Law Students at U. Washington Complain School’s Diversity Initiatives Not Enough
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Law Students at U. Washington Complain School’s Diversity Initiatives Not Enough

Law Students at U. Washington Complain School’s Diversity Initiatives Not Enough

“more diverse student body, faculty, and core curriculum”

For the left, this is more important than the subject being studied. Also note that the main demand is control over hiring.

The College Fix reports:

U. Washington law students complain school’s diversity initiatives are ‘not enough’

Students at the University of Washington School of Law are not satisfied with diversity initiatives established by the university, and they “continue to clash” with the dean about it.

According to The Daily, protesters, garbed in black clothing with tape over their mouths featuring the word “SILENCED” on it, demonstrated in a law seminar to demand what by now is the usual: a “more diverse student body, faculty, and core curriculum.”

Ironically, the site of demonstration, the “Introduction to Perspectives on the Law” class, is where students learn about “the relationship between race, class, gender, sexuality, and the law.”

Specifically, the student activists want “a stronger student voice in hiring,” more professors of color, and — uh oh — critical race theory training.

A few weeks after the in-class demonstration, a Daily newsstand was defaced with the message “WHITE LIVES MATTER MORE THAN ‘ANTI-RACISM.’ TRUST NO NEGRO.” The Black Law Students Association took to Facebook to note that “regardless of whether or not this act of violence was perpetrated by a law student, it is imperative that UW Law investigate the origin of this message and respond publicly to reassure students that this behavior is unacceptable” (emphasis added).

For some unknown reason, in this age of smartphone-originated instant news and social media postings, there is no photo of this “act of violence.”


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This shows that discussion of these issues is not a good idea and just raises emotions. Everyone’s entitled to their opinions, everyone must be treated with respect, and that’s all we have to say about race.

The Friendly Grizzly | March 1, 2020 at 9:22 am

I have an idea. A school chock full of diversity, and a separate school for whites and Asians.