Federal Judges Block States From Limiting Abortions During Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic

***UPDATE: The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals temporarily reinstated the abortion ban in Texas:

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a temporary stay on a ruling from a lower court that had blocked Texas from enforcing the ban. State officials argue the ban is intended to conserve medical supplies for health workers on the front lines of the coronavirus response. But abortion rights advocates say states are using the pandemic as an excuse to block access.

In a 2-1 opinion, the appeals court ruled that the order from the lower court be stayed until an appeal from Texas is considered. The two judges who ruled in favor of a stay were nominated to their posts by President Trump and former President George W. Bush.

“The temporary stay ordered this afternoon justly prioritizes supplies and personal protective equipment for the medical professionals in need,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said in a statement Tuesday.

Circuit Court Judge James Dennis, a Clinton appointee, dissented, writing “a federal judge has already concluded that irreparable harm would flow from allowing the executive order to prohibit abortions during this critical time.”

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) issued a directive earlier this month suspending nonessential medical procedures in an effort to conserve masks and gloves for health workers on the front lines of the pandemic.
Alabama, Ohio, and Texas limited abortions due to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. With hospitals filling up the medical community needs to have as many doctors and nurses on hand.

***Previous Reporting…

Alabama, Ohio, and Texas limited abortions due to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. With hospitals filling up the medical community needs to have as many doctors and nurses on hand.

But abortion fanatics want special treatment for abortion and fought the orders. Federal judges agreed with them.

From The Wall Street Journal:

Abortion providers are challenging restrictions in several states. In addition to Monday’s court orders, cases also are pending in Iowa and Oklahoma. Texas was an initial legal battleground, and U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel on Monday issued a temporary restraining order against the state.Judge Yeakel wrote that delaying abortions causes irreparable harm because, as pregnancies progress, abortions become less safe and eventually illegal. The judge, who was appointed by former GOP President George W. Bush, added that the providers’ lawsuit is likely to be successful.“The Supreme Court has spoken clearly,” Judge Yeakel wrote of a woman’s right to an early-term abortion. “There can be no outright ban on such a procedure. This court will not speculate on whether the Supreme Court included a silent ‘except-in-a-national-emergency clause.’ ”The judge is expected to consider a longer-term injunction on April 13. Texas vowed an immediate appeal.

U.S. District Judge Michael Barrett said that “Ohio hadn’t yet shown that banning surgical abortions would save ‘any beneficial amount’ of protective medical equipment for other uses.

Therefore, the ban in Ohio created “a substantial obstacle in the path of patients seeking pre-viability abortions, thus creating an undue burden on abortion access.”

Absolutely ridiculous. Unless the mother’s life is in extreme trouble I do not see how abortion is anything but an elective procedure.

A virus is spreading across the country. People are dying. The medical community is reaching out to retired doctors and nurses to help out.

God forbid we do not put infanticide front and center.

Tags: Abortion, Alabama, Ohio, Texas, Wuhan Coronavirus