Trump Takes Victory Lap at White House Event

President Donald Trump said he “went through hell” during the entire impeachment process, which began last fall.

The Senate acquitted Trump on two charges: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) voted yes on the first charge, but the final vote was 52-48.

The Senate voted on party lines on the second charge, 53-47.

Trump simply held up The Washington Post with the headling “Trump Acquitted.”

Trump reminded the world that the Democrats have openly targeted him before his 2017 inauguration.

From Fox News:

Greeted by thunderous applause and a standing ovation by his supporters, the president declared “we went through hell” but described the moment as a “celebration” — while maintaining as he did throughout the impeachment inquiry and trial that he “did nothing wrong.”And on a day when he and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi were trading shots in deeply personal terms, Trump turned fire on those who prosecuted the case and other investigations against him. He called Pelosi and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff “horrible” and “vicious” people.“It was evil. It was corrupt. It was dirty cops. It was leakers and liars. This should never, ever happen to another president, ever,” Trump said. “It was a disgrace.”He detailed the timeline of investigations, remarking of the Russia probe: “It was all bulls—.”As he did earlier Thursday at a prayer breakfast, Trump brandished a copy of Thursday’s Washington Post with a blaring headline: “Trump acquitted.”

Trump joked that he may frame The Washington Post paper with the headline because it’s the “only good headline” the paper has ever given him.

Would it shock anyone if he did frame it? I bet he does. I think he should!

Tags: Trump Impeachment, Trump Speech