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Student Op-Ed at U. Texas Austin Calls for Free Tampons in Campus Men’s Rooms

Student Op-Ed at U. Texas Austin Calls for Free Tampons in Campus Men’s Rooms

“Student activists have already been making strides in promoting menstrual equity.”

Progressives are all about science, except when it applies to the biology of gender.

The College Fix reports:

Student op-ed urges tampons in men’s campus restrooms

A student writer at the University of Texas at Austin recently argued in the campus newspaper that the school should install free tampon dispensers in men’s restrooms on campus, claiming that men are also capable of menstruating.

“Menstrual products need to be two things: accessible to those who want them and free for those who can’t afford them,” writes Abby Springs in The Daily Texan. To that end, she argues, the school “should provide free menstrual products in men’s bathrooms in buildings without gender-neutral facilities.”

Springs’ claim is based on the contention that a woman who “identifies” as a man thus qualifies as one, leading to her claim that “transgender men may menstruate.” This belief has led numerous schools such as Oregon State University and the University of Arkansas to install tampons in men’s rooms.

As Springs notes, activists at UT-Austin have been busy attempting to get menstrual products into men’s rooms on their campus, as well:

Student activists have already been making strides in promoting menstrual equity. Last fall, a joint resolution passed by Student Government, the Senate of College Councils and the Graduate Student Assembly called on UT to include free tampons and pads in all women’s and gender-neutral bathrooms.

“Menstrual equity is just our way of trying to provide resources to all people, regardless of if they can afford it,” said Alexzandra Roman, government and women’s and gender studies sophomore and co-director of the Women’s Resource Agency. “The University does not necessarily know who is menstruating or who might need certain resources or what economic backgrounds we’re coming from.”


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The Friendly Grizzly | February 1, 2020 at 2:22 pm

I’d expect this sort of thing in the UC system, or UMass. But TEXAS? I know it’s Austin, but… TEXAS?

I think it’s a great idea. Tampons make a great substitute for cotton balls. Who wouldn’t want free cotton balls?

When administrators make stupid decisions, you should take advantage of their stupidity. That’s why I don’t fault Pocahontas Warren for claiming to be Native American. Harvard was being racist, and she took advantage of their stupidity. Besides, she was born in Oklahoma, which is in America, so she really is a native American.

I hope these colleges will include free sanitary napkins. They are the best absorbent for cleaning up spilled oil in the garage. They also make great bandages for use in first aid kits. Who wouldn’t want to take advantage of free grease rags?

Meanwhile the tampon dispenser in the ladies room charges 75 cents.

Good for penetrating wounds. I keep a couple of generic hospital-grade pads in my mountaineering first aid kit.

Toxic Masculinity Shock?

How many urinals are in the “ladies'”?

Is this a trick by some A&M students?