This was a live thread for the Vegas Democrat Presidential Primary Debate.
While everyone was busy attacking one another, only Mayor Pete used his time to chip away at Bernie’s vernier, though I doubt Mayor Pete benefits in the end.
Sanders got out almost completely unscathed, minus a blow from Bloomberg, who called him a communist (kind of), and a question asking about his health post-heart attack.
Bloomberg was completely annihilated in the first few minutes of the debate and didn’t perform much better for the remaining endless hours. That said, with his gazillions, he’s probably the most viable Not Bernie on stage at this point.
As for Warren, she had nothing to lose and came out swinging. Will likely give her campaign one last wind before it peters out.
Sanders gets out, mostly unscathed:
Looks like this is still Sanders’ to lose:
Warren, with nothing to lose, took Bloomberg to task over allegations that women at his company were treated poorly:
And then there’s the issue of Bernie’s heart attack:
Everyone wants to see Bloomberg’s tax returns:
Not like the Bernie Bros care about important things like facts:
This seems easily avoidable:
Pretty much:
They say this like being a billionaire is a bad things:
Fight! Fight! Fight!