“Coronavirus pandemic has been a gift for the grievance studies industry”

We’ve already seen countless higher ed stories about people crying racism over the term “Chinese virus.”

The College Fix reports:

The new ‘urgency’: teaching about coronavirus-fueled racismThe coronavirus pandemic has been a gift for the grievance studies industry.Just as student journalists rushed to make use of what they learned in their “studies” courses about racism — and then connect it to COVID-19 — now academics are “confronting the rise in anti-Asian and anti-Asian American racism” associated with the malady.According to Inside Higher Ed, scholars have put President Trump and “other prominent figures” in their crosshairs due to their continued use of the phrase “Chinese virus.” Alleged “experts” assert this term “fuels xenophobia.”In a supposed “outreach to Asian American communities,” the Journal of Asian American Studies “put out an urgent call for submissions” for an upcoming special edition dedicated to the coronavirus and racism.San Francisco State University Asian American Studies Chair Russell Jeung even set up an online reporting form where people can document bias and hate incidents related to COVID-19. Descriptions are limited to “2-3 sentences.”The form notes “As the virus COVID-19 spreads, numerous Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) have reported experiencing microaggressions, racial profiling, hate incidents and in some cases, hate violence.” It says the collection of submissions “will be used for assistance, advocacy and education.”The problem with the form is that there doesn’t appear to be a means by which to verify reported incidents. The system seems akin to that of the Southern Poverty Law Center which (allegedly) documented a rise in hate/bias incidents following Donald Trump’s election.

Tags: College Insurrection, Wuhan Coronavirus