Susan Collins Will Vote to Acquit Trump on Both Articles of Impeachment
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Susan Collins Will Vote to Acquit Trump on Both Articles of Impeachment

Susan Collins Will Vote to Acquit Trump on Both Articles of Impeachment

“The House did little to support its assertion in Article One that the president will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office.”

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) just announced that she will vote to acquit President Donald Trump on both articles of impeachment.


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Wow. I am surprised. Good for her.
OK Romney – your move.

    dystopia in reply to B Buchanan. | February 4, 2020 at 6:45 pm

    The question for Ms. Mighty Mittens is will she become the first Senator to vote to convict a President from her own Party in the history of this Republic. Vote to convict on obviously Trumped up charges.

    (I am taking advantage of the lefts gender fluidity principles here. It’s something I am sure Mittens will agree with). I just identify Romney as female along with Collins and Murkowski.

    practicalconservative in reply to B Buchanan. | February 4, 2020 at 6:48 pm

    Collins, with her Kavanaugh vote has shown the ability to take a principled stand on occasion.

    Now Mittens Romney is another question. He is in John Kascich, Bill Kristol, Jeff the Flake land.

      She’s taking squish votes to appease her divided base. The witness vote was to appease the center lefties. The acquittal vote is to appease the center righties.

By my count there’s now 52 for Acquittal, 44 for conviction, 4 unknown. Could be acquittal, conviction, or present.

Doug Jones
Joe Manchin
Mitt Romney

So Collins fell off the fence on the Right side. Good for her. Now Mitt, hike up your dress and walk up the steps to join her.

I’m looking forward to the mini-series.

bet our local paper, bangor daily news, is blowing up right now.
not gonna log in to check.

Collins has resting bitch face. Well, not just resting, either.

I’m willing to cut Collins a bit of slack, as she legitimately is probably the best we can get in that state.

Pieces of crap like Murkowski and Romney need to go, though. They get NO slack.

There is NO reason we need whiny RINOs in deep red states, especially when they beg the establishment GOP for help defeating primary opponents.

She’s a coward. Trump did nothing at all wrong. He’s just doing his job, investigating the 2016 hoax infestation. He bypassed the deep state channels because he has to or he can’t investigate at all.

Does nobody love the truth and accurate analysis more than their job anymore. Getting reelected is not a reason to fold.

Comanche Voter | February 4, 2020 at 5:02 pm

I don’t think Susan Collins is a coward. She takes positions that her constituents might not like; those same positions antagonize the powers that be amongst the Donks and they dump a ton of money into Maine trying to get of her.

I’m not saying that she has “glands” that clang when she walks, but she’s got a pair.

She stands up and says why she thinks what she thinks. She treats her audience, whatever it is, like an adult. I respect that.

Part of the House Impeachment Team’s failure in the Senate was a lot of juvenile name calling and smoke blowing. It’s the sort of arguments you get while listening to candidates for the position of Jr. Class President in high school.

If the glove don’t fit you must acquit.

Am I missing something here? What about Article 2?

Lucifer Morningstar | February 4, 2020 at 6:52 pm

The House did little to support its assertion in Article One that the president will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office.

But Pres. Trump has never been a threat to national security or the Constitution. So how could he “remain a threat” if he never was a threat to begin with.

It’s only rational.

Collins and Murkowski both…
If there are no Republicans to hold hostage, they have no power at all.

“…the president will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office.”

D’s are trying to impeach Trump for crimes they think he might commit in the future.