Trudeau Closes Canada’s Border to Non-Citizens or Permanent Residents Over Coronavirus
Could you imagine the outrage if Trump did this?

The coronavirus has forced Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to close the borders to all except a few people.
But I thought closing borders is racist?
From CBC:
There will be exceptions for air crew, diplomats, immediate family members of citizens and, “at this time,” U.S. citizens, Trudeau said.
The prime minister also said no one who is displaying symptoms will be permitted to board a flight to Canada, and that air operators will be required to complete a basic health assessment of every passenger based on guidelines from the Public Health Agency of Canada.
“I know this news will spark concern among Canadians travelling abroad. I want to assure you than our government will not leave you unsupported,” he said.
“To help asymptomatic Canadians to return home, our government will set up a support program for Canadians who need to get on a plane. Canadian travellers will be able to get financial assistance to help them with the costs of returning home or temporarily covering basic needs while they wait to come back to Canada.”
As another measure to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, Trudeau said international flights will be funnelled to airports in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver to enhance screening.
Here is the PM’s statement in full:
— Alex Wickham (@alexwickham) March 16, 2020

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A little frikkin’ late…
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Tell me again how the US Army did this …
I thought that was racist, xenophobia, and a host of other names the left always calls everyone.
As with so many other things, it ain’t racist (or whatever) when a leftist does it.
How many times do we need to explain this?!? You deplorables sure are dense.
It’s not racist because what he didn’t mention is that it doesn’t apply to illegal immigrants who are still pouring across the border into Quebec. And are not being tested for COVID-19.
The only time he’s not a moron is when he’s being an idiot.
Is this the “Maple Leaf Curtain?”
A maple curtain has descended across the continent. (Mark Steyn)
Et tu Trudeau? Say it ain’t so.
The beard doesn’t make you look any smarter or more serious, Justin. Back to the old drawing board for your PR people.
But I thought closing the borders was evil – way worse than donning blackface more times than you can remember!
He should go back to dancing like an idiot:
India not impressed with Trudeau’s dancing:
Wasn’t this racist two months ago?
I always suspected the girly boy was racissst.
It is only racist when Orange Man Bad Trump does it. Otherwise it is A-OK
Ah Trudeausky–light in his loafers and not too bright. He likes to play fifth grade dressup games and he’s just about capable of doing that. He preaches to his neighbors to the south–but usually winds up a day late and a looney short.
So Mexico muses about sealing their border with the U.S. then Canada does close it’s border sort of/kind of. Maybe there is a lesson in there somewhere?
I’m glad “Immigrants” are more American than Naturalized, much less 3rd generation US Citizens…
Please, Trump, close the borders… permanently.
Hummm…. if you rotate that picture 90 degrees, with that beard he does resemble his mother.
What really galls me about this panic atack is the closure of the NHL. This was they year the Leafs were going to win the cup! I won’t live another fifty years till they do it again.
Premier Zoolander has border security? Yeah, right!
Another halfwit finally recognizes having open borders is libtard stupid chaos.