Dem Impeachment Managers Deny Reality in CNN Therapy Session

When it comes to Trump’s acquittal, many Democrats are still in the denial phase of the Kübler-Ross stages of grief. Particularly the impeachment managers, who recently sat for an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

The poor dears tried so hard to convince themselves that they didn’t lose.

Bronson Stocking of Townhall has details:

Impeachment Managers Hold Group Therapy Session on CNNAll the managers seemed to be in agreement that the president was “not exonerated” by the Senate. In the president’s defense, it’s hard to exonerate someone of a crime when there was never any specific crime being alleged. The managers also lamented the fact that additional evidence and witnesses – but not the Bidens or any requested by Republicans – were not called forward by the Senate.Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) said House Democrats had debated the idea of impeaching the president in the first place, knowing in advance that the Republican majority would not easily be swooned to remove their own president from office.”But we had to do it,” Nadler explained to CNN’s Anderson Cooper, “because we had to set markers. You had to say, ‘you can’t normalize this conduct. This kind of thing this president has done can’t be done by him or by future presidents. You had to vindicate the Constitution.'”Democrats had to send the message to the president: the Biden family is off-limits.”I actually thought it was possible to convict,” Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA ) admitted, “because our evidence was so strong and the activity engaged in was so wrong.”

Even Anderson Cooper wonders aloud if this backfired on them, considering Trump’s improving poll numbers, particularly among independents. Watch the segment below:

Of course, impeachment backfired on Democrats in more ways than one. Trump and the RNC are riding it all the way to the bank.

Marisa Schultz reports at FOX News:

Trump, RNC cash in on impeachment, raising $117M more in fundsThe Democrats’ impeachment saga not only ended Wednesday with a double acquittal but a $100 million windfall for President Trump’s reelection campaign efforts, the Republican National Committee (RNC) revealed Saturday.The RNC, Trump’s campaign and their joint fundraising committee have raked in $117 million in online donations since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the impeachment inquiry on Sept. 24, 2019, thanks to an influx of new small-dollar donors who wanted to stand by the president.”We’ve seen through our record-breaking fundraising that the Democrat’s bogus impeachment galvanized President Trump’s supporters across the country to contribute financially to his re-election efforts,” RNC spokesman Steve Guest said.

Last word goes to GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel:

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: CNN, Democrats, Trump Impeachment