U.S., Taliban Reach Agreement on Reduced Violence Before Possible Peace Deal

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that America and the Taliban in Afghanistan have reached an agreement to reduce violence for a week.

The two sides could potentially form a peace deal by the time the agreement ends.

From The Washington Free Beacon:

“The United States and the Taliban have been engaged in extensive talks to facilitate a political settlement to end the war in Afghanistan, reduce United States and Allied Forces presence, and ensure that no terrorist group ever uses Afghan soil to threaten the United States or our allies,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said early Friday in a statement.The agreement, being referred to officially as a “reduction in violence” accord, will pave the way for the Trump administration and the Taliban to engage in peace talks that could see most American forces finally exit the country. The first prong of this agreement will go into effect later tonight, U.S. officials said.”In recent weeks, in consultation with the Government of National Unity, U.S. negotiators in Doha have come to an understanding with the Taliban on a significant and nationwide reduction in violence across Afghanistan,” Pompeo said.”Upon a successful implementation of this understanding, signing of the U.S.-Taliban agreement is expected to move forward. We are preparing for the signing to take place on February 29,” according to the secretary of state. “Intra-Afghan negotiations will start soon thereafter, and will build on this fundamental step to deliver a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire and the future political roadmap for Afghanistan. The only way to achieve a sustainable peace in Afghanistan is for Afghans to come together and agree on the way forward.””Challenges remain, but the progress made in Doha provides hope and represents a real opportunity,” Pompeo said. “The United States calls on all Afghans to seize this moment.”

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said that “both parties will now create a ‘suitable security situation’ ahead of signing a final accord ‘in the presence of international observers on Feb. 29.'”

One U.S. official told The Wall Street Journal that the government decided not to call the agreement a cease-fire. The official could not provide specifications on how the government would measure “compliance with a reduction in violence.”

The agreement faces challenges “from political developments in Afghanistan.” Some politicians have challenged President Ashraf Ghani’s win in September. Afghanistan’s election commission confirmed this week that Ghani did win in September.

Tags: Afghanistan, Mike Pompeo, Taliban, Trump Foreign Policy