After the Vegas Democrat Presidential Debate, This is Bernie’s to Lose
Bloomberg was annihilated on live TV

This was a live thread for the Vegas Democrat Presidential Primary Debate.
While everyone was busy attacking one another, only Mayor Pete used his time to chip away at Bernie’s vernier, though I doubt Mayor Pete benefits in the end.
Sanders got out almost completely unscathed, minus a blow from Bloomberg, who called him a communist (kind of), and a question asking about his health post-heart attack.
Bloomberg was completely annihilated in the first few minutes of the debate and didn’t perform much better for the remaining endless hours. That said, with his gazillions, he’s probably the most viable Not Bernie on stage at this point.
As for Warren, she had nothing to lose and came out swinging. Will likely give her campaign one last wind before it peters out.
Debate reaction and happenings:
Sanders gets out, mostly unscathed:
While Klobuchar and Buttigieg are going after each other and as everyone goes after Bloomberg, Sanders is doing little to jeopardize his status as the frontrunner in Nevada
— Kathryn Watson (@kathrynw5) February 20, 2020
Looks like this is still Sanders’ to lose:
Buttigieg & Klobuchar *combined* have less than Sanders, & combined they have less than Biden, in today's ABC/WaPo poll. What is happening?
— Taniel (@Taniel) February 20, 2020
Warren, with nothing to lose, took Bloomberg to task over allegations that women at his company were treated poorly:
Warren on Bloomberg's defense of past sexist comments: "I hope you heard what his defense was, I've been nice to some women."
— Nick Corasaniti (@NYTnickc) February 20, 2020
Read about those allegations against Bloomberg here:
— MJ Lee (@mj_lee) February 20, 2020
And then there’s the issue of Bernie’s heart attack:
Bernie asked about why he won’t release all of his medical records following his heart attack:
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) February 20, 2020
Everyone wants to see Bloomberg’s tax returns:
Mike Bloomberg pressed on disclosing his tax returns: "We're releasing them. They'll be out in a few weeks."
He says it takes a long time and he "can't just go to TurboTax."
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) February 20, 2020
Which makes sense! The rest of these people attacking each other makes no sense.
— Karol Markowicz (@karol) February 20, 2020
Not like the Bernie Bros care about important things like facts:
This seems easily avoidable:
Bloomberg just said in the #DemDebate that he had been in favor of Obamacare. But in 2010 he called it "a disgrace." Here's the citation:
— Nicholas Kristof (@NickKristof) February 20, 2020
Pretty much:
Elizabeth Warren on the #DemDebate stage like
— Andrew Clark (@AndrewHClark) February 20, 2020
They say this like being a billionaire is a bad things:
Elizabeth Warren: "America takes a huge risk if we just substitute one arrogant billionaire for another."
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) February 20, 2020
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Buttigieg: “A socialist who thinks money is the root of all evil, and a billionaire who thinks money should be the root of all power… one candidate wants to burn this party down, and another wants to buy it."
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) February 20, 2020

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to the full extent allowed by law.
They better be giving out free No Doz.
The reports on the DEMS 57th hundredth debate is that its snoozeville.
Too good not to pass along.
patti says:
Nolte: The Fascist History of Tiny Tyrant Michael Bloomberg
Nowhere has Bloomberg put more energy and treasure than in his demonic quest to disarm the American people and leave us helpless — which makes total sense if you look at the man in full…
Oh My!
Julio Rosas
Elizabeth Warren: I’d like to talk about who we’re running against: A billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse faced lesbians, and no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump, I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.
Even better.
So God Made A Bloomberg
Click the link, the picture alone is worth the laugh.
Looks like Mini Mike made a ………
Reports: Based on cheering in audience the DNC packed the house with establishment-loyalists with big cheers for Biden & Bloomberg, and just a smattering for Bernie/Warren.
I dunno. We already knew Bloomberg is a super rich guy, probably acts a bit superior because in some ways, he is. We do want a superior person as president, right?
Bloomberg didn’t agree to reopen NDA’s. If I had paid to make something go away, I wouldn’t either.
He called Bernie a communist. Bernie didn’t refute it. Probably because he suspected that if he did, Bloomberg would come back with evidence.
I didn’t see the killshot on Bloomberg. But then I’m not a modern-day Democrat. They look for different things.
Best debate comment tonight:
The bad lip reading people can’t do anything to make this any stupider.
the biggest reason this debate is so deadly for Bloomberg – he just showed everyone on the Dem side that Trump will wipe the floor with him in any debate between the two of them. If Lizzie Warren can cut him to shreds, of course the Donald will be able to.
Anyone expecting Preston Brooks to step on stage?
I was just thinking that this could be the year for Pat Paulson.
Or, Hrlond Stassen.
Harold. My fingers haven’t had their coffee yet.
The moderators have lost all control of these debates.
I was wrong. They don’t need No Doz, they need Ritalin.
Here’s a picture of the DNC’s Las Vegas cryptkeeper, Harry Reid himself, at tonight’s debate,
Did he dress like the demonic evangelist from Poltergeist II on purpose?
At least he no longer has a black eye.
Watcher says: “….Bloomberg cheers being piped in???
They just flashed to the moderators and absolutely no one in the audience behind them even had a smile.”
Larry Buchas @l
I don’t even want to canvas at any doors after this blood bath. Never been so ashamed of my party than this debate.@TomPerez should resign!
Wow. Standing on a box was the least of this guy’s worries. bloomberg was gutted like a pig, it’s over. It will be interesting to see him pouring any more money into the future nominees campaign, like some battered spouse/Stockholm Syndrome victim… Brutal. Another President Donald J. Trump win all the way around.
Too good not to pass along.
JohnC… says:
“Is this the democrat debate or am I watching reruns of the Adam’s Family?”
Folks observing are saying Mini Mike worn 12 inch heels.
Caught him from behind. Looks like he’s wearing platform shoes.
This red line is where his feet end, he is standing on top of fake shoes which is why he is holding the podium so hard
All i see is a blurred picture with all-blue tinting. It does tell me a thing.
Four eyes are better than two.
Listen, gang: these corrupt malignant jackasses and maggots were not standing at ‘podiums’; they were standing at ‘lecturns’.
Get with it!
Hannibal Lecterns?
Lecterns. They were standing on a podium. Which, we’re assured, was the same height for all of them.
You know setting money on fire is an actual crime in the US, the FBI should probably look at Bloomberg for burning several hundred million dollars.
When Bloomberg’s ad said “Mike can get it done.” I didn’t think he meant getting his ass kicked on live TV by Liz Warren. Didn’t expect a comedy. Trump’s face must hurt from smiling so hard.
It appears Bloomberg was out of his depth.
Maybe he just came up short?
Whichever; he just isn’t up to it.
He certainly didn’t rise to the occasion.
CNN actually had an interesting panel discussion on the debate.
From the comments:
Bloomberg spent half a billion to be Stopped and Frisked in front of the nation
So how short is this guy? And who cares, really? Sure, it’s a good thing for DJT, the Needler-in-Chief, to needle him about. But that’s just a tactic; that doesn’t make it important to any of the rest of us. Our POTUS #4, James Madison, was officially our shortest President at an official 5’4″, but he was far from our worst Chief Executive. In fact, for sheer political dancing skill, I’d rank Madison between maybe Polk and Lincoln; no slouches, any of them. Bloomberg’s problem isn’t lack of altitude, it’s his apparent ideal vision of government which would make an NSDAP party poobah jealous.
It’s not that he’s short but that he is hypersensitive to people pointing it out. Reptilians don’t have a sense of humor.
Mini Mike got schlonged. In his mind, and in his campaign ads, he thinks he’s the Schlonger. Now he’s had a taste of being the schlongee. He may recover, but the odds aren’t good.
What about his 60+ NDAs? Tells us he is far from being the only one who pays people off to keep them quiet. I guess it’s better than Arkancide.
The only reason I can think of to pick Hillary for your running mate is if you are afraid of slowly dying of cancer and want to go quickly.
Leave it to the Dems with their feels to all go after Bloomberg for the “unfairness” of him and audacity to cut them in the line by bypassing all of those debates.
Thanks for leaving Bernie open for the general, idiots.
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Bernie Sanders’ “summer cabin”:
guest quarters
500 feet of waterfront
Bought for $575,000
in cash
through an entity they created called the Islands Trust.