Former Democrat Campaign Staffers Struggle to Find Work During Coronavirus Crisis
“Thousands of campaign staffers were fired earlier this month after their candidates dropped out of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.”
In a case of unfortunate timing, many of the Democrats running for president ended their campaigns just before the Coronavirus crisis hit.
Now many of the former campaign staffers are looking for jobs as life has come to a standstill.
Tucker Higgins writes at CNBC:
Their candidate lost. Now they’re job hunting as the coronavirus pandemic crushes the economy
A month ago, Molly Doris-Pierce was hoping to help elect the next president. Now she’s hoping to find a job.
Thousands of campaign staffers were fired earlier this month after their candidates dropped out of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. But now, as governments across the globe race to contain the coronavirus, the worldwide economy has frozen, leaving job seekers in the lurch.
Times like these call for dark humor.
“I know everyone is working on their think pieces so if anyone has a ‘How to Write a Cover Letter During a Pandemic’ essay in the works let a girl know your best advice,” Doris-Pierce wrote Tuesday on Twitter.
Doris-Pierce, 26, worked as Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s national women’s outreach director. Warren exited the 2020 Democratic primary earlier this month after a disappointing showing on Super Tuesday, releasing her staff, which numbered more than 1,000 across dozens of states.
Other campaigns have done the same.
Staffers for Michael Bloomberg claim they were told their jobs were safe through November.
Politico reports:
Bloomberg aides cut loose despite yearlong employment promise
Mike Bloomberg’s shuttered presidential campaign is dismissing staffers across the country and inviting them to reapply for jobs on his new independent committee — despite extending guarantees of being paid through the November election when they were hired.
The consolation prize: They get to keep their Bloomberg-issued iPhones and MacBooks.
Multiple Bloomberg aides told POLITICO they participated in termination calls with the campaign on Monday. Some of them complained after the calls that they were originally told they would be paid by Bloomberg though the November general election regardless of whether he remained in the race. Most staffers will receive their last paycheck on March 31, sources said…
Hiring materials from Bloomberg headquarters shared with POLITICO stated that regardless of what happened, field organizers could expect to have a job with “Team Bloomberg” through November, though it didn’t promise interviewees where they would be based. It outlined that organizers would be paid $6,000 a month, plus a $5,000 relocation stipend and full health, dental and vision benefits.
Business Insider repeats this claim about the Bloomberg campaign. In an ultimate twist of irony, the staffers they spoke to have signed non-disclosure agreements:
Bloomberg staffers were promised a job until Election Day, whether or not he became the nominee. Now they’re days from losing their health insurance during a pandemic.
Former Bloomberg campaign staffers say they feel lied to after learning last week that their jobs would be cut despite promises of work no matter what from one of the world’s richest people.
Now they face the prospect of losing their health insurance at the end of the month during the coronavirus pandemic.
When he exited the race March 4, former Mayor Mike Bloomberg of New York City promised to pay his staff through the end of the month and to keep offices in some key battleground states open through the race to support the Democratic Party.
But Business Insider talked to two former Bloomberg campaign staffers — who asked to remain anonymous because they signed nondisclosure agreements — who said they were shocked to be let go last week.
While you may not agree with the candidates for whom these folks worked, they are still our fellow Americans.
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to the full extent allowed by law.
I feel for every cook, waitress, spa, catering business, construction worker, uber driver, event planner, and other person unemployed in the current situation. The economic damage far exceeds anything I imagined – and soon any responsible trade off. Many don’t have a lot of savings. I wish them all well.
With two exceptions.
Democratic campaign workers.
You made your bed. You cheered on this disaster. You root for Marxist policies that destroy economies.
Now lie in that bed. You are horrible in what you support and you deserve to feel the consequences.
Coronavirus Is Making China’s Model Look Better and Better
The democratic world order survived the crash of 2008. It may not be so fortunate this time.
I had no idea the Michael Bloomberg had completely offshored Bloomberg News to China, so I have pity for those who lost their jobs to outsourcing.
It’s okay. They can learn to code.
Exactly. Coding is in. Coal mining is out. I’ll donate my old Assembly, PL/C, and Fortran books to any enterprising out-of-work dem campaign worker who wants to learn a new career.
I might have some SNOBOL, WIZARD and Algol books
Oops, sorry, all the coding jobs have already been taken by South Asians. There’s no room in that inn.
Yes, let DEM “Learn to Code” if they’re smart enough.
“PLUCK THE MSM!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“PLUCK THE MEDIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“ I might have some SNOBOL, WIZARD and Algol books”
That really does date you. I took my first Algol class almost a half century ago, and remember working to translate a SNOBOL compiler from French to English. My job was to find the error messages, and then help someone from the French department translate them into something understandable by normal (I.e. English speaking computer nerds) people. I fell in love with Algol (60), and that love colored my coding for the last almost 50 years.
I was surprised this morning by the lawn guys coming by to pick up the last of the oak leaves, trim up the grass, and trim some bushes. I did note that they worked further apart than normal.
I went out and paid them instead of waiting for a bill, mail the check, etc. Later, I’ll go out to pick up some lunch via curbside delivery. The restaurant actually has a “isolation menu” with limited choices.
I’m with you, Al.
My response to these whiners is “Yeah, it really sucks that your side whipped up so much panic over this virus in order to make the President look bad. I guess you’ll just have to take one for the team, eh?”
Spot On!
Remember the slogan!
In light of the current circumstances one would think that both of these could have given their staff say six months severance. The lesson here is to not work for Dem shysters.
I hope they didn’t think working for a political campaign was a long term career choice.
These workers no doubt know that Communist China is hiring.
Elizabeth Warren is an indian giver.
None of them saw this coming?
While trying to feel sorry for these people, I’m reminded that life is filled with betrayals. Here are theirs.
Well, jeepers, join the real world. In aerospace you go to school for about a hundred years, work in a fluorescent office without even glimpsing sunlihgt for months on end, and when a project is canceled get laid off along with thousands of similar professionals. And there’s no hopping to another company where one can continue working on aerospace problems in fluorescent offices, because they were all hit with the same cancellations and are doing their own layoffs. That’s life—even with serious qualifications for things a bit more involved than making phone calls to prospective donors, things are tough all over, even without a pandemic.
Indeed. My dad worked in aerospace for quite a while. Minuteman. Atlas. Mercury. Gemini. Apollo. 747. When the layoffs at Boeing came when the SST was cancelled, he moved into the chemicals industry, where he stayed until he retired. I think that for the rest of his life he missed making things that fly.
He was also bummed about getting out of the space program. But in his last job in it, he was essentially hired to be the fall guy for fraud. He figured it out right away, quit, and never worked on the space program again.
But, d**n, we accomplished some great things in those days.
Ok. Think positive. I can help.
The are 4 bits in a byte, 2 bytes in a word and 2 words in a dint.
Now, BCD (binary coded decimal) is 4 bits. Never more, never less. DO NOT confuse BCD for binary.
Oh come on, REALLY help them prepare for the future. Teach them about qubits.
Don’t confuse them. They probably will think C++ is a really good grade.
No, teach DEM to dig……….
“Thousands of [Democrat] campaign staffers were fired earlier this month after their candidates dropped out”
Went to Old Mother Hubbard’s Sympathy Cupboard – it was completely BARE!
And had their candidate won the presidency, these very same Democrat staffers would have happily gone about the business of saddling Americans and their businesses with all manner and means of regulations, taxes, and every other stupid, wasteful, freedom-depriving idea they could. Such as bringing in more and more of illiterate, unskilled, gimme-more types. And worse, more Muslims who tell us expressly that they’re here to destroy us!!!
Obama2 – this time with more viciousness.
Both american blacks and Muslims are just smart enough to understand that they do not measure up, and not smart enough to strive to be the best they can. Both think they deserve to rule, and that they deserve the kind of wealth that they are incapable of creating.
Talk to your Abe Simpson candidate who is promising to destroy the economy while raising taxes. If you don’t like unemployment and high taxes, maybe you should re-think your life’s “free stuff” philosophy.
Why are they losing their health insurance? Are they not eligible for COBRA?
But, but…. they have to pay for that COBRA insurance.
Plenty of money left over in the campaign coffers so you know they’ll do the right thing and continue to pay them.
Democrats really stand behind their people, don’t they?
Sure they will. The check is in the mail.
Check to see if Soros is hiring more trolls to troll conservative sites. Required: internet access and access to mommy’s basement.
He is. He is!
Amazon is hiring
Somehow this point I can’t garner up enough sympathy for these unemployed and most likely unemployable idiots. It was inevitable that Bloomberg and the rest were going to discard their people like plague carriers the minute they gave up their campaigns. What the hell did they think was going to happen.
Got a lot more to worry about now than a bunch of dead people walking. And that’s the truth.
Well, as they say down here, “Bless their hearts.”
Yes, “Bless their tiny hearts…..”
“Mike will get it done”. Makes you wonder about other campaign promises Mike made during his run. I am sorry that Mike didn’t keep his promise to his paid campaign workers. Since he is a billionaire and claims to want to help people, this would seem a rather minor thing for him to follow through on after spending a half billion on his failed attempt. If the campaign workers claims are true, then a not so honorable candidate has been tossed.
“Mike will get it done”. Makes you wonder about other campaign promises Mike made during his run. I am sorry that Mike didn’t keep his promise to his paid campaign workers. Since he is a billionaire and claims to want to help people, this would seem a rather minor thing for him to follow through on after spending a half billion on his failed attempt. If the campaign workers claims are true, then a not so honorable candidate has been tossed.
Former Bloomberg campaign staffers say they feel lied to after learning last week that their jobs would be cut despite promises of work no matter what from one of the world’s richest people.
Now they might begin to understand how America feels when democrats make promises to America. It’s always a lie from them. Tough schiff suckers.
Oh boo boo! Life is a struggle for everyone. For those who are Demoncrat stupid it is an absolute hell because they have no common sense!