Someone just learned he needs to come to class prepared in case the teacher calls on him

I just can’t bring myself tonight to write a heavy post about the economic destruction being forced on tens of millions of people based on models which are appearing, day by day, to have wildly overstated the threat of Wuhan coronavirus.

I stand by my original assessment on March 9, Swine Flu and Me:

Two things are true at the same time: Wuhan Coronavirus should be taken seriously as a public health danger, and Democrats and the media are trying to weaponize it for election purposes.

The virus is and was a serious threat, and serious measures to limit the impact were justified, but what we experienced was media-driven panic that emptied stores of toilet paper.

I don’t think I’ve ever hated the mainstream (aka anti-Trump) media more than I do now, because they are like vultures circling the country waiting to pick over the nation’s carcass to score political points. These are people who pray that hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work, even if it means thousands more deaths, so that Trump is proven wrong.

But no, I’ m not writing a heavy post. I’m writing about something that still has me laughing from the Trump briefing today.

Some reporter, don’t know who he is, started to ask a question about oil. I assume he was going to ask something about Trump’s prior comments about trying to get the Saudis and Russians to work out their price war.

It didn’t go well for the reporter, which in this brief segment didnt come across as a showboating blowhard like Jim Acosta. Instead, he just wasn’t prepared. And he got taken to school.

REPORTER: Can I just check in on oil again today, I was wondering if …TRUMP: Oil? Where is it today?REPORTER: I was wondering if you had …TRUMP: No, no, where is the price, give me the price.REPORTER: I am not sure, to be honest.TRUMP: How can you ask a question, when you don’t know the price?REPORTER: I will look it up for you …TRUMP: Let me just go to somebody else.

Why is it that Trump dunking on a reporter feels so satifying? It says less about Trump, and more about the media.

Tags: Trump Press Relations, Wuhan Coronavirus