Campus ‘Undoing Racism’ Workshop Tells Participants That All White People Are Racist
“Racism is thinking you are being progressive by allowing a Black child into your predominantly white school”
What a unifying message. By the way, this didn’t happen at one school. This is a traveling workshop.
The College Fix reports:
At ‘Undoing Racism’ workshop, participants told ‘all white people are racist’
The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond’s “Undoing Racism” workshop, hosted on various college campuses and other community locations across the nation, works to end systemic racism and institutional oppression.
One way it apparently does that is by telling attendees “all white people are racist.”
An op-ed in Vassar College’s student newspaper states that during an Undoing Racism workshop there during the fall 2019 semester, instructors made that statement.
“We looked into each other’s souls as we discussed hardships and shared truths. For some spotting racism is easy, while for others it comes to light that racism is not always this blatant use of the n-word or making someone sit in the back of the bus. It’s oppression. It’s a lack of opportunities. Racism is thinking you are being progressive by allowing a Black child into your predominantly white school, but not wanting your white child to attend a predominantly Black school,” wrote student Tiffany Trumble, who attended the event.
“Interestingly, the instructors did not focus on the possibility of dismantling race in an attempt to establish equality. PISAB defines racism as ‘racial prejudice + power.’ With this in mind, there were no interjections when the instructors stated, ‘All white people are racist.’ Sitting in this imperfect circle, each participant motionless in their seats, the words reverberate around the room. Can this controversial statement initiate the beginning of change?”
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the instructors stated, ‘All white people are racist.’
Sounds like a racist statement to me.
Even Wikipedia says:
“Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance, and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another.”
Of course, my pointing this out is obviously racist of me.
Now don’t get me wrong. I believe that racism is real. I believe that as a white person I can’t fully understand the experiences of people of color in a predominately white culture, nor appreciate the impact of centuries of history of oppression.
But, to pronounce an immutable physical trait as inextricably linked to a social and cultural evil is to declare an enemy them an eternal enemy rather than people capable of learning and growing.
All people have unique challenges and struggles. Are they different? Yes. But we are all living better than any of us were just decades ago. I’m tired of the crying and different groups trying to carve out a “my suffering is special” niche as a club to use against others.
Get over it and do what you need to do to raise yourself up. We all have to do it in the lower and middle classes.
And the corollary to this formulation is, “Non-white people can not be racist.” A lie, as anyone with any real-world experience regretfully yet inevitably must come to realize: none of us is pure, and all have some degree of power.
But, who needs to think when you’ve got dogma? The real re-definition here is “education,” which is being re-defined as “what to think” and never how to think; from accepting Revealed Truth (no matter how unbelievable) and suppressing/rejecting any pretense to be searching for truth. Why search for truth when you already possess it?
It is PoMo theory made manifest: since all discourse is merely expression of power, we prove we are right by defining what is true. And by making you acknowledge (even, if necessary, by your silence) our truth.
PISAB defines racism as ‘racial prejudice + power.’ …there were no interjections when the instructors stated, ‘All white people are racist.’ Sitting in this imperfect circle, each participant motionless in their seats, the words reverberate around the room.
And who’s got the power now, crackers?
Oh, yes indeed. I’m white, and I have all that power to be told I am being passed over because there is a quota to fill. All that power to see a big chunk of my income taken to feed, shelter, and medicate the lazy and entitled. Et cetera.
I do. As I get up out of my seat, gather my belongings, and walk out the door.
And this is why black people in general hate Ben Carson. According to their theories and operating methods, he should not exist, and yet, there he is. He was lucky to have not been shot in the back as he was escaping the ghetto.
When someone insults you and lies to your face, sometimes the best option is to punch them in the mouth.