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Neil Diamond Sings ‘Sweet Caroline’ With Coronavirus Twist

Neil Diamond Sings ‘Sweet Caroline’ With Coronavirus Twist

“Hands… washing hands”

Because our self-quarantines could use a little more fun.

Neil Diamond, joined by his dog, recorded himself singing ‘Sweet Caroline.’ But this particular rendition has a bit of a twist that’s timely.

“I think maybe if we sing together, well, we’ll just feel a little bit better.”



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He is a great songwriter. But he lacks in filking his own music. He didn’t even get the obvious “Sweet corona”.
It’s better than imagine, though.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | March 24, 2020 at 3:36 pm


Democrats and Schumer surrendering on Senate coronavirus stimulus bill – The American Mirror

They couldn’t take the heat.

By LifeZette
March 24, 2020

Despite vows not to vote for any package from the White House, notwithstanding

House Speaker Nancy “Nanking” Pelosi (D-CA)

writing a bill of her own, although media attacks persisted on the GOP legislation, it looks like today the Senate will vote for the nearly $2 trillion Trump relief package and send it to the president for his signature.

“Nanking”? Well, if the Democrats are going to do the bidding of the Chinese Propaganda Ministry their public labels ought to reek of it.

Shanghai Chuck Schumer (D-NY)

and the Democrats have given way on more than several budget proposals they tried to include in the bill that had nothing to do with the virus.

Colonel Travis | March 24, 2020 at 3:59 pm

Funny. He should have sang “Sweet Quar-en-tine” and rhymed it like Caroline.

    Great suggestion, CT.

    Could have been “Beat C One Nine” …

    Wonderful seeing him – hard to see heroes get older and slow down. Watching his hands – seeing the same happen to mine – taking days to record tracks for a song that used to take me hours – having to overdub flubs.

    Still that wonderful voice and gentle spirit. 😉

Nice touch by Neil

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | March 24, 2020 at 4:13 pm

Rut Roh!!!!!!!!

Jeff Bezos, Other Corporate Executives Sold Off Their Own Company’s Stock Just Before Chinese Flu Panic….

….there might be come collusion here, and the American people must know the truth. I suggest three years of Congressional and Special Prosecutor investigations.

What does Jeff Bezos have to hide?”

Can you say “Dem-Holes” or “Dem-Donkey-Holes?”

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | March 24, 2020 at 4:19 pm

Rut Roh Two!!!!

Life-time election stealing House Crim-Dems up to felonies again??????????

House Pushing To Have November Election By Mail…


notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | March 24, 2020 at 4:53 pm

Wonder if Professor Jacobson will share with us how he’s managing to teach his classes from remote location……

Elder socialist, the antithesis of American values.

Massinsanity | March 24, 2020 at 9:18 pm

Please make it stop, that stupid song has already ruined every Red Sox game in person and on TV.

I can’t stand it…. arrrrrghhhhhhh

Please don’t ruin that song!