | April 17, 2020 at 5:23 pm

    “Organizational leadership” ? What the hell is that.? Sounds like something the typical line supervisor in a fast food restaurant learns in a couple weeks.

vice president for minority affairs and diversity
Hey guys? I think I found the problem here!

Sounds about black.

Stay in your lane Rickey; your lack of common sense is starting to show.

I’ve dealt with several Diversity officers, and most (but not all) of them have no qualifications other than their race. This guy is not just an idiot, but is a pawn of the Communist Chinese Government. They are propagating the myth that the virus originated with the US Army, who brought it to Wuhan:

    healthguyfsu in reply to OldProf2. | April 18, 2020 at 12:21 am

    And they draw a ridiculously inflated salary to do jack shit except tell exaggerated microaggression stories whilst pretend to be offended all day, every day.

Did this idiot provide any proof of his claim?