Dickinson College Students Occupy Campus Building Demanding Change to Sexual Assault Policy

This was reportedly sparked by one student who alleges she was assaulted but says she was too intimidated to go to the police.

CBS News 21 reports:

Dickinson College students hold sit-in, demanding reform of sexual assault policiesOn Monday, more than 250 students at Dickinson College held a sit-in, demanding the institution reform its process of investigating complaints of sexual assault.Students said they will continue to occupy the Holland Union building until real change takes place.The spotlight on the issue of sexual assault comes after a student penned her own personal tragedy in the student paper, The Dickinsonian, and said there was a gross mishandling of her case.Rose McAvoy will never forget October 30, 2017.It’s the day she says she was sexually assaulted.“He was a friend of mine,” McAvoy said. “He always talked about being a feminist, things like that. Immediately after it happened, I left, and I was just sobbing.”McAvoy said it happened on campus in Allison Hall. Intimidated by the thought of going to police, and trusting the faculty at Dickinson College, she chose to disclose to her school.That process, too, was a grueling experience.“It was really hard,” McAvoy said. “I was incredibly depressed. It was awful. I barely stayed enrolled here, and now I’m hear for my fifth year because I have to make up all the credits that I lost.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Pennsylvania