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Democratic Student Groups Want Joe Biden Investigated Over Sexual Assault Allegations

Democratic Student Groups Want Joe Biden Investigated Over Sexual Assault Allegations

“Tara Reade deserves to be heard and journalistic organizations have an obligation to investigate her allegations”

This does not bode well for Joe Biden’s chances of capturing a large portion of the youth vote.

The College Fix reports:

Democratic student groups call for investigation into Biden for sexual assault allegation

Leading Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden made his name in the past decade as a tireless champion of denying due process to students accused of sexual misconduct, devising the Obama administration’s so-called guidance that it treated as binding regulation.

Now that he’s been accused of sexual assault by a former employee – an accusation that drew little legacy media coverage – some Democratic student groups are showing their consistency on the issue.

The University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Democrats and Penn for Bernie demanded that Biden’s campaign and mainstream media outlets investigate the allegations by Tara Reade, his former Senate staffer, The Daily Pennsylvanian reports…

If the elite Ivy League Democrats are any indication, perhaps Biden should start worrying that he’s losing the narrative:

In a written statement to The Daily Pennsylvanian, Penn Dems executive board expressed that they take allegations of sexual assault “extremely seriously,” and reference their status as a group certified by Penn Violence Prevention’s Anti-Violence Engagement Network.

“Tara Reade deserves to be heard and journalistic organizations have an obligation to investigate her allegations,” the statement read. “VP Biden should also address them further immediately.” …


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Morning Sunshine | April 3, 2020 at 1:40 pm

huh. the youth seem to be true believers in the rhetoric…

When a woman who had never met Kavanaugh accused him of feeling her up when he was 17, the media covered it 24/7 as a “credible accusation.” When a woman who worked for Joe Biden accuses him of digital penetration while she was working for him, the media act as though she’s either delusional or a lying scumbag. The Dems keep saying “Believe women” except when the accusation goes against a Democrat.