Husband’s Worries Over Wuhan Coronavirus Reportedly Cause of Murder-Suicide
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Husband’s Worries Over Wuhan Coronavirus Reportedly Cause of Murder-Suicide

Husband’s Worries Over Wuhan Coronavirus Reportedly Cause of Murder-Suicide

The mental health aspect of the coronavirus has got to stop taking a backseat to other news surrounding the pandemic.

CDC Image

I’ve noticed a lot of people have not spoken about the mental health portion of the Wuhan coronavirus. If they do, it does not receive a lot of publicity. Hopefully, now people will pay attention to it.

Authorities say a husband killed his wife and himself over concerns of the coronavirus.

The husband thought they had the coronavirus:

In a news release, the Will County Sheriff’s Office says that deputies who were dispatched to a home in Lockport Township to conduct a welfare check discovered the bodies of 54—year-old Patrick Jesernik and 59-year-old Cheryl Schriefer. The two, whose bodies were found in separate rooms in the residence, had each been shot once and a gun was near Jesernik’s body.

The investigation determined that Jesernik had shot Schriefer in the back of the head before shooting himself.

According to the release, relatives told detectives that Jesernik had been frightened that he and Schriefer had contracted the COVID-19 virus and that Schriefer was having difficulty breathing.

The relatives told investigators that Schriefer had been tested earlier in the week but they did not believe she received the results yet. According to the release, an autopsy revealed determined that Jesernik and Schriefer tested negative for the virus.

I’m not trying to downplay the pandemic, but everyone can see the MSM is causing a panic with their coverage. Is it serious? Yes. But the MSM leaves out so much information or buries it within the stories.

Their actions do not help us. A lot of us have mental health issues, but the quarantine can cause problems with those who do not have those issues.

Extroverts have a hard time staying home. Introverts like me have a hard time because we have no alone time. (Some of us don’t leave the house because we hate the outside. Some of us like me don’t leave the house because of social anxiety and people.)

Mental health professionals have witnessed a spike in those seeking their help:

“I don’t think anyone is adjusting to a sense of normal. There’s nothing normal about this,” said Dr. Robin Henderson, PsyD, with Providence Medical Group. “At this point everyone is dealing with a level of stress and anxiety regardless of your situation.”

With an unknown timeline for when things will go back to normal, Henderson says people will begin seeing negative effects caused by their anxiety.

“It can trigger other types of traumatic responses. It can trigger a lack of sleep, it can trigger too much sleep, it can trigger all types of regression to other types of behaviors that perhaps you hadn’t been in for a while, especially in our children,” she said.

It does not help that we do not have sports as a distraction. Some people don’t get why friends or relatives love sports so much. For me, baseball is my ultimate release. Those around me notice a drastic change in my personality during the off-season.

I’m not alone. So what else can we do to help our mental health?

Don’t consume the news 24/7. Don’t look at the numbers. Remember that America has almost 330 million people. If the media and government present numbers in percentages the panic would die down.

Go outside. Quarantine does not mean stay inside your house all day. It just means stay home. Sit in your backyard.

Don’t have exercise equipment at home? Walk the perimeter of your house. Invest in a treadmill or elliptical. I have the latter and let me tell you. It means I do not have an excuse to not work out any time of the year! It’s worth it.

Do aerobic exercises offered on YouTube. You can choose yoga or pilates.

Read books. Research a subject you’ve always loved. You have all the information in the world at your fingertips.

Do not ever be ashamed or embarrassed to reach out. No one suffers alone. You always have someone whether that person is a stranger, friend, or relative.

These are not cures. But taking care of your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

If you’ve had thoughts about suicide please call the Suicide Prevention Resource Center: 1-800-273-8255

If you need to talk to someone:

Department of Health and Human Services National Hotline: 1-800-662-4357

Integral Care has a hotline with 15 languages: 512-472-HELP

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): 1-800-950-6264

Crisis Text 24/7: Text HELLO to 741741

Online resources:

Talkspace:offering $100 off with code 1004U. They’re also providing free messaging therapy for nurses, doctors, and social workers. According to the site, healthcare workers can register via the app (Google Play or App Store) or website by providing their NPI and state of residence for verification. Once verified, they will gain access to Talkspace’s Unlimited Messaging Plus plan.

BetterHelp: 50% off the typical weekly membership price of $65, “which includes both unlimited messaging with their therapist and a weekly live session over phone or video,” according to Alon Matas, BetterHelp founder and president.

Wellnite: Offering four free 30-minute mental health coaching sessions via chat. To redeem the free Wellnite sessions, use the code “COMPASSION” through this link.

AbleTo: Includes a free mental health toolkit and additional resources for families at


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


The panic-spreading media and politicians will claim a lot more panic-stricken victims. Very sad.

    bear in reply to bear. | April 7, 2020 at 1:14 pm

    And the media has the almighty gall to accuse PDJT of having “blood on his hands.”

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to bear. | April 7, 2020 at 2:38 pm

      HEAR HEAR!


      Far too much of the MSM and Hollywood are owned by the
      Communist Chinese Government.

      Remember when the Kenyan President was destroying all things American, how the Democrats were cheering the suicides in middle American? I do.

        notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital. | April 7, 2020 at 2:41 pm

        “Media Freaks Out As Trump Asks Asian-American “Reporter” If the “News” Outlet She Works For is Owned by China

        Spoiler Alert: I

        It Is China-Controlled Propaganda, But Media Are Still Outraged

        — Ace of Spades

        ABC’s Jonathan Karl Invites Chinese Communist Party to Attend White House Coronavirus Briefing…

        Remember when President Trump said the U.S. media were the enemy of the American people?

        Well, consider this… In another clear example of how the U.S. media will do anything in their effort to undermine President Trump, yesterday they held hands with Chinese communists.

        ABC News chief Washington DC narrative engineer Jonathan Karl is the current rotating head of the White House Correspondents Association (WHCA). The WHCA has a customary and traditional role of selecting the journalists who will participate in the White House daily briefing.

        Yesterday WHCA head Jonathan Karl invited

        a known propagandist for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

        into the briefing room to question President Trump. However, President Trump immediately pegged the CCP propagandist and asked her directly:…

        The Last Refuge


        May I still chew on my smartphone?

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to bear. | April 7, 2020 at 2:42 pm

    Honestly though Bear, I think most all of them will be Democrats………….

I am fortunate that I have a nice yard and sunny (for the most part) weather here in CA. I have certainly appreciated being able to get outside and work in my yard. I have learned to restrict my exposure to the news – so much is depressing! I have a relative that I finally had to temporarily block on FB because her posts became increasing hysterical. She was advised by friends and family to stop watching the news. Every morning I check for a balanced perspective and also skim headlines before I go to bed. I am much happier doing that.

Unrelated issue: We need to stop Chinese birth tourism. These dual citizens will be indoctrinated as communist and inserted back into our society to chip away at our Constitution. We already have issues at the highest levels of our Republic (wise Latinas and International Law proponents for example). We don’t need communist indoctrinated sleepers seeping in, literal Manchurian candidates, and that is just the world of politics. The ccp is engaged in a long term, full court press, attacking us in many ways (bribing charles lieber). Allowing Chinese women to give birth, take the child back to China, then reintroduce the kid back to the US later as a dual citizen is pure insanity.

healthguyfsu | April 7, 2020 at 1:41 pm

As much as I hate their BS, I can’t blame the media for this. People are responsible for their own actions. Just like fish tank cleaner couple are responsible for their own actions, not Trump.


    Some people bought massive amounts of stock options on March 23.

    Some people rolled their traditional IRAs over to ROTHs.

    amatuerwrangler in reply to healthguyfsu. | April 7, 2020 at 2:01 pm

    I tend to agree, but if only people had some idea about math, actually arithmetic, the news would not matter that much.

    The numbers reported appear huge, and if you had that many mosquito bites or bee stings you wold be in a bad way, but we are a huge nation. 330 million people here. When the news says (and/or the politicians) 200,000 cases they are talking a small fraction of the US population. One percent of 300 mil is 3 mil; 200,000 is less than one tenth of one percent (0.01%). That is one in every 10 thousand people. And they are only guessing at the actual number of cases because there is no program of blanket testing. Only those showing symptoms are routinely tested and all those do not test positive for the Wuhan Virus.

    I am not a mathematician, but I can balance my checkbook. Percents are not that hard.

    A voice of reason – Thank You! I significantly limit my intake of Coronavirus news for the very points you make. Unfortunately I‘m still unable to limit my intake of chocolate; however, it does seem to have positive medicinal qualities.

    As we’re seeing, the Chi-Comms ARE the American media.

    This is what happens when you hire the likes of boehner and ryan as your bulwarks against tyranny.

I called it in the comments a while back. It would seem very unlikely for Washington State to break 1k deaths.

Now the UW is saying under 700.

This man – or the couple – already had issues, otherwise why was a welfare check being performed? If it hadn’t been coronavirus, it would have been something else that set him/them off.

    Geologist in reply to Rusty Bill. | April 7, 2020 at 3:13 pm

    Why else would a welfare check be being done? Maybe their adult children could not reach them by phone or internet, and were worried by that.

    My mother sometimes knocks her phone off the hook. I call her every day, but sometimes I get a busy signal for over an hour. When that happens, I call a neighbor to do a “welfare check” and to put the phone back on the hook. I don’t think my mom has had a one hour phone conversation in years, but God forbid that she has had a fall and that is why the phone is off the hook.

    Welfare checks are not evidence of anything except concern by friends and relatives!

The worst possible outcome for for this couple would be their deaths from coronavirus so suicide is insane.

I saw this article, and noticed that it was based on speculation. Somebody was making the most they could out of an ambiguous, sad situation.

It reminded me of when word came out that someone in a different law school had committed suicide over a law school exam. This did become a topic of conversation, for a while.

This may or may not have been related to a guest lecturer invited by my esteemed Criminal Law professor. He was a bail bondsman, and he told us about the dynamics, costs and profits involved in bonds. To a bunch of hard-working, somewhat tired law students, it sounded like a very viable alternative. Somebody asked him, “How do you get to be a bail bondsman?”

He said, “Flunk out of law school.”

Our school had its full share of people who dropped out. We also had a 3-F rule: Flunk three finals, and you’re out, no do-overs. Nobody ever committed suicide over it.

The Dean of Students told me “This school is not the same. I can post the grades with people’s names on it. If somebody tops the class, they get congratulations. At [another school] I couldn’t do that, because they’d get sabotaged.”

Suicide is a private decision, and this reporter has disgraced himself by diverting this sad and private event for political purposes. Nevertheless, our society can, if it so chooses, arrange things to that people are not unduly discouraged by the heartaches and the thousand natural shocks that human flesh is heir to.

I prefer to live among, and associate with, people of purpose. I have from time to time taken arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, ended them. On one level, it is a joy to watch Donald J. Trump lead this great country to do the same.

Thanks Walter Cronkite you lying bastard. At least you showed me the true media.

If the virus don’t get ya, your S.O. will?

These people had serious mental issues long before this panic-demic came along…

One thing I that think is not helping in terms of people’s general mental state in is the hyper-local listservs. While it’s great to know which stores have toilet paper at that very moment and to see people are helping others, there is the Neighborhood Watch Writ Large part, and the public shaming (sometimes complete with pictures) runs the gamut from “OK, that’s a legit complaint and those people shouldn’t be doing that” all the way over to “Get over yourself.” No, George standing on his front porch talking to Bob whose is standing beside his car on the street is not cause for proclaiming online that they are terrible people. Nor is telling your neighbors they shouldn’t use their backyard BBQs or firepits, even for their own families (that one is being roundly mocked all over the internet).

And now that we have the whole mask thing, which brings it to another level. How many people are now afraid of leaving their abodes just to take a walk around the neighborhood because they mistakenly think someone is going to call the cops on them and they could get arrested if they aren’t wearing a mask of some kind? And let’s not mention the grocery store.

Not just mental health. There are also going to be suicides from financial ruin, and from worry about financial ruin. And people who don’t get medical attention for their ordinary non-Wuhan-related ailments. People who don’t get their cancers detected on time because routine screenings are non-essential. (And they are — but even truly non-essential measures have a cost in lives.)

Then there will be the usual deaths from poverty — people who have less to spend tend to eat fewer fruits and vegetables, and in general tend to lead unhealther lifestyles (healthy living generally costs money) and therefore are more likely to die from various things. This is a hidden cost of every measure that retards the economy, such as all the environmental nonsense that we are burdened with, let alone the Gree Nude Eel, etc. Prosperity is the best way to save lives, and anything that impedes it costs lives. Certainly the current measures will kill people, probably more people than they will save.

isn’t time to invoke the ‘shouting fire in a crowded theater when there is none rule’ on the so called press

American Human | April 7, 2020 at 3:03 pm

Remember the woman who gave her husband the fish tank cleaner and took some herself. He died, she didn’t. I read something recently about what may really be going on there.

This woman knew the fish tank cleaner wasn’t good and could poison them so she told her husband it was the same stuff the president was talking about. He took a big dose and she took a smaller dose. He died, she didn’t. This is similar to an Agatha Christie novel where the same thing happened and Poirot determined that the wife had administered the smaller amount to herself knowing she would live because in reality she just wanted to get rid of her husband.
It is possible this lady just got away with murder.

texansamurai | April 7, 2020 at 4:04 pm

desperate times require desperate measures–whenever see these murder/suicides occur am usually at a loss myself to see what exactly was so ” desperate ” in a particular victim’s situation

these folks weren’t trapped on the upper floors of the wtc on 9/11 with the fire coming and rescue impossible

these folks(appears was mostly the husband) were deluded/misled to a degree by the misinformation spewed by msm et al 24/7

inspectorudy | April 7, 2020 at 4:26 pm

Remember about a week ago Trump said there would be a large increase in suicides but was immediately fact-checked by some PHd who said it was nonsense. She went on to use the great depression as the clue to our future. But she got it wrong because WWII employed 17 million unemployed people from that period. There is no big employment engine waiting for us when the virus passes on. There are uncertainty and economic chaos. We will do our best to help revive our economy but the number of small businesses and tourist-related areas like airline travel and hotels will be a slow recovery. Fear of death and the depression of being locked in will certainly play a role in suicides. Once again the Trump fact-checkers get it wrong.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to inspectorudy. | April 7, 2020 at 10:24 pm

    Methinks President Trump is correct in how fast it will rebound.

    Rebound with a Vengeance imo…..

Moon Battery | April 7, 2020 at 4:51 pm

I blame the MSM which is stroking the fears of Americans and blatantly misleading the public.

About 10years ago I did 3 nights a week at the portland suicide hotline center for a couple of years. I have pretty good grasp of the field. I probably commented here a few weeks ago that the mental health cost from this would far exceed the physical, and whenever someone said to me “stay safe” I would respond that it was more important to stay sane. The four major emotional traumas are: death of a spouse/family member, loss of job, loss of house, and divorce. Anyone who looks at 6.6M applications for unemployment and says that this isn’t a significant trigger simply should not comment. I am looking down a street full of small businesses and probably 50% of them will fail in the next year. And 90% of them will still vote for the dems even though it is the dems who working the hardest to pound a stake in their chest. I am not saying that Wuhan is not going to cause some damage, but I am saying that 75% of the economic fallout will be done by idiots who think they know better and those who are still desperate to get rid of Trump no matter the cost to everything around them.

If anyone is curious, google moth radio hour perfect moments Brian Finkelstein. I once took a various similar call and still get a visceral reaction when he tells the story. Too real!

Unintended consequences, Again.

One more time, the COVUD-19 virus is a nothing burger. If it killed 1 million people in the US, this would still be a small drop in the bucket compared to a population of 330 million people. And, at this point, even with the total incompetence of our leadership, it appears that we will end up with a true, confirmed number of deaths less than 40,000. So, while this sounds like a large number, it is not significant.

Now,if the response to this minuscule loss of life results in the destruction of a $3 trillion dollar economy [in the US alone] how many deaths will we see from that? What is the benefit of saving 5000-10000 lives if it costs 1 or 2 million to do that? A sane man does not burn his entire cornfield, because he has corn borers. He does not shoot himself in the head because he has a cut on hs foot. And he does not destroy his country because 1/100th of 1% of the population is in danger of dying from the flu. But, then, they people running this response are not sane.

    Sanddog in reply to Mac45. | April 7, 2020 at 8:12 pm

    More people will die in this country from medical errors this year than from the Wuhan Virus.

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Sanddog. | April 7, 2020 at 10:16 pm

      And more will die at the hands of the corrupt and fake media – mark my words……..

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Mac45. | April 7, 2020 at 10:21 pm

    Mac, this is sure burning down the entire “New World Order” and all it’s Globalist inhabitants though.

    It is also finally and completely destroying the DEM party, the Media, Hollywood, and the corrupt educational system.


    On March 30, 2020 the “Chronicle for Higher Education” reported that lots of college students WOULD NOT be back for Fall semester 2020. Many reasons for that – not being able to afford tuition, room and board is one of those reasons.

      The Global Establishment, or a significant portion of it, is so desperate, that it is willing to chance its own destruction. Why? Why would anyone do that? In this case, it is because this group views populism as a fatal disease.

      The problem is that if enough damage is done to the Global economy, the populace will be dependent, possibly totally dependent, upon the Establishment for its survival. And, Trump is a key to this. The US comprises 27% of the consumer market in the world. It was becoming a controlling agent in the world economy, reversing the trend which had been ongoing for the last 25 years. If Trump is reelected, then the influence of the populace, largely due to the reemergence of the US as the dominant economic power on the planet, will continue to increase; at the expense of the Establishment.

      The question is, will the populace survive this? The Global economy has already been seriously damaged, largely by the imposition of draconian measures in response to the COVID-19 virus. Something which had never been done before in modern times. The US economy is now in a government manufactured recession and on the verge of a depression. If the Dems secure the WH, they can reverse all of the changes made by the Trump administration; as the Congress gas not passed any laws changing the regulations which Trump rescinded. And, that is the goal, in the US. The question is: how much damage will the current actions taken re: COVID-19 cost the US population and the rest of the world. Burning down the house benefits nobody, in the long run.

The good news
Wills County Indiana now has a garage full. 30000 rolls of toilet paper.
to share in their small county of 14000.
Also.4 autographed copies of ” The Audacity of Hope”