Stanford Considering Possibility of Reopening Campus in 2021

Boston University is also entertaining this idea. Seems like a drastic measure.

Campus Reform reports:

Stanford provost flirts with 2021 return to campusWhile many universities have closed for the remainder of the spring semester and are contemplating when to begin classes again, Stanford University hasn’t eliminated the possibility of not beginning until winter 2021.At a White House press briefing on April 8, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director and White House Coronavirus Task Force member Dr. Anthony Fauci said he “fully expects” schools to “reopen” in fall 2020.A growing number of college administrators, however, aren’t so sure…Stanford’s first spring quarter Faculty Senate virtual meeting discussed plans Thursday on paying employees/workers and a “budget” loss of $200 million. The question of when “the academic year” would begin was brought to attention.“We have about five or six different scenarios about different ways of approaching this, with pluses and minuses being discussed all the time,” Rodrigue, co-chair of the Fall Planning Task Force said.Provost Persis Drell confirmed that one of the possible “scenarios” was Stanford starting the academic year start in the winter quarter.“That is something that is being contemplated. It is not impossible; it is not crazy,” she said.

Tags: College Insurrection, Wuhan Coronavirus