Ohio Secretary of State Urges Kent State to Drop Jane Fonda as Speaker for Event

Kent State is set to pay Jane Fonda over $80,000 to speak at the 50th commemoration of the Kent State shooting. Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose feels Fonda is an inappropriate choice due to her controversial activism during the Vietnam War.

WKYC News reports:

Ohio Secretary of State urges Kent State University to cancel Jane Fonda eventOhio Secretary of State Frank LaRose has taken to social media to urge Kent State University to rescind its invitation to actress Jane Fonda to speak at the upcoming 50th Commemoration of the May 4, 1970 shooting.In a Facebook post written on Sunday, LaRose wrote: “The 50th anniversary of one of Ohio’s darkest days has the potential to serve as a moment of unity, understanding & healing in a nation that is deeply divided. However, Kent State’s decision to pay Jane Fonda $83,000 to speak at their commemoration event does the very opposite.”Fonda, a two-time Academy Award winner, will speak about her life in social activism and reflect on the history and legacy of the events of May 4, 1970, when members of the Ohio national guard opened fire on students protesting the Vietnam War. Four students were killed and nine others were wounded.”I served 10 years in the US Army, and eight years in the Ohio Senate before becoming Secretary of State. I certainly understand that people disagree on policy issues, especially matters of war — and that’s ok. What’s not ok is providing aid and comfort to the enemy and willfully serving as a propaganda tool for those engaged in hostilities against the United States. And Ms. Fonda did that – the very definition of treason,” LaRose wrote.LaRose is referencing Fonda’s controversial trip to North Vietnam in 1972 when she was photographed on top of an anti-aircraft gun. More recently, Fonda expressed regret over the photo during a news conference to discuss her HBO documentary in 2018, The Associated Press reported.

Tags: College Insurrection, History