#TheResistance Media Mocks ‘My Pillow Guy’ Who’s Trying To Save Lives By Producing Masks, CNN Cuts Away
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#TheResistance Media Mocks ‘My Pillow Guy’ Who’s Trying To Save Lives By Producing Masks, CNN Cuts Away

#TheResistance Media Mocks ‘My Pillow Guy’ Who’s Trying To Save Lives By Producing Masks, CNN Cuts Away

What have CNN and MSNBC done to save lives? “Lindell said it took MyPillow workers three days to turn over a 200,000-square-foot factory into a facility to produce the masks. They are currently making about 10,000 a day and aim to produce up to 50,000 a day.”


During Trump’s Coronavirus press conference on Monday, he invited some people from private industry to speak, including Mike Lindell, the owner of My Pillow.

CNN decided to cut away from the event when Lindell spoke.

Lindell was not there to sell pillows. Trump invited him to speak because he has restructured his company in order to manufacture face masks for hospitals. In other words, he is doing far more for the country than anyone at CNN or any other media outlet.

Smug critics couldn’t even be bothered to use Lindell’s name, opting instead to call him the “My Pillow guy.”

MSNBC’s Ali Velshi:

MSNBC’s Joy Reid:

Never-Trumper Tom Nichols:

CNN executive editor Ram Ramgopal:

CNN’s Oliver Darcy:

Lindell is making a very important contribution. Julia Musto reported at FOX News:

Mike Lindell says MyPillow making masks to fight COVID-19, calls on other manufacturers to help

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said Friday that he decided to start making face masks to aid in the fight against the deadly coronavirus (COVID-19) because his passion has always been to help others.

Appearing on “America’s Newsroom” with host Ed Henry, Lindell said that he couldn’t think of a better time to do so.

“We started then to find out what we could make,” he said. “We worked with the administration. They have a coalition to what kind of masks are need out there. Obviously, we specialize in cotton and we found out different materials that they didn’t want — latex…and stuff. So, finally, we got the final prototype three days ago.”

Lindell said it took MyPillow workers three days to turn over a 200,000-square-foot factory into a facility to produce the masks. They are currently making about 10,000 a day and aim to produce up to 50,000 a day.

Even MSNBC carried Lindell’s remarks, which you can watch below:

See the clip below to watch how CNN cut away:

Greg Gutfeld of FOX News had some choice responses for the critics:

This crisis has brought out the best in some, the worst in others.

Featured image via YouTube.


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Such a good look for MSM with these Tweets by their twits. Their eventual collapse could be spectacular…or barely noticed.

2smartforlibs | March 31, 2020 at 9:38 am

All these companies stepping up and the propaganda machine can’t even acknowledge that. They says America is dead and shut hasn’t fallen down.

Mike Lindell is on America’s side. CNN and those like them are on the other side.

It is not my job to know, and I already knew that My Pillow was manufacturing masks.
MSM is a disgusting disgrace. Most of it.

The Friendly Grizzly | March 31, 2020 at 10:05 am

Mr. Lindell is one of the few there whose company makes their products here. Thank you, sir.

Mike, not to be a wiseguy but it’s the Wuhan Virus. The Professor posted an article a few hours ago about that. Tsk. Tsk.

Need we more proof that the news rooms in NY/DC are filled with elite snobs that hold most of the country in contempt. More importantly, Lindell advertises on Fox News/Business channels. Snark is a way of life for the cocktail set that inhabit most news rooms.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | March 31, 2020 at 10:47 am

Well,this spells the end of “Journalism” majors.

To Help Students, Colleges Are Dropping Remedial Courses. Will That Backfire?


Also yesterday, that rag published how lots and lots of college students WILL NOT BE BACK THIS FALL!


I don’t understand what is their objection. None of them actually say what their problem with him is, except Sarah Reese Jones, who takes the opportunity to display her profound ignorance of the constitution. But at least she actually makes an argument, however wrong. The rest don’t even bother doing that.

    Another Voice in reply to Milhouse. | March 31, 2020 at 12:17 pm

    That was my first thought on this gals post.
    Makes ya wonder what her convictions are for each time she needs to pull a bill out her wallet.

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Another Voice. | March 31, 2020 at 3:13 pm

      We all know the Media was Triggered by his mentioning God and Family, and also thanking President Trump…..

    HamiltonNJ in reply to Milhouse. | March 31, 2020 at 12:36 pm

    Mr. Lindell is a proud Trump supporter, therefore he is considered an enemy by the Press.
    Doesn’t matter that he is doing something noble with his company during this crisis – Lindell supports Trump, therefore he gets mocked by the Twitter mob.

Two comments:
1) Well said, Gutfeld.
2) I am an atheist. Mike Lindell is a devout believer. He is a good man. If he wants to read the Bible, I will listen. The Bible is a book of wisdom.

ScottTheEngineer | March 31, 2020 at 11:05 am

Awesome. I’ve seen his commercials a lot but have never been interested. I’ll be ordering 2 pillows from him tonight.

In the same vein, Samaritan’s Purse have done an incredible thing and set up a field hospital in Central Park. Even our communist mayor has thanked them for it. But the lovely folk at Gothamist are all upset because it’s an organization that still takes its religious mission seriously and recruits volunteers who believe in it.

OwenKellogg-Engineer | March 31, 2020 at 11:58 am

Ben Shapiro: “If you’re angry at the guy shifting over his factory to produce 50,000 facemasks a day for medical professionals, you’re doing being human wrong.”

Came across a posting that described efforts to include liability protection for mask makers into the various coronavirus bills .. and how Nanci Pelosi’s office made every effort to protect the tort lobby.

Connivin Caniff | March 31, 2020 at 12:16 pm

Will these acts of goodness outweigh the agony of relentless My Pillow commercials? If they do, it will have been a close contest.

    I agree that I could get through life never seeing another My Pillow commercial. However, I find them immensely less objectionable than the relentless “ED” commercials.

    I am going to order a couple My Pillows. Mike is a good guy and does a lot of good. Deserves support.

Fredo Cuomo has now tested positive, how does the media cover this?

Having some karaoke/parody fun.

“Fake News” (TTTO: Hey Jude / Beatles)

Fake, News, you make it bad
Take a glad song and make it bitter
Dissemble and spin until it’s turns dark
You fetch and bark for your lord and master

Fake, News, don’t be so lame
You are paid to report with candor
But clearly you’ve got it into your heads
It must be said your “news” is slander

So many times I feel abused
Fake, News, you lose
Don’t make it all up for your share holders
You know darn well that it’s untrue
Your only proof
Are disgruntled deep state “O” hold overs

Blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, blah blah

Fake, News, please treat me kind
You are blinded by propaganda
Report on good things that we have done
Don’t have it spun to meet your agenda

So check it out and lose the spin
Fake, News, we win
When you give us something we can cheer for
And don’t you know that it’s the truth
Fake, News, just truth
The viewers you’ve hemorrhaged once tuned in for

Blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, blah blah

Fake, News, don’t be so lame
You are paid to report with candor
But clearly you’ve got it into your heads
It must be said your “news” is slander slander slander slander slander slander OW!

Blah, blah-blah blah-blah blah-blah, blah-blah blah-blah,
Fake, News
Blah, blah-blah blah-blah blah-blah, blah-blah blah-blah,
Fake, News …..

Mike Lindell is a patriot, unlike some.
Larry Fink with an estimated 7 trillion of client’s money pushing China and global warming using stockholder votes as leverage if the article is accurate.


In particular, Larry Fink in his capacity as the Chairman and CEO of one of Wall Street’s largest financial houses, BlackRock, Inc., with its estimated $7 trillion under management, has repeatedly placed the interests of America – and, for that matter, those of his clients – second to his own agendas and interests. The most worrying of the latter are his sustained, concerted and personally lucrative efforts to promote investment in the PRC. They have, over time, had the effect of enriching and enabling the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), its corporate fronts and the malevolent activities in which they have long engaged – to the grave detriment of this country, its security, and values.
At the very least, Larry Fink is a globalist. For example, he is on the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum and features prominently in its programs. Indeed, this year, he used his remarks at the Forum’s conclave in Davos to promote the priority his firm would be giving to environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles over return on investment. And in his annual letter to global CEOs released last January, Fink actually threatened those who disagreed with that priority: “…We will be increasingly disposed to vote against management and board directors when companies are not making sufficient progress on sustainability-related disclosures and the business practices and plans underlying them.”