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UCLA Student Government Cannot Account for $3 Million

UCLA Student Government Cannot Account for $3 Million

A government that cannot account for money? I am shocked!

All levels of government cannot properly handle money! From The College Fix:

At the University of California, Los Angeles, nearly three million dollars in student fees used by two major student government organizations has gone unaccounted for in public records.

About $9 million in yearly student fees goes to UCLA’s Undergraduate Students Association Council, divided among various organizations and programs. The Daily Bruin reported earlier this month that $2.7 million divided between the Campus Retention Committee and the Student Initiated Outreach Committee has essentially gone missing, with no records to indicate what that money was used for. That represents roughly 30 percent of the total student government budget.

The retention committee oversees initiatives, projects, and services within the Student Retention Center to aid undergraduates with social and cultural transitions as well as academic problems. The outreach committee, meanwhile, works to “empower [students] to take their academic and life goals into their own hands.” Initiatives promoted by that committee include American Indian Recruitment, Pacific Islander Education and Retention, and Students Heightening Academic Performance Through Education.

Currently, each UCLA undergraduate is paying about $262 per year to fund the student government.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


In CA? It was probably diverted to an “undocumented citizen” [aka illegal alien] scholarship fund … or some “dreamer award”.

$2.7 million . . . has essentially gone missing . . .

The outreach committee . . . works to “empower [students] to take their academic and life goals into their own hands.”

Sounds like that’s exactly what somebody did.

So virtue signalling costs each undergrad $85/yr. I have a feeling that the Outreach Committee throws itself a large number of student funded private parties each year.

Sounds like the Student retention Center is something easily not missed were it to disappear suddenly.

i guess they don’t have many accounting majors in student government

If they can’t account for it, assume they embezzled it and place all of them under criminal investigation. It won’t happen though, governments are strangely incurious about such things.

I similarly assume that most of the missing money at the State Department went into Hilary’s pockets. The now not-so-secret Iran deal that Obama did would have been an easy opportunity for him to line his pockets as well.

Maybe it has become part of 0bama’s “stash”?