Senate Homeland Committee Prepping First Subpoena for Burisma-Biden Investigation
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Senate Homeland Committee Prepping First Subpoena for Burisma-Biden Investigation

Senate Homeland Committee Prepping First Subpoena for Burisma-Biden Investigation

Committee wants to subpoena a former consultant at Blue Star Strategies, which Burisma hired to fight corruption charges.

Catherine Herridge at CBS News reported on Monday that Senate Homeland Committee Chairman Ron Johnson has started to prepare his first subpoena into Hunter Biden’s work with Burisma Holdings.

Johnson states in his letter to his colleague that he wants to subpoena Andrii Telizhenko, a former consultant for Blue Star Strategies and former Ukrainian diplomatic aide.

Burisma hired Blue Star Strategies to fight against corruption charges.

Johnson informed the senators the committee “has received U.S. government records indicating that Blue Star sought to leverage Hunter Biden’s role as a board member of Burisma to gain access to, and potentially influence matters at the State Department.”

Telizhenko told the committee he would work with them in the investigation. Johnson pointed out that the Ukrainian “identified a limited subset of relevant records from his work with Blue Star that are responsive, but subject to a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) in his employment contract.”

Democrats claim Johnson’s “request represented an abuse of power aimed at damaging a leading Democratic presidential contender.”

Sally Painter, a former senior advisor in President Bill Clinton’s administration, and Karen Tramontano, Bill’s former deputy chief of staff, founded Blue Star Strategies:

State Department records show that Painter and her Blue Star co-founder, Karen Tramontano, reached out to top State Department officials through 2016 to set up meetings to discuss Ukraine and Burisma. (RELATED: Emails: Burisma Consultant Linked To Hunter Biden Approached Top State Department Official At Think Tank Event)

In an email on June 27, 2016, Painter indicated that she spoke with Tony Blinken, who served as deputy secretary of state, at a Truman National Security Project event about “troubling events” in Ukraine. Painter requested a follow-up meeting with Blinken, who is now a foreign policy adviser to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.

Tramontano, who was deputy chief of staff in the Clinton White House, also contacted State Department officials seeking a meeting regarding Burisma on Feb. 24, 2016.

One of the officials that Tramontano contacted said that she wanted to meet in order to get “a better understanding of how the U.S. came to the determination that [Burisma] is corrupt.”

Tramontano also mentioned that Hunter Biden was affiliated with Burisma, according to the email.

Telizhenko has recently “worked closely with Rudy Giuliani as he pushed for deeper investigations into the Bidens and Burisma.”


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Catherine Herridge is a gem. She’s so good at what she does. Always on point. Always professional. I think it was a huge loss for Fox that she went to CBS but I’ll still give her props.

Lindsey Graham will have his Senate Committee on the Judiciary will join this investigation soon, maybe even before he retires.

Well, no wonder the DNC chose Biden to be their sacrificial lamb. That way the media can keep crying about Trump attacking his campaign rival, while trying to deflect from the crimes of Biden, Obama, and H. Clinton.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to GTL. | March 3, 2020 at 9:56 am

    “Ain’t gonna work!”

    The COB Mafia (COB = Clinton, Obama, Bush) are going in the hopper this time.

Lucifer Morningstar | March 3, 2020 at 9:26 am

Catherine Herridge at CBS News reported on Monday that Senate Homeland Committee Chairman Ron Johnson has started to prepare his first subpoena into Hunter Biden’s work with Burisma Holdings.

And like every other “investigation” the Republicans will be told to fuck off and they’ll let the whole thing drop. Because that’s what they do. Every time. Guaranteed.

I wonder if this Sally Painter is related to Richard “Dumpster Faar” Painter.

“Democrats claim Johnson’s “request represented an abuse of power …”

Truly the D party is irony impaired. Or have they already forgotten their impeachment antics? (Or both?)

“Blue Horseshoe loves Blue Star!” How ironically appropriate. So who is Blue Horseshoe in this scheme? Papa Joe?

I have a minor quibble, and it is indeed minor.

“…Blue Star Strategies, which Burisma hired to fight corruption charges.”

The Ukrainian prosecutors have Burisma and their founder and majority owner Mykola Zlochevsky dead to rights. They can’t fight corruption charges as they are indeed corrupt.

They hired Blue Star Strategies to use their insurance policy, Joe Biden, to extort the Ukrainian government to quash the corruption investigation.

The State Dept. couldn’t do this by themselves. The White House needed to weigh in. Joe Biden reminds me of the mob boss Pauly in Goodfellas. He NEVER talked to Hunter about his foreign business affairs he claims. Just like Pauly never talked to his capos since he had a runner relaying messages from the pay phone outside his home.

Biden never said he didn’t talk to the DoS about Hunter’s foreign business affairs. State being the runner relaying the messages.

The links to the actual emails between Blue Star Strategies and the DoS are embedded in the article. Especially interesting is the email in which they ostentatiously drop Hunter Biden’s name. One month later Biden is in Ukraine threatening to withhold $1B in loan guarantees unless they fire the prosecutor. And as Quid Pro Joe later bragged on video, “Sonovabitch they fired the guy.”

Extortion (not bribery; that’s a misuse of the term as what Biden did was far worse) worked. Loss of the IMF loan, guaranteed by the U.S. taxpayer, would have driven Ukraine toward insolvency. That’s classic extortion. “Nice little country you have here. It’d be a shame if something bad happened to it.”

I just think it would reflect reality better to say Burisma hired Blue Star Strategies to remind Joe Biden that if they went down Hunter was going with them. And they would have gone down if they were prosecuted for corruption since they couldn’t fight the charges in court as they were guilty as sin.

Burisma hired Blue Star Strategies to get the Obama administration make the charges they couldn’t fight just go away.

Dilbert Deplorable | March 3, 2020 at 3:14 pm

Taking a page from the DumbyCrap playbook…. since Joe Biden and his son Hunter are pure as the undriven snow (according to DumpyCraps) then Dipshitocrats should WELCOME the opportunity to prove that their poster children for political corruption are as clean as they say they are.