Female Students File Lawsuit Over Rules That Allow Biological Males to Compete in Women’s Sports

If biological males who live as women win every competition, what is the point of women’s sports?

Tyler O’Neil reports at PJ Media:

Female Athletes File Title IX Lawsuit to Reverse Unfair Trans RulesOn Wednesday, three high school girls and their mothers filed a Title IX lawsuit against the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC), challenging the rules that allow biological males to compete in women’s high school sports. The lawsuit alleges that CIAC and other education officials violated Title IX of the Civil Rights Act by discriminating against girls and failing to provide effective accommodation to allow girls to compete on a level playing field.High school senior Chelsea Mitchell, the fastest biological girl in Connecticut who has nonetheless lost four state championships to male competitors who identified as female, told PJ Media what it feels like to train as hard as she can without hope of ever emerging victorious. She joined the lawsuit in order to secure a fair playing field for girls to compete.”It’s very unfair for me and the other girls to race against biological males. It has inspired me and the other girls to stand up and fight for our right to compete and to have a fair competition,” Mitchell said. She went on to describe the experience of competing against males in women’s sports.”Lining up against them is very intimidating. It’s also frustrating and disheartening to know that they had an unfair advantage against me,” the track star confided. “I’ve really felt defeated. There really isn’t much more I can do than just run my race every time. Every race I’ve ever run against the biological males, I’ve lost. It’s definitely very defeating. It makes you wonder why you’re continuing to run.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Connecticut, Transgender