Biden has all but disappeared during Wuhan coronavirus crisis, as #WhereIsJoe? trends
Leading Democrat: “Trump is in front of the cameras every day, reassuring people, putting on the appearance of ‘leadership.’ Where is #Biden? Why isn’t he dominating the airwaves???”

Donald Trump’s daily press conferences on Wuhan coronavirus updates is must watch TV. Trump and various health and senior officials spend close to two hours providing detailed information, and then subject themselves to an hour or more of questions from reporters.
It’s spellbinding at times, with Trump clearly in command. It’s what he loves, mixing it up with reporters. Sometimes that sparring makes news itself, but even without the drama from reporters, Trump shows himself in command.
Full video of Trump's exchange with NBC's Peter Alexander shows:
1⃣Hopeful & optimistic Trump reassures Americans, says drug to treat coronavirus may be "gamechanger."
2⃣Alexander attacks Trump's positivity, accuses him of "misrepresenting," implies people should not have hope.
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) March 20, 2020
I haven’t seen viewership numbers yet, but with so many people sitting at home due to the rolling economic shutdown, I bet the numbers across multiple platforms are huge. It may be why a recent poll showed majority support for how Trump is handling the crisis.
Lost is this crisis management is Joe Biden. He has all but disappeared.
Biden’s disappearance has been noticed by Democrats, particularly Bernie supporters. Peter Daou, a longtime Hillary supporter, tweeted his frustration:
People, I mean this sincerely: #whereisjoe?
Trump is in front of the cameras every day, reassuring people, putting on the appearance of “leadership.”
Where is #Biden? Why isn’t he dominating the airwaves???
* * *
And: Two new polls show Trump with majority approval on his handling of the #pandemic.
If Dem leaders think this crisis will definitely damage him, they are greatly mistaken.
If they cede the appearance of leadership to him, it’s a major problem.
To anyone doing victory laps hailing the end of Trump’s presidency, contemplate these poll numbers…
Trump intends to outflank establishment Dems from the left, stealing #Bernie’s policies to manage the crisis, then call himself a successful “wartime” president.
* * *
Team Trump may be morally bankrupt, but they’re not stupid.
Trump sees the #pandemic as way to boost his polls and take even more control. He’s already outflanked Dem leaders on progressive policies. And yet again, Dem leaders are like deer in headlights.
My response:
You know why. Biden is not up to the task. The worst thing he could do is spend hours in front of cameras fielding questions. Someone might ask him why he opposed restricting travel from China. Biden is the worst candidate on China, and he is the likely Democratic nominee.
The reaction from Bernie supporters was a big ‘I told you so’.
If Joe Biden spoke to the press live every few days, he'd be forced to drop out. He can't do it.
Most people in the media and in DC know this.#WhereIsJoe #HidinBiden
— 2k RIGHT NOW ? (@PatTheBerner) March 20, 2020
Why isn't Biden leading the Democratic response to coronavirus EVERY SINGLE DAY? Why cede the ground to Trump's propaganda? If Biden won't do it, make it Warren. Just find someone.
— Markos Moulitsas (@markos) March 20, 2020
So where was Joe? Apparently trying to figure out how the internets work:
On a call right now, @JoeBiden says he’s in the process of finding a way to directly answer questions every day on camera. “I want to be in daily or at least significant contact with the American people and communicate what I would be doing and what I think we should be doing.”
Joe Biden says he is “desperately” looking to be in regular contact with the American public, perhaps with regular press conferences in Wilmington, Del., or using technology. “They tell me there’s ways we can do teleconferencing via us all being in different locations,” he says.
They have internet on computer now?
— People for Bernie (@People4Bernie) March 20, 2020
Biden not only has ceded the spotlight, he is reinforcing his image as out of touch, as this Jezebel post snarked, Joe Biden Will Lead As Soon As He Figures Out How This Damn Computer Works:
As the country hunkers down in self-isolation and politicians and celebrities take to social media to remind us they’re still alive and famous, one question reigns supreme: Where is Joe Biden? After his major primary wins, the assumed nominee for the Democratic party has gone largely silent. Is he self-isolating at home? Is he sick? If he’s sick does that mean Jill is in charge? Is he calling every single CEO in America on a rotary phone? No one knows.
Biden apparenly is planning daily conference calls with reporters. That’s not going to work. Trump is on TV speaking daily to millions, Biden will be preaching to the choir (reporters).
Joe Biden is planning a regular shadow briefing on coronavirus to start as early as Monday to show how he would handle the crisis and address what he calls the lies and failures of President Trump.
Biden gave a preview of what’s to come in a conference call with reporters Friday, where he listed a litany of false and misleading statements from Trump, who has been holding regular White House press conferences concerning coronavirus preparedness and response that have been broadcast live on all major networks.
Bet you didn’t know Joe had a conference call with reporters today. That’s the point. Biden needs a controlled setting so he doesn’t stick his foot in his mouth, or worse, freeze up calling attention to his mental acuity issues.
Lots of people are asking, #WhereIsJoeBiden?
He doesn't know either!#WhereIsJoe?
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) March 20, 2020
We don’t know where this crisis leads, but Biden is hardly showing himself to have the leadership ability or quality needed in a time of crisis.

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The daily Carona updates with Trump and the team are great. Watching the press ask asinine questions is not.
Joe Biden knows he will never be POTUS and his actions reflect that.
And just think!!!!!!
Mainly DEM Mayors and Governors have forced the majority(?) of their citizens to sit at home and consume MSM BS that is repeated, and repeated, and repeated again and again with their BIG LIES getting bigger every minute.
More and more are seeing straight through the DEMS’ Lyin’Media.
Think I found Joe. He’s busy nuzzling transsexuals at the hospitals waiting for their operations.
“Vice: Most of You Are Concerrned About People Dying from the Chinese Flu, But Please Give a Thought to the Real Victims: Transgenders Who Are Having Their Elective Dick-Amputation Surgeries Delayed”
Media Continues Corporate/Chinese Propaganda Push
The Daily Beast screeches that Peter Navarro is, get this, trying to get America to rebuild its now-nonexistent medicine/medical technology base.
Tucker Carlson just had an author on talking about this — Rosmary Gibson, author of China RX.
America no longer can even make aspirin. Thousands of the base medicines which all other medicines are made from are made entirely in China — none in the US.
The author also pointed out that the reason that we can’t make ventilators is that we are entirely dependent on China for the circuit boards that control the ventilators, and China just stopped exporting those to the US.
She didn’t say that was for a nefarious purpose — I assume it’s because China needs all those ventilator control boards for its own people. (Hey, they totally stopped the coronavirus, though…)
I can’t find her appearance on Tucker, but here’s Rosmary Gibson, author of China RX, giving testimony to the Senate that 90% of the “core chemicals” used to make all medicines are made in China, and that there are only two Western companies which even make generic medicines any more.
Media Continues Corporate/Chinese Propaganda Push
The Daily Beast screeches that Peter Navarro is, get this, trying to get America to rebuild its now-nonexistent medicine/medical technology base.
Tucker Carlson just had an author on talking about this — Rosmary Gibson, author of China RX.
America no longer can even make aspirin. Thousands of the base medicines which all other medicines are made from are made entirely in China — none in the US.
The author also pointed out that the reason that we can’t make ventilators is that we are entirely dependent on China for the circuit boards that control the ventilators, and China just stopped exporting those to the US.
She didn’t say that was for a nefarious purpose — I assume it’s because China needs all those ventilator control boards for its own people. (Hey, they totally stopped the coronavirus, though…)
I can’t find her appearance on Tucker, but here’s Rosmary Gibson, author of China RX, giving testimony to the Senate that 90% of the “core chemicals” used to make all medicines are made in China, and that there are only two Western companies which even make generic medicines any more.
Here’s a Tucker video essay from last month in which he highlighted America’s suicidal drive to be wholly dependent on China for manufacture of our most basic and critical things — driven by a media that is corrupted by Chinese money.
China is no longer simply an economic rival of the United States; it’s becoming a dangerous enemy. But instead of protecting us from this threat, an existential one, our leadership class collaborates with the other side.
Why do they do that? Simple. They’re getting rich from it. This only became clear to many people a few months ago when the most American of all sports, professional basketball — a game literally invented in a gym in Springfield, Mass. — ripped off the mask and showed the world who really controls the league.
Tucker Carlson:
America Is Being Sold To China
That Tucker Clip is MUST SEE!
OH MY! More at Ace of Spades!
I’m old enough to remember that during the Cold War years, our media had developed the annoying habit of presenting the “news” precisely the way the USSR would want them to. You could tune to English language broadcasts on shortwave radio from Radio Havana and Radio Moscow and hear the exact same take that you could read in the NY Times or ABC News. It was always so tediously predictable: boo Reagan, he’s a bad guy, he’s insane, he’s a war-monger, the Russians want peace so let’s give them everything they want, etc.
“….. there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between our garbage MSM’s coverage of the Wuhan Virus
and China’s Xinhua News Agency or Global Times right now….”
That circuit board BS is just that, BS. I can design the damn thing in an hour if need be.
Or just use an off the shelf controller.
The only problem is the medical approval requirement.
I can build a decent ventilator in less than a day and for under $200.
Ventilator’s are very simple devices.
I have a type ventilator at home. It’s called a CPAP and is used for sleep apnea.
It may not be the best for that purpose, but I assume that in a pinch it could do the job well enough.
Thad, you are correct. CPAP’s could be repurposed if needed. Of course, the CPAP users presumably need them.
hillary clinton is in the pocket of the chi-comms.
Chinese ambassador praises Hillary Clinton for scolding Trump on ‘racist’ coronavirus narrative:
And it was bill clinton who began the titanic corruption of our country by the chi-comms:
Seriously, when will the nation wake-up to the treachery and treason by these people, demand action, and action be taken? Like taking back all the stolen money, and then hanging them?
I have a chainsaw.
You’re giving him too much credit. It’s at least as likely he thinks he already was president.
Caption that photo:
“Am I supposed to say something?”
Biden’s shadow briefings largely consist of asking why Trump hasn’t done something yet, even though trump has actually done that thing already.
Ted Stevens and Joe Biden were in the Senate together; Stevens (1968-2010), Biden (1973-2008). Now Joe’s stupid, to be sure, but was he that stupid when Ted was telling the other Senators about the internet and its series of tubes, and how information flows through those tubes to massive numbers of people. Not like a truck delivering information like when these two first started their wrecking havoc on the American republic in the early 1970s, but through a series of tubes.
I once saw Ted Stevens in action with a small notepad, a pen, and a room full of wounded soldiers and their family members. He went around and asked what they needed and he wrote it all down. At the time he was in charge of the Senate Appropriations Committee and I told one soldier after Ted talked with him that what he requested was going to get done.
These requests were pretty simple for the most part. “Your AC unit is broken?”
Plumbing is a very good analogy to the internet. In IT A high bandwith connection is sometimes referred to as a fat pipe, a lower bandwith connection as an narrow pipe. The analogy to our water system is pretty good.
I wonder what Biden thinks of supermarket bar code scanners.
He thinks that’s what AOC did.
Biden has talking about “record players” back in the September debate. I think he’s still in the time frame when getting power steering for a car was an option.
LOL … I remember when AC was an option. On my 1976 Cordoba, it was about $600.
Ask George Bush.
George Bush was either as familiar with scanners as anyone else of the time, or else faked it well. He was shown a revolutionary new kind of scanner that was not yet on the market, and he reacted with interest as anyone would.
The story that he was astonished by scanners was made up by a NY Times reporter who wasn’t even there.
Where is Joe? I suspect he’s out looking for his mind.
“I’ve Lost My Mind” (TTTO: I Walk The Line / Johnny Cash)
The Biden campaign is promising to make Bob Dole’s look downright dynamic.
China Joe can not lead because he does not have what it takes.
Oh My!
I just got an urgent text from Joe Biden!
He said:
”Guys don’t be fooled! I was told a mask and gloves is enough to go to the store, but when I got there people were also wearing pants and shirts”
Now that was funny.
Where’s Joe?
He’s doing his best giving us plenty of pundit material to get us through the next many weeks with at minimum a smirk, but in most instances, a full belly laugh….the gift which keeps on giving !
This is a FUNNY piece of video.
Biden, at what looks like a Sam’s Club or Costco, shopping for books with a Brain Exercises for Dementia sign in the background.
A one out? I don’t believe so. There are now so many clips of Joe doing and saying things with the MSM owing it to “just bad optics” When put all together it will make for best of the best campaign material when the GOP goes high gear highlighting montages of why Joe is unfit to be President.
The effect may very well have Biden pulling himself out for health reasons. Not by his decision, but the pressure from those around him who have his welfare at heart.
He needs to hire the Russians, they’re very effective with social media and getting the message out.
“Why isn’t he dominating the airwaves???”
LOL, because they have to keep him hidden.
I have to believe that is the strategy. The Chinese virus has taken away the wonderful Trump economy so Dems believe they can’t lose in November as long as they keep Biden hidden away. Look for them to call for as few debates as possible and those that might occur they will try to have in a studio with friendly questioners asking questions that will be provided to Joe in advance.
Pay close attention to who he picks for a VP because that person will be your President should this strategy prevail.
Maybe, but I wouldn’t bet on it. If Biden is not doing well right before the election, I expect them to parachute in a brand new candidate, who will not necessary be his running mate.
And if Biden wins, I expect them to parachute in a new candidate after the election, before the electors vote. Again, that might not be the running mate.
I saw a text or a tweet from Slow Joe claiming that Trump isn’t showing leadership and that “Joe has a plan”. Of course if Joe actually had a plan, he would have forgotten two seconds after someone told him “here’s your plan”.
Broomhilda Clinton is taking her shots at Trump as well “he’s doing it wrong etc”.
And the resident Hollywood Genius (who failed to graduate from high school) Sean Penn has declared that the US military needs to take over the response to the corona virus.
Suddenly there seems to be an excess supply of true flippin’ morons.
I can see it now. “In order to combat the Chinese Virus, it will be necessary for the military to round up all the leaders of #theResistance and hang them.” 😉
The military that’s under Trump”s command?!
“Joe’s Plan” is to take plenty of naps and try to recite the talking points his handlers wrote for him without screwing up.
It looks more and more like Joe Biden’s on concussion protocol, strictly enforced by the DNC.
If Biden had any sense or compassion he’d go visit his grandson in AR. Won’t affect Hunters case and the kid will be remembering ( mom will take pics ) for the rest of his life. Not only for being a VP but being a grandpa. Take a break Joe.
At his age he shouldn’t be going near any children.
Recall in 2016 Cankles went 12 months running up to the election with virtually zero unscripted media appearances. When your candidates are corrupt morons you gotta keep them hidden as much as possible.
Biden is a clown. No one intends him to control the office. Numerous Democratic Party members are planning to take over the office via behind the curtains. It will never work out as intended. As in all such cases, an individual will likely be the king, and the king will be a crazy leftist, corrupt loon. Mark my words.
Fortunately we’ll never have to test your theory…
Don’t you know Joe Biden is in hioding because he’s working on several cures in his basement, getting them ready for testing.
Wild-@$$ prediction (now with even more grains of salt!) — Dems will throw in the towel, make Trump their nominee too.
To he fair to Joe, heprobably doesn’t have a clue what time if day it is ?
All Trump has to do is to keep him talking in any debate and he will eventually forget where he is ?
If biden ever does get on the debate stage with PDJT, doctor jill will have to play the role of Ferdie Pacheco for gropin’ joe. I don’t see it happening. joe is easily triggered and at the stage where he’ll quickly forget any advice about not losing his temper. The democrats need a new candidate, and it’s not going to be bernie.
My wonderful grandfather became a different person when he got dementia. If anyone close to Joe has any heart, they would pull the plug on Joe’s campaign.
Joe is off somewhere practicing to regurgitate carefully crafted lines while still sounding spontaneous. The new Joe will be unveiled in a spectacular “Meet the Real Joe!” campaign that opens with Joe saying “Hi! I’m the “other” Joe Biden running for senator!”
The media wouldn’t ask Joe any hard questions. Everything would be a softball question, yet he says nothing. The reason is very simple. He has nothing to say.
The media wouldn’t ask Joe any hard questions. Everything would be a softball question, yet he says nothing. The reason is very simple. He has nothing to say.
A true leader in times of trouble……
Seriously though, his disappearance can be used against him if he gets the Dem nomination. I can see the Trump camp using the fact that he wasn’t public when a crisis was happening against him. I have to admit, it doesn’t look good.
He’s asking for our vote to make him leader of our nation but can’t seem to stick around when times call for leadership.
Because Biden is an elderly person with underlying health conditions and he simply cannot take the chance of being exposed to the Wuhan virus as he’s in the category of heightened risk of death.
That’s why.
And yet he wants to be elected to what is arguably the most stressful job in the world. Go figure.
Joe is doing better than ever…he challenged the virus to several push up contests and won every single one!
Your comment was so funny that I tried to give a thumbs up twice. 🙂
It makes me wonder if the dem nomination is as settled as they claim it is. Are they willing to suicide with this guy or is there a plan B? God knows they need one.
If it were, the past month should pull the DNC upshort to rethink that they have eliminated every interested candidate in the viable “next President pool” and are now looking at their candidate Biden who is an implosion waiting to happen. We all know who is in the wings waiting to take “her” place. What is also known here in NYS, here resides a governor who is staging himself right now to meet a “call up” by the DNC to challenge to Pres. Trump. Cuomo has had his war chest ready for some time to do this very thing, run for the presidency. He is now having his “9/11” moment which places him daily in the national news showing where he is working in a partisan way with Pres. Trump.
After reading your insight, I am inclined to agree. There is no way in heck they want Biden. Cuomo makes sense.
Look for them to change candidates shortly before the election. Unless Biden is winning, in which case look for them to change candidates after the election.
They don’t want any bad gaffes right now so they keep him in the back room at campaign headquarters and have him lick the pre-gummed campaign mailers. What’s the worst that can happen, a paper cut?
He runs only on a specific size of Ni-Cad batteries which gave out during his last public appearance, and the Campaign is having a hard time sourcing more .
This corrupt, treasonous rat has been reduced to a cardboard cutout.
Whoever is chosen to run with him will be the actual candidate for president.
Biden couldn’t even stay in front of the camera on his video townhall. The guy is a disaster. The media thought this would be the way to finally get rid of Trump. Instead it’ll be the end of Biden. Somebody should put a helmet on Biden and have him drive into the CDC office in a tank.
Where were Obama/Biden/Hillary during Benghazi? Where’s Biden now? Shocking lack of leadership and courage during a crisis. It’s almost like they need to see the polls before they can speak. Joe is probably holed up in Scranton listening to Louis Prima records on his Victrola.
Given the current situation of the country….the hysteria, the economic loss, and thinking about the job losses and the time it will take to rebound, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about Joe Biden. I’ve thought about him one time in the past 10 days…last Tuesday…..that’s it.
In the Star Trek episode “Patterns of Force,” the titular head of a planet’s Nazi-style government is kept drugged, only to appear on television for an occasional speech. A ruthlessly ambitious subordinate exercise the real power.
That is how a Biden administration would be run.