UK Parliament Passes EU Withdrawal Bill, Paving Way for Brexit on January 31
PM Boris Johnson: “At times it felt like we would never cross the Brexit finish line, but we’ve done it.”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal is set to become law after both houses of parliament approved the EU Withdrawal Agreement on Wednesday.
The bill was cleared 342 to 254 in the Lower House after legislators rejected all amendments suggested by the House of Lords, including guarantees for accepting minor migrants from the continent.
Wednesday’s vote paves the way for the UK to leave the EU on 31 January, awaiting formal permission from Her Majesty The Queen.
“At times it felt like we would never cross the Brexit finish line, but we’ve done it,” Prime Minister Johnson declared following the vote.
The UK newspaper Telegraph reported the passing of the bill:
Boris Johnson promised a “bright, exciting future” after history was made with the passing of his Brexit Bill by both houses of Parliament on Wednesday night.
The Withdrawal Agreement Bill will become law when it receives royal assent, confirming Britain’s exit from the EU on Jan 31.
The Prime Minister said: “At times, it felt like we would never cross the Brexit finish line, but we’ve done it.” Having cleared Parliament, the new law will have to be ratified by the European Parliament in a vote that will take place on Jan 29, thought a formality.
The Bill cleared its final Parliamentary hurdle at 6.17 pm when the House of Lords bowed to the will of the Commons, which had overturned every amendment by peers this week.
Three years after a referendum over the country’s membership in the EU, the UK will leave the 27 member bloc in a week. The country was due to leave the EU on March 29, 2019, as proposed by the then-Prime Minister Theresa May. Still, her plans were repeatedly rejected by an overwhelmingly pro-EU parliament, which included several lawmakers of her own party.
May’s failure to see through the Brexit led to her resignation in July last year. Boris Johnson replaced her as the prime minister and called a snap election in December. The Johnson-led Conservative Party won a majority of 80 seats in the Lower House, reducing the pro-EU Conservative, Liberal, and Labour lawmakers to a minority.
While the EU has agreed to Britain leaving the bloc, news reports suggest that Brussels intends to punish its leading trading partner and Europe’s second-largest economy.
“EU preparing to give UK worse trade deal terms than Canada or Japan,” The Telegraph reported on Monday.
Brussels is planning to hit Britain where it hurts the most. The European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, has drawn up a hit list to target the British financial sector for defying the EU to dictate regulations following the Brexit.
“Commission officials told European Union diplomats they had identified 40 different types of financial services that could be frozen out of the EU’s market at a meeting in Brussels earlier this week,” The Telegraph disclosed in a separate report.
The EU’s wrath has been intensified by the British government’s refusal to align itself to the EU laws after January 31. The EU Withdrawal Bill “paves the way for a new agreement on our future relationship with our European neighbors based on an ambitious free trade agreement … with no alignment on EU rules, but instead control of our own laws.” Johnson said last month after resoundingly winning the general election fought on those lines.
[Cover image via YouTube]

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Who’s the facepalmer on the left? LOL
From the sour faces in that section, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the remoaner ghetto.
The facepalmer is the best, though, because he’s like “let me get up front so I can show everyone that I don’t want to be here”
It’s hilarious in its shameless showmanship.
The Remoanes will have a lot more to face-plant about along wit the evil EU. If the evil EU thinks they can punish the UK, it will boomerang on them even more, as it is already.
“More than 1,000 European financial firms to open UK offices after Brexit”
Brexit was a victory of the little people.. The Corporate Globalists who oppose Brexit want to be in charge..
The corporate globalists (and socialists) who oppose Brexit are in charge. They own the British political establishment of both major parties, and most minor ones. The little people may have voted to leave the EU, but they’re not going to get it from the present lot of politicians (except in name).
The people who control the Conservative Party and the government intend to keep Britain attached to the EU, and what’s happening now is much more pretending to leave than leaving. Boris’s agreement with the EU is substantially the same thing as May’s agreement that was denounced as staying in the EU on a slightly different basis, and without formal membership. It’s been rewritten to look different and sound different, but produces a similar result by another route. This may be a bit of a start on leaving, but if Britain is ever to be free of EU control, some future government will have to reject all that’s been agreed, and just go its own way.
Looks like soon the Brits will be able to advertise bottled water as something that can prevent dehydration without having to deal with the insanity of the EU.
The EU destroyed/ruined the French fragrance industry.
I think because the 4th German Reich wanted to sell more chemicals.
“EU preparing to give UK worse trade deal terms than Canada or Japan,” The Telegraph reported on Monday.
Good luck with that. The UK is in a stronger negotiating position with the world than the EU is with anybody, even members within the EU. Plus the UK is now aligned with the US.
So now that the 2nd biggest economy in the EU is now aligned with the strongest (by far) economy in the world, who is the EU aligning with? China? Russia? A couple of days ago, Trump told Merkel to pound sand when she asked him what we plan to do about Crimea. “That’s you’re problem. What are YOU planning to do?” Yeah, reality sucks when you’re standing in quicksand holding a gushing fire hose.
RE: “….standing in quicksand holding a gushing fire hose….”
So, the EU will give better trade deals to Canada than to Britain. Hmmm…. I wonder if they know that Canada is still part of Great Britain? Be great if the Queen found a way to dunk that trade deal.
(Yeah, I know, they’re pretty much autonomous. Would still be fun to watch EU flounder with that.)
Canada is a sovereign nation. It’s still part of the Commonwealth, and Elizabeth II is still its queen, but it’s not “part” of Great Britain or the UK.
That said, it’s obviously punitive that the EU wants to give the UK a worse deal as an apostate than Canada, which was never subject to the Eurocrats.
OK. I’m murky on the distinction between “Great Britain” and the “Commonwealth”.
Commonwealth nations share a monarch, but are otherwise independant of each other. Some treaties give them a closer relationship, but they should be regarded as separate countries for all intents and purposes.
Using the phrase “should be regarded as separate countries for all intents and purposes ” starts to imply that in the background there is some fundamental connection or control by the UK. This is incorrect. Canada is a separate country. Examine the constitutional debates the repatriation of the constitution acts, the Quebec issues ad nauseum, and there is absolutely no doubt that Canada is a completely independent country. It is still a member of the Commonwealth (from its history), as it is a member of NATO and the UN etc. The formal head of the Canada (figure head and ceremonial role mostly) happens also to be the Queen of England (holding the title of Queen of Canada). Just because Lizzie has two queenships doesn’t mean that one country is subordinate to the other.
Great Britain is an island containing England, Wales, and Scotland. The United Kingdom is a nation containing England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. It is one country.
The Commonwealth of Nations is just an English-speaking version of the United Nations. The Queen is the head of the Commonwealth; that doesn’t make her queen of all its members. Contra UnCivilServant, most of its members are republics.
Great Britain is the largest of the British Isles. It’s not a country or a nation or a state, just an island.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a state that is a union of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.
Canada is an independent monarchy which is not in any way affiliated with the UK. Its queen, though, happens also to be queen of the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and a bunch of other countries.
If King George III would have been smarter and sided with the Colonies against Parliament he could have prevented the Revolutionary War.
Turnabout is fair play. The Brits could give the US a much better trade/finance deal than they give the EU. The US could give the Brits a great deal that is more favorable than what we have with the EU. See how that works out over the next decade or so.
The US shouldn’t give the EU a cold shoulder, of course, but we can certainly work with the Brits, who appear to like us a heck of a lot more than the French, Germans and Belgians do.
why shouldn’t we give the EU the cold shoulder? at least until they stop behaving like tyrants.
We could bring the German car companies to their knees with just a small change in the tax codes regarding leases on “company” vehicles.
Not at al hard to like us more than the French. Once upon a time the Germans liked us, haven’t kept up to know how they stand today, though obviously the significant Muslim minority probably wouldn’t be called friends. Belgium doesn’t matter, they can’t sort out their own problems stemming from the Fleming/Walloon major cultural and language differences. Wonder if Brexit success will further the Fleming’s wish to separate Belgium into two countries (the Flemings believe they are supporting the Walloons).
Absent are any details whatever.
What might be the definition of Brexit today, I wonder.
The Queen has already granted Royal Assent [she was always pro-Brexit], and now Great Britain is ready to begin it’s own ascent.
I wonder how many will now follow. EU bureaucrats must be quaking at the prospects that their gravy train may be ending.
Doubling down is only a good strategy if it works eventually. So…
EU — You can’t leave.
Perficious Albion — Lookie at this vote here.
EU — You can’t get a decent exit agreement.
PA — OK, we’ll take a non-decent agreement; anything’s better than this crap.
EU — Fine, you shall be punished.
PA — Hold my beer n watch this.
*If* the EU throws everything at them n they still get out and prosper, the threats to everyone else look that much weaker, and there’s now a road map.
They wanna leave? OK, punish them any way we can. Well, now we know what that standing EU army would be for.
BTW, if they’re kept in by occupation, it’s called an empire (not a union). Our European friends have some experience with such things, so you’d think they’d get what this is.
Wasn’t it last year the Germans had military practice but had to use wooden sticks for guns – because they had almost no real guns….
Standing EU army: for when occpuation by bureaucrats isn’t cutting it any more.
Are the Brits paying the many billions in fees to Brussels that were in May’s deal??
Let’s hope not.
The EU has stolen enough from the UK.
Yes. I’m not sure exactly how large the fee is, and whether it’s any smaller than the one May agreed to. But it’s definitely large, and the UK will be paying it.
Has the NCAA approved the deal yet? I know that movement within that world is slightly more complex, and expensive than Brexit. I wonder how long until someone in the UK goes “oh, that is what the colonies were talking about in 1776. Now we get it.”
It’s almost like the House of Lords can’t be bothered to hide their plans for demographic replacement of the British People.