New Documents Show Strzok Ordered FBI to Reopen Flynn Case Right After Agency Closed It

New documents show that the FBI closed its case against retired Gen. Michael Flynn on January 4, 2017.

However, 20 minutes later, Peter Strzok and other agents had the agency reopen the case.

The memo about the case called CROSSFIRE RAZOR, which was part of CROSSFIRE HURRICANE, stated:

The goal of the investigation was to determine whether the captioned subject, associated with the Trump campaign, was directed and controlled by and/or coordinated activities with the Russian Federation in the manner which is a threat to the national security and/or possibly a violation of the Foreign Registration Act, 18 U.S.C. section 951 et sea, or other related statutes.Following the initiation of captioned case, the CH team conducted a check of logical databases for any derogatory information on CROSSFIRE RAZOR. No derogatory information was identified in FBI holdings.

The FBI requested a blacked out name to “conduct a search of its holdings for information on CROSSFIRE RAZOR.” The search found no information on CR.

The FBI then “contacted an established FBI CHS [confidential human source] to query about” Flynn. The CHS noted that Flynn and members of this group got Flynn a cab, but everyone got surprised when “a [blacked out]” went into the cab with Flynn and joined him on the train to an undisclosed location.

CH investigators ran this unknown person’s name “through available FBI databases for any derogatory information with negative results.” It looks like they ran another name through the same databases, which also came back with negative results.

The team ran analysis on Flynn’s travel along with “surveillance on a certain Russian subject.” This, too, came up negative for the agency.

The FBI closed the case when the team “determined that [Flynn] was no longer a viable candidate as part of the larger CROSSFIRE HURRICANE umbrella case.”

The text portion shows Strzok texting numerous people to keep open the RAZOR case.

CROSSFIRE RAZOR: FBI Exoner… by The Federalist on Scribd

Tags: Michael Flynn